All Packed and Ready to Go Forth and Conquer Yourself? Yeah, It’s Journey Time.

The Journey is such a deceptive phrase because it implies a beginning, middle and end when there really is none.  One thing leads to another and then to another so there’s always an ongoing journey — an infinite plot-line, if you will, that never reaches any conclusion. If it did then entropy would set in, and that would be the end of, well, everything as we know it. On the other hand, that might not be such a bad thing for cleaning slates and starting over from scratch.


Roads and travelers come in all shapes and sizes–literally and figuratively.

Keiko Matsui ~ The Road  album title track.


Into the Wild ~  LP – Live, of course. Whistle with her, if you can. I dare you. 🙂 So says moi, who can NOT whistle at all.


Rust and Bone soundtrack  I Follow Rivers ~ Lykke Li ~  Who’s up for a hard-core, edgy and no punches pulled journey into love?


Blank Maps ~ Cold Specks.  If someone has found the kiosk with the life maps, please announce it on the intercom for everyone’s benefit.  Thank you.



Into the Wild –Eddie Vedder ~ There are a number of videos with this music connected to the film by the same name.  I decided to stick with the focus on Vedder’s voice and lyrics.


Why Across the Universe?

Because of all the concrete and abstract journeys it contains: a young man’s journey from home to find his biological father; journeys of the heart and mind; journeys into and out of the war machine; journeys of friendship; creative journeys and spiritual journeys. The film is pretty much jam packed with a lot more than great Beatles’ music, though that alone is reason enough to give it some of your precious time–if you’re a Beatles fan, of course.

Across the Universe ~ I Want You 


A great survival story is a great survival story—that’s my response to those folks who have issues with the source material for this film.  Frankly, I just don’t give a damn.  Considering the way serious political history is constantly abused, misused, spun, and misrepresented by some film industries, I can’t get worked up about whether or not everything in this film is factual or not.

The Way Back ~  Tibet by Burkhard Dallwitz


I’ve served  The Thin Red Line on other occasions–sigh. Listen closely and let Private Witt speak for himself.

The Thin Red Line ~ The Swing Scene



Where have Bear and the others gone? Let’s find out.

Bear ~

Maddie ~

So far we’re all on different tracks. Oh yeah. No visas required. Yet.

