Occupy Confused? Not on Dame Street–or in Philly either.

A continuing complaint about the Occupy Movement is lack of focus and vague demands. Apparently some folks are hearing impaired and have serious trouble reading. Maybe that’s due to the lackluster education system in America? Or is it selective hearing and intellectual denial? Indeed none of this fits well into 30 second mainstream news coverage soundbites.  Probably because the issues are too big and complex and hence mainstream news mentality FAILS dramatically with anything requiring their attention beyond 5 minutes viewing span.  It’s clear many people still think this movement is a ‘joke’ that will vanish with winter snows and freezing temperatures.  Well, even if the symbolic tents do disappear via snow or police action–the people involved have not and they will not be invisible nor silent — even if corporate controlled mainstream media continues their puppet plays.

While much protest music has come from the past, for example, John Lennon’s “Imagine”, there are new songs being written too.

Recorded LIVE at Occupy Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland    December 10, 2011  “Foreign Lands” by Matthew.  Thanks to Liam of The Fingals channel, for the video.


To protest the recent Budget Cuts on the backs of the people who did not create the continually swelling economic disaster The Spectacle of Defiance and Hope filled Dame Street with scarlet in many forms–including spoken word.

Spectacle march and proclamation


Temper Mental Miss Elayneous  held nothing back on December 3, 2011.


Confused? Maybe  Curly can help clear up a concept or two.


If that doesn’t work maybe Peadar  O hlci ‘s  song “Occupy Public Spaces”  will do the trick.


Recently a “pigeon” delivered a letter of Solidarity to Occupy Dame Street from Occupy Philly.  So it seems fitting to connect this post about Occupy Dame Street with a tip of the tubes to Occupy Philly with their fierce Foreclosure of Wells Fargo on November 18, 2011.  If this action had aired LIVE on any television station in Philly as it did on Livestream—how could anyone who suffered foreclosure in Philly not have joined Occupy Philly at Wells Fargo?

Oh yeah, they stayed!    And look who WAS watching:

That’s not an American accent, is it?  O my, Occupy unites the world?




Occupy Dame Street Kettles Central Bank in Dublin–with tents not orange mesh. No pepper sprayed.

All day, every day Occupy Dame Street kettles the Central Bank in Dublin, Ireland. The camp receives postal mail at Occupy Dame Street, Central Bank, Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.  The garda help keep the drunks out of the occupy camp.  Sweeny’s Pub provides laptop charging. Other businesses donate food, including a steady stream of CAKE. Yes, you read that right, CAKE.  In case you thought occupy only occupies in America here is an introduction to an occupy in Ireland.  The Emerald Isle also has economic and environmental woes. Yes the Irish march and protest too.  Though you might not believe that if you trust your television news.

Occupy Dame Street Oct. 15, We are the 99%

Tours of Occupy Dame Street at the Central Bank

The Crazy Ones?

Kitchen chores

Occupy Dame Street Mic checks bank

Matthew sings Live

Folks old and young

Somethings Happening here….

Some mainstream media?

and the Irish Times


Occupying the Dept of Agriculture on budget day

Fingals channel on the tubes of you   http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFingals

Dame Street Livestreams  at  http://www.livestream.com/occupydamestreet

Occupy Dame Street  site  http://www.occupydamestreet.org/

What’s coming to the West Coast? No, not Santa’s reindeer. Port Shutdown from Icey Anchorage to Lovely LA.

Yes, folks this is for real. Port Shutdown is coming all along the entire West Coast of the USA. The mainstream media may decline to cover it. The city mayors may try to prevent it.  No talking heads will announce it on your local news stations. But Occupy Oakland’s action in Solidarity with the Longshoremen  has been agreed upon from Anchorage  to LA and beyond. This major mic check direct action fully intends to  fly.   

Check Occupy Oakland’s livestream for coverage on Dec. 12.    http://www.livestream.com/occupyoakland







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