Breasts: boys’ toys or best baby food ever?

Have you had your silicon implant fix today? Hmm?

This is a miss-take on the old sensual Saturday music themes of old. If this breast talk offends anyone I’m not apologizing because, after all, breasts have been around as long as humans in any variety. Without them Homo sapiens wouldn’t be here. Newsflash– baby formula is a profit motivated industry and boy oh boy, have modern folks bought into it big time.  In the OLD days, if a mother couldn’t feed her baby for some reason, then a wet-nurse was found to provide sustenance. Yes, other women fed the babies of other mothers. Imagine that.

* Now consider what this is all about:

Is that sexy or what? Hmm? I’m still waiting for the male underwear model version of this to hit prime time television.  Anyone got any information on THAT? What?!


Hmmm, just another profit driven industry?


Is all this breast business really all only sexual attraction?

Medical reconstructive surgery for breast cancer patients aside, of course.

Ironically, sex, not the stork,  is the means for procreation. Shhhh, don’t tell the people who don’t like sex education in schools about this or they may do something drastic to shut down the sharing of the facts.  Mother Nature doesn’t comprehend the people who are offended when women breastfeed their babies in public. Heavens forbid anyone should see the real thing doing what it was created to do. Does it sound like I’ve got an agenda here? Yeah, I suppose it does. Hmm….who’d have thunk it?


What do babies need? Food. Where does it come from? No, not from the Gerber factory.  It comes from some glands. Who knew?



Wow, women have breasts for something other than filling out bikinis and bras for interested parties to ogle and grope. So much for second basing.

As for the next video, the Islamic element was unexpected but not distracting , and of all the videos I viewed on the tubes of you this one made the points that interested me in the manner I found most appealing today: bonding, nutrition, IQ, stress reduction.  The text flows a little fast for my reading speed so you might want to hit pause when a new frame appears.  I suspect there’s some irony loitering in between these lines at the moment.


Why this post at this point?

It’s about time I got this off my chest.  🙂

I feel so much lighter already.

Comments? Questions? Funny stories?

Anyone care to share the money numbers on the breast implant or the baby formula industries?  If not, I’ll try to update with some $$$$ information when time allows.  Thanks for visiting. Refreshments are in your fridge. I’m having pistachios and pomegranate juice. 🙂 Cheers.

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