Johnny ~

Lisa, Lisa ~

the incredible red dot lady herself ~ willowdot21 ~

~~~ Like Johnny said, there are 7 billion life maps out there and none of them are the same. In other words, all our journeys are unique with this musical theme.


ps. This is subject to massive revision without notice. 🙂  Don’t forget your meal tickets.

Feel free to offer some detours of your own.

Purpose? Who has one? Where do we find them?

A few days ago I caught  a rumor via Bearspawprint that there’s a music theme of Purpose on the docket.  Purpose has many faces and takes many forms. It’s not always easy to discern when you’re searching for one.  I’ve found it surprisingly challenging to reference music thematically concerned with ‘purpose’ that had meaning for moi.  Perhaps something is a tad askew in my braincase  these days? Perhaps the problem has been with my sense of purpose? Maybe I’m just out of the swing of blogging? Maybe my purposes have all gone haywire one time too many?

At any rate, here’s my purpose music and film menu for the moment.


I Aim to Misbehave ~ Serenity ~ Soundtrack, instrumental.


Movie scene to go with music. I Aim to Misbehave – Serenity film speech scene–Mal plans to rock the big bad boys’ boats big time.


The Saint Patrick’s Battalion ~ Battalion de San Patricio ~ Damn, just when you think you’ve got a handle on American history the Irish come along and kick the slops bucket.


Battlestar Galactica – Adama’s speech for the mission to rescue Hera Agathon–Helo and Sharon’s Human/Cylon child.

150,000 years ago there was a child born out in space and she changed everything by simply be-ing.


Some doctors practice medicine primarily for profit, especially in the American Medical system, and others have different purposes in their minds.  Could a real House thrive and survive? I wonder.

Teardrop – Massive Attack ~ House MD Theme

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Nine night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

You’re stumbling in the dark
You’re stumbling in the dark



The Snow Walker — Pilot’s plane takes a nosedive in the Alaskan wilderness and he is rewired for survival purposes by a young Inuit woman.  If you haven’t seen this film, you’re missing out on a great story.

I’m not sure how well any of this is working, but this purpose has been served as is.

For more Purpose-full music theme links I encourage you to visit Bear’s blogcasa –> at

Clouds ~ A Sound Off Of Sorts

Well, there are clouds and then there are clouds.  Take your pick and please send some more, rain or shine.


Cloud Atlas ~ 22~ Sextet for Orchestra

Gall Anonim


Mariachi Serenade ~ A Walk In the Clouds

Miguel F. Rangel

A walk in the clouds – Un Paseo por las nubes
(Banda Sonora : Maurice Jarre)


Socrates and his Clouds Trailer


The Meddlers Theatre Company in association with Jermyn Street Theatre presents the World Premiere of
by William Lyons inspired by Aristophanes
Directed by Melina Theocharidou
Designed by Katerina Angelopoulou

Find us on Facebook:
Find us on Twitter: Follow @Socrates_Clouds Tweet #SocratesClouds


Trailer Credits:
Animation by Nastazia Lampropoulou
Music by Olivios Karaolides

Music recorded at Hook Recording Art Studio with the following orchestra:
Violin: Nikos Pittas
Cello: Peter Gospodinov
Clarinet: George Georgiou
Xylophone: Marios Nikolaou
Piano: Olivios Karaolides


Aristophanes’ Clouds


Members of UCSC’s program in Classical Studies perform the agon from Aristophanes’ Clouds at UCSC’s International Playhouse in Spring 2012.



Clouds by Zach Sobiech

Woolly Rhino Productions


On May 20, 2013, cancer took the life of Zach Sobiech but his legacy will live on through the beacon of love and hope he delivered through infectious lyrics and memorable tunes have imprinted on the minds and hearts of millions around the world.

Help fulfill Zach’s dying wish to help kids with cancer by supporting the charity he set up before his death- the Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund at Children’s Cancer Research Fund:



Up in the Clouds ~ 3D  Music by Mimosa


“Up in the Clouds” depicts life flowing in the breeze waiting for moments to latch on and create memories, through vivid anti-skeuomorph design.


Paper Route ~ American Clouds


American Clouds was directed and animated by Micah Bell. Photographs used in the animation were taken across America by Ben Vela. Additional editing was provided by JT Daly of Paper Route.


Catching Bear’s Clouds :

Deborah’s got cloud castles:

Winter Soldiers ~ Illusion versus Reality ~ Walt Disney Studios Runs Amok? Or What?

What’s in a word? What does a name signify? If you call a thing by a certain label does it make it so? For the life of me I cannot understand why a film is titled Winter Soldier and contains a character by that name when the term has nothing at all to do with the historical reality associated with the term Winter Soldier.  From the information I’ve gathered so far online there seems to be absolutely no connection at all between the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the historical and contemporary Winter Soldiers of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan telling the public about war crimes.  I find this a tad unsettling while seriously doubting there will be any ongoing social media dishing of this misappropriation of a phrase which designates American veterans as there was of The Lone Ranger. There was a ton of chatter about all the things ‘wrong’ with The Lone Ranger –all of which went on while blatantly ignoring the movie’s outright attacks on genocide, manifest destiny and the military industrial complex. I came across some comments regarding a clip from a portion of the real Winter Soldier testimony in which people were considering the effect of the Captain America film on the reality of the veterans known as Winter Soldiers. Once the movie is seen by millions who pay little attention to historical events, the term Winter Soldier will be coupled with a character from a movie with absolutely no meaningful connection to the Winter Soldiers of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Is there any greater insult to people who have the courage to speak the truth about war? Hmm, ooops I shouldn’t have asked that question, because I’m sure there are greater insults. Have no doubt that the FBI and/or the CIA could top such an insult with ease.  