Catch Some Heat Rays ~ “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” ~~Music Theme

Ahhh this Music Theme selection process was nearly derailed twice. First by the film Sunshine and then by the ever delightful Doctor Who. Yep, I almost gave up all control and followed my slacker heart straight to full video view-ville. Making blog posts is a funny job and someone has got to do this one–moi.


Doctor Who 42  [As in 42 minutes to keep a spaceship from going straight into the center of the sun.]~ scene 14. There were several scenes I could have posted with exciting music, but I decided on this one because of what The Doctor learns and the rest of us ought to consider every time we take that great big sun in the sky for granted.



When There Is No Sun  ~ Sun Ra ~ And if there’s no sun what do you do?  Tough to grow your veggies for sure. Nothing for all those methane producing cattle to chew on either.



Sunshine ~ music by John Murphy ~ Adagio in D minor~ Surface of the Sun ~ Sunshine is a film about an effort to save the sun in order to save life on Earth.


Sunshine end scene ~


Arrow To The Sun ~  book by Gerald McDermott ~music by Thomas Wagner.  A very interesting children’s book.  My, my the sun does get around.

islandcrimes·  ~


Divine Sun ~ Deep Creative Meditation #28 ~ The visuals are best at full screen. Sit back, relax and explore. What you explore is totally up to you.


Sun Ship  ~  Szipson, Polish Jazz vol. 61,  Follow Us  — Because I like it.  Jazz. Sun. Ship. I’m happy.



Bear wants funny sunny. So:

Lemon Sun ~ Touch the Lightning 


Hey,  this fun works a lot! For moi. How about you, Bear?

Oh yeah, there’s more where that came from..hehehehehe. Johnny, are we derailed yet?



More Sun Trippers:














  1. Deborah said,

    January 21, 2014 at 2:36 am

    What a feast! My favorites? Adagio in D minor~ Surface of the Sun; Divine Sun ~ Deep Creative Meditation #28, and Arrow to the Sun. I love the artwork in that book! Sorry I’m not more eloquent at the moment, but I wanted to at least let you know I finally got to this post, and that it’s been a real delight, as always. Thanks, Eva! 🙂

    • January 27, 2014 at 7:19 pm

      Hey Deborah, you’re quite eloquent enough. Glad you found so much to your liking. Thanks for digging around.Merci.

  2. December 5, 2013 at 8:20 pm

    • January 27, 2014 at 7:20 pm

      Oh Bear, you’re just full of hot surprises laced with “acid”. LOL. Thanks. 🙂

  3. December 5, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    Lemon Sun? UK? That understated British humor? …. There really is no escape when even the pictures on the wall conspire …. the sky is falling, indeed. Poor fellow.

    • December 4, 2013 at 7:12 pm

      Yep, I’ve got them all now, Bear. I was fading fast after posting early this morning so I confess to waiting for your links page to post. Thank you so much.

  4. Johnny Ojanpera said,

    December 4, 2013 at 4:33 pm

    You win. This is all new to me. I’m sorry you had such a difficult time with my theme. Don’t feel bad though; I live in a state of derailment. ; )

    • December 4, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      Derailment as in perpetual detours, Johnny?
      I think I’m going to give into the temptation of watching Sunshine very soon. I saw it on the big screen because my son was hot to view it. I have so learned to trust his movie choices: A Prophet, 28 Days Later, Sunshine, The Host (the Korean monster flick) et al. He has yet to pick a ‘fail’ film. The Prophet was a real winner deluxe. We had an entire movie theater to ourselves while everyone else was crowded in another watching the first The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo–which is not a shabby film at all. But when we went to see The Girl, we knew we’d scored big time with The Prophet, which is not a good film but a GREAT film. So when son says, “Let’s go see ___.” I’m all for it. I do recommend Sunshine because, in spite of its flaws, it is quite a wonderful film with great music by John Murphy.

      I win? What do I win? Don’t tell me it’s the prize in a box/bag of Cracker Jack. Please NOT that! I

      • Johnny Ojanpera said,

        December 4, 2013 at 7:29 pm

        Eva, don’t ask me questions like that. You know what’s up in that respect, but yes, perpetual. ; )

        Depending on who you ask, I am a terrible judge of movies. Good you have a person who knows what’s up. The Prophet is a great movie.

        You just win. No cracker jacks, crackers, water; just a win. I’ll look into prizes though.

      • December 4, 2013 at 9:20 pm

        Oh I had other sorts of derailed in mind–like a puppy in the woods for the first time gets a whiff of everything there is to discover and goes crazy running from one thing to another.

        See, you know The Prophet is a great film so your judgement can’t be all bad. Having “god” on the lookout for great new films is a plus.

        Hey all the good music I’m listening to is plenty prize enough–pieces new, forgotten and overlooked. I’ve got plenty of crackers here–and a wise-cracker too, come to think of it. 🙂

        Good theme choice, Johnny. There’s a lot of diversity among us–and I LIKE it!

  5. December 4, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    Love the Dr Who clip!

    • December 4, 2013 at 6:59 pm

      Me 2! 🙂 I knew there had to be WHO with controls and sun somewhere in the Time Lord’s infinity.

  6. December 4, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Where’s the funny stuff? Except maybe Sun Ra. ;-0 I hunted and hunted for a Ra link I liked…. this is pretty close. 🙂
    Sunshine —Wow! DS I and DS IV were Dr Who the fans at my house, and the little book is familiar … and Sun Ship. 🙂 Creative med — hmmm
    Oops the Bear link goes to REVOLUTIONS
    Music Themes: INTO THE HEART OF THE SUN —- —————————————————————–
    Ore here is the home page so you don’t have to keep updating: 🙂

    • December 4, 2013 at 6:57 pm

      Oh you WANT funny? Okay, Bear. Careful what you ask for. Thanks for the link page. When I posted only you were ‘up’. And I have slept in big time today. I think it’s because the temperature dropped like 30 degrees and it’s FOGGY bottoms here today so far.

  7. willowdot21 said,

    December 4, 2013 at 10:30 am

    This is so wonderful, I mean full of wonder. If I had to pick I would say Sunshine by John Murphy blue me away! Thank you eva thank you!!

  8. December 4, 2013 at 10:27 am

    […] Bear    Deborah    D.S. Nelson… […]

  9. December 4, 2013 at 8:30 am

    Fab! Almost felt like Summer for a minute ;o)

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