More on that when I post my review of Betty Medsger’s very unsettling book, The Burglary. It’s an unsettling read for what it reveals about the totally corrupt character of the FBI under J.Edgar Hoover. If you can imagine a law to break, the FBI broke it. I digress,  more to come on the book later.  Back to misrepresentation, illusion and manipulated delusions of Marvel Comics characters. Superheroes can be so enthralling. They’re also very unreal.

Now if anyone sees the Disney film and finds a connection between the illusion and the reality, please do not hesitate to share it.

Wait–could it be the concept of brainwashing? Could it? Let’s consider that possibility…hmmm. Why not? It’s a connection. Or is it?

My thanks to Wikipedia for the factual information and links that follow.

On with the show.

What does this illusion: 

Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Information about the film  via Wikipedia

Steve Rogers’ best friend, who has reemerged as an enhanced brainwashed assassin after being thought killed in action during World War II.[12][7] About the character, Feige said, “Winter Soldier has been methodically, almost robotically, following orders for 70 years.”[13] Stan, who has a nine-picture deal with Marvel Studios including his appearance in The First Avenger,[14]endured five months of physical training to prepare for the role and did historical research stating, “I dove into the whole Cold War thing. I looked at the KGB. I looked at all kinds of spy movies, and all kinds of documentaries about that time, and what it was about. I grabbed anything from that time period. Anything about brainwashing.”[15] Regarding Bucky’s transition into the Winter Soldier, Stan said, “You know, the truth of the situation is although he looks very different and there’s different things about him, it still comes from the same person. I think you’ll get to see that no matter what. I think part of my goal here was to make sure that you see an extension of that version but just a different color of that same version in a way. I think he’s still the same guy; he’s cut from the same cloth.”[16]

have to do with this reality?:

Winter Soldier Investigation via Wikipedia

The “Winter Soldier Investigation” was a media event sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) from January 31, 1971 – February 2, 1971. It was intended to publicize war crimes and atrocities by the United States Armed Forces and their allies in the Vietnam War. The VVAW challenged the morality and conduct of the war by showing the direct relationship between military policies and war crimes in Vietnam. The three-day gathering of 109 veterans and 16 civilians took place in DetroitMichigan. Discharged servicemen from each branch of military service, as well as civilian contractors, medical personnel and academics, all gave testimony about war crimes they had committed or witnessed during the years of 1963–1970.[1][2][3]

With the exception of Pacifica Radio, the event was not covered extensively outside Detroit. However, several journalists and a film crew recorded the event, and a documentary film called Winter Soldier was released in 1972. A complete transcript[4] was later entered into the Congressional Record by Senator Mark Hatfield, and discussed in the Fulbright Hearings in April and May 1971, convened by Senator J. William Fulbright, chair of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.


Democracy Now! Coverage of Winter Soldier

Promote Liberty

Democracy Now coverage of the Winter Soldier event in Washington DC-Testimony of the Iraq Occupation


Via Wikipedia : Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan was an event at which more than 200 U.S. military veterans and active duty soldiers,[1] as well as Iraqi and Afghan civilians,[2] provided accounts of their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. The event was inspired by the Winter Soldier Investigation of 1971. It was organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War, and held from March 13 to March 16, 2008, timed for the fifth anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland.[2] 

The “Winter Soldiers” of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan


War ~ a few musical pieces

War raises a lot of very troubling questions about the human species.

Are we all natural-born killers?

Are we hardwired to engage in war?

Who sets up these lethal games and why?

Why does the cannon fodder allow themselves to be so easily manipulated into serving the interests of others?

Any mothers out there having children so they can grow up and go off to boot camp where they’ll be trained to kill other people?

And now there are drones.  Well, the drones don’t rape and torture anyone. Yet. I’m sure the war-mongers will figure out that computer program in time.  And some amoral folks will make it work just because they can.


Masters of War   ~ original by Bob Dylan covered by Ed Sheeran.   The lyrics get the point across quite effectively. Though maybe the masters’ lethal games need to be monkey-wrenched before they get to destroy the lives of others. Just a random thought.



Women and children during war are as expendable as the soldiers. No life is sacred.

Thousands of women and children were raped and killed in Nanking in 1937-38. The Flowers of War is based upon these events. This is just one example of the insanity, brutality and dehumanization of humans by other humans.

The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 women were raped, including infants and the elderly.[42] A large portion of these rapes were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped.[43]

 The Flowers of War 




The line between sanity and insanity to which all are pushed during war. Once your mind is gone what more can be lost?

Journey to the Line ~ Music from the film The Thin Red Line by Hans Zimmer



Multiple movie views of warfare involving horses.  Animals conscripted for war. If we humans were more like animals, would we still make war?

The Horse Charge ~Music: Two Steps from Hell – Heart of Courage



Some of these scenes are ‘famous’ from a time when photojournalists were not embedded with soldiers and put their lives on the line to photograph the reality of war.

Run Through the Jungle ~ Creedence Clearwater Revival

Lana Rains

“Various images and photos depicting the Vietnam war. CAUTION….. Very graphic videos, please be aware that these videos show graphic scenes of napalm attacks.”


This selection of music and a few notions does even begin to touch the tip of the human history of making war.  When are we going to evolve beyond such behavior? Can we? If it’s all a matter of choice–then what is wrong with us for continuing to decide to make war on each other?

I know I’ve probably not accomplished a thing with this post–but–at least I’ve vented a tad.



Bear’s War

Five “Foreign” Films, first set quest

These are trailers of the first five films on a list I’m compiling of “foreign” films–as in films not produced in America. This is a search for substance and meaning in the movie industry outside of Hollywood. I’m looking beyond borders for connections with the rest of the world regarding the human condition as portrayed via film media. All genres are welcome.  Also,visual artistry, performance, and music are all of interest. If you have suggestions for this list, please share the titles and/or trailers via a comment.

Note: The information text for each film is from the uploader sources cited for each trailer.


Blue Is the Warmest Color ~ France


15-year-old Adèle knows two things: she’s a girl, and a girl goes out with boys. The day she glimpses the blue streaks in Emma’s hair on the main square, she feels that her life is going to change. Alone with her teenage questions, she transforms the way she looks at herself and the way that others look at her. In her intensely close relationship with Emma, she is fulfilled as a woman and as an adult. But Adèle doesn’t know how to make peace, neither with her parents, nor with this world full of absurd morals, nor with herself.


The Broken Circle Breakdown


Elise is 28 and owns her own tattoo parlour. 36-year-old Didier is a Flemish cowboy who plays the banjo in a band. Although in many respects they are as alike as day and night, somehow their characters match perfectly and the arrival of their baby, Maybelle, makes their happiness complete. Life is good until one day, fate intervenes, and they lose their daughter.


An Episode In The Life Of An Iron Picker ~ 


Acclaimed director Danis Tanovic won the Grand Jury Prize at the Berlin Film Festival for this unflinching exposé of the prejudices faced by Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Roma minority, starring the real-life couple whose harrowing ordeal became a national scandal.


The Missing Picture ~Cambodia

New Wave Films



Highlighted as one of the most important films at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, where the jury headed by Thomas Vinterberg gave it the fully deserved award. Just like ‘The Act of Killing’, the Cambodian Rithy Panh deals with the impossible question of how a film can relate historically to a genocide. Over two million people died under Pol Pot’s dictatorship from 1975 to 1979. A period, during which all existing photos and film footage were created by the terror regime’s propaganda machine. Panh himself was 13 years old, and the film is based on his own and his family’s memories of the four dark years that followed. But how does one portray a past of which there exists no pictures? Panh’s answer is to recreate it in the form of miniature figurines, hand-painted and shaped in clay, which stand for the regime’s victims, while a single voice quietly shares its testimony: ‘People say, that their souls will wander all over the earth.’ The paradoxical poetry in Panh’s choice of words (and in the skilfully detailed clay figures) is not just a historical documentation of a past out of reach. It is a protest against inhumanity everywhere and throughout the times.


The Hunt ~ Denmark


A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son’s custody. His life slowly gets better as he finds love and receives good news from his son, but his new luck is about to be brutally shattered by an innocent little lie.

The Last Trapper ~ Le Dernier Trappeur ~ ~ “The Art of Living in Harmony With Nature”

I viewed a very compelling trailer for this film some time back. Today I came across the full film on YouTube and decided it was worth sharing here for other interested parties to also discover. Keep in mind that nothing is perfect and enjoy. Your thoughts are kindly requested.

The Last Trapper  ~ Le Dernier Trappeur

Carlos Porto

Published on May 26, 2013

The art of living in harmony with nature.
For over 20 years, Nicolas Vanier, an untiring voyager in the coldest of climes, a veritable Jack London of modern times, has criss-crossed the wildest regions of the far northern lands. His travels include major expeditions in Siberia, Lapland, Alaska and of course Canada, where he recently undertook an incredible White Odyssey: 8600 kilometres covered with a team of sledge dogs, from Alaska all the way to Quebec. It was during that crossing, on the floor of a sumptuous and inaccessible valley in the Rocky Mountains, that Nicolas met the man who inspired him to make this film, a film that has lived within the man…
He’s a 50-year-old trapper named Norman Winter, and he lives with a Nahanni woman, Nebaska. Norman has always been a trapper, with no need of the things that civilisation has to offer. He and his dogs live simply on what they produce from hunting and fishing. Norman made his sledge, snowshoes, cabin and canoe with wood and leather that he took from the forest and that Nebaska tanned, in the traditional style, just like the Sekani did in early times, using the tannin in animal brains, then by smoking the skin. To move around, Norman uses his dogs. They’re quiet, and with them he’s ready for action at the slightest sign of life, but all the while attentive to the majestic grandeur of the territories he passes through. That’s why Norman Winter is a trapper. The Great North is inside him and Nebaska carries it within her, in her blood, for the taiga is the mother of its people…
Norman and Nebaska know that a land only lives through its intimate links with the animals, plants, rivers, winds and even colours. Their wisdom comes from the deep and special relationship they enjoy with nature. When Norman Winter follows an animal’s trail, he studies it for a long time, to understand the animal’s exact perception of its environment. He knows how to free himself from the immobile image that a land evokes, then to “enter” it by comprehending what it is. To understand that is to sense the unmistakable breathing of the earth, it’s to understand why Norman Winter is the last trapper and why he turned his back on modern life, that he compares to a slope we slip down blindly. Norman is a sort of philosopher convinced that the notion of sharing and exchange with nature is essential to the equilibrium of that odd animal at the top of the food chain: Man.
That’s what this film, made over 12 months, will present, overlaying treks on horseback during the Indian summer and by sledge in the depths of winter, a canoe ride down a raging river at the bottom of a majestic canyon and attacks by grizzly bears and wolves…

Note: The closed captions option works when viewing on YouTube.

Old and New ~ Music Theme ~ December 31

It’s couplets’ time for old and new versions of three songs. Sing in the new year with the version of your choice. Enjoy.








More Music Connections:

Willow:  Who chose the LAST  theme of 2013   THE NEW YEAR ALL THIS OLD AND NEW






Collaborator:   OUT WITH THE OLD





“Fractured Land” ~ What Kind Of World Do You Want To Live In?

What kind of world do you want to live in? Hold that question in your mind for a time.

While searching for some up to date information regarding  a particular event, The Future Generations Ride,  I came across a great deal currently online in social media venues regarding very serious issue raising events of the past.  While sorting through the information overload I discovered a documentary film in the works, Fractured Land.  Then, for this post, I decided to switch gears to the present and the future because we are in the here and now. What we do, all of us, has ramifications for the future, our future and the future of life on Earth. Earth has not always been as we know it–full of automobiles, grocery stores, shopping centers offering all sorts of techie toys, synthetic clothing, and fast food. Contrary to the commercials on the small screen, life has not always revolved around purple pills, phones and plasma screen televisions offering surround sound and high-definition imaging. 

What I haven’t quite figured out yet is, why we, as in a great many of us humans, not all of us, but enough of us to make an intensely negative impact on our habitat, have chosen to do so.  Why live like self-destructive maniacs when the Earth offers –offered– everything we need to survive as a species?  If you’ve got a perfect environment to live in, why go around destroying it? Often the answer is profit/money. Okay–but consider this, money in any form only has value because someone attributes value to it.  Paper money has no value in and of itself.  It only has value within the context that created it. (No, I’m not going to get into a hashing out of the federal reserve concepts and issues thereof. That’s not what this post s about.) In contrast, water has value in and of itself because it is necessary for life. Necessary.  Living things require water in order to live.  We don’t require money or gold bars in order to function as living creatures. Yes, we are indeed creatures, bio-chemical entities, just like the rest of the wonderful species on planet Earth.  If the adherents to the mainstream concept of living well–as in rich according to the specs of Wall Street and the World Bank–how do they propose to live at all when the water, air and land become too toxic to support humans?  How does that work? It doesn’t.  That’s basic life science, not my opinion.

Caleb Behn knows this–and as you’re well aware, he’s not alone.

Fractured Land

A young First Nations law student and emerging leader from northeast BC, epicenter of some of the worlds largest fracking operations, tries to reconcile the fractures within himself, his community and the world around him – blending modern tools of the law with ancient wisdom.


FB –

Twitter –

Directed and Produced by Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis

Executive Producers: Daniel Conrad and Mark Achbar

Music by Edo Van Breemen

Digital Strategist & Community Manager – Hilary Henegar

For more information about the film’s issues, petitions, newsletter and other items of interest such as:

Join us Jan 9 for a live video chat on #IdleNoMore 

Fractured Land filmmaker Damien Gillis moderates a lively discussion among a diverse panel of activists, industry experts and leaders from around Canada.

The topic of the conversation will centre on how the Idle No More movement can serve as a bridge toward empowering native and non-native people to advocate for more sustainable, equitable energy development.

More details posted soon!

Visit  <<<This page is a useful info hub.

“They’re Using The Water To Fracture The Bones Of Mother Earth.” — Caleb Behn

Award Winning Fractured Land Documentary Featuring Naomi Klein, MP Thomas Mulcair, Josh Fox, Maude Barlow, Bill McKibben, Wade Davis, Lillian Moyer, Terri Brown, Oscar Dennis and other powerful voices. ‘ “Fractured Land tells the story of Caleb Behn, an inspiring, young First Nations law student from northeast BC, working to defend his peoples’ land from some of the most intense industrial activity in the world.

Caleb is Eh-Cho Dene and Dunne Za/Cree from Treaty 8 country, the front lines for Canada’s biggest natural gas fracking operations. The swift proliferation of fracking, a controversial method of extracting natural gas, has had profound consequences for the water and the ability for his people to practice their traditional way of life.

Having recently finished law school, Caleb is among the first University of Victoria Law students granted the Concentration in Environmental Law and Sustainability. Prior to law school, he was the Oil & Gas Officer for the West Moberly First Nations and a Lands Manager for the Saulteau First Nations.

The film follows Caleb to places of largely unseen beauty from his traditional territories, where he’s fished and hunted moose his whole life, to Maori lands in New Zealand, where he sought to learn how Indigenous law could be blended with the current legal system in order to protect our sacred ecosystems.” Scheduled for release 2014 Spring Festival. 

uphere ->

photo @

Never know what you’ll discover when you start connecting dots and surfing the energy lines in cyber-space. First I caught the photos on Supporting South Dakota Reservations Facebook page featuring the 38 Memorial Riders, then while exploring the latest entries I discovered the information on Fractured Land and then, and then. I think you get the idea.

Supporting South Dakota Reservations Page

Consider another question: What kind of world will the children living now have to live in?

Music Theme for 25 December ~ Joyeux Noel ?

It’s THAT time of year:  The holy time for many in many different places and languages. It’s a time of year I personally find very troubling and unsettling in many ways. It is perhaps the time of year of the most discordance between reality and what may simply be a willing suspension of disbelief of reality. I’m not sure what to make of it even after all my time spent on this planet in this life.  This is not a new state of questioning mental affairs for moi. It’s like  a very well-worn pair of dress shoes that still are very uncomfortable. Much is done in love and caring in this time of year. Much is also done in violence and uncaring at this time and the rest of the year.  There does not seem to be a balance as far as I can tell. Hence. I will not claim or praise that some things like peace, goodwill and love towards others exists when it clearly does not at large. A state of global affairs which is possibly due to lack of will. Or perhaps its lack is due to flawed human nature. I’m not sure.  I do know there is not peace on earth, nor is there enough good will among men and women to make it so.  I wish there was.  Perhaps one day there will be. I wish it was already. Peace to you and yours.






  • “Ave Maria”, performed by Natalie Dessay, The London Symphony Orchestra.





qian shi·

A story inspired by a shoe-doll displayed in Childhood Museum, Edinburgh. This short film shows a touching story about a young girl and her father in a poverty, London, 1910s. Qian Shi’s BA Animation graduation film. The Best Student Film of BAF08. MX Award at TAF2010 (Tokyo Anime Fair 2010).

“The Museum of Childhood Edinburgh has plentiful collections of dolls, toys, and other remnants of youth. On a visit there 2005, I found an old doll made from a shoe. It was not very remarkable compared with the other beautiful dolls on display, but it is still very eye-catching. The introduction reads: Doll made from an old shoe that belonged to a poor child from the London slums in 1905.

I couldn’t help imagining the little girl who could barely afford a pair of shoes taking comfort in this lovely shoe-doll friend who accompanies her sweetest dreams. The shoe-doll became a symbol to me of beloved and colourful childhood.

I decided I wanted to tell a story of this little shoe-doll.”

Wikipedia regarding Joyeux Noel/ Merry Christmas



Deborah:    Who chose our Christmas theme “Home For the Holidays”




Collaborator:   Our newest themist

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Red Wolf Journal

A literary compass for finding your voice..."You turn toward me, your lips move, wanting to speak."--Stephen Dobyns, "Wolves In The Street"


The poet can reach where the sun cannot. -HINDU PROVERBThe greatest site in all the land!


Working together to make the world a better place to live! A fine site

Spirit In Action

Change IS coming. WE can make it GOOD.

Rezinate's Blog

Just another site

Through the Peacock's Eyes

Insights for Spiritual Living


Nothing's the Same after October 7th

the zen space

a space for zen words

We Write Poems

a community of people reading & writing poems, moving words


Bringing Social Issues To The Forefront

R. L. Culpeper

Sapere Aude


For Peace On Earth In This Generation


You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

Eléctrica in the Desert

News, photos, stories, and trouble from the borderland

Coco J. Ginger Says

Poems and stories of love & heartbreak.