What Makes America Great? Your Freedom of Speech. Freedom of the Press. #NoDAPL

Keep The Oil In The Ground ~ why #NoDAPL

What can I say when the video says it all. AmazonWatch

This is why oil should stay in the ground.

This is why no one needs another pipeline.

This is why protectors are standing strong at Standing Rock in North Dakota and Iowa to protect water and earth.

This matters to everyone on Earth.


North Dakota 2016 Uprising Against Big Oil#NoDAPL

Coverage of the ongoing protest via Amy Goodman ~ Democracy Now! Independent Global News.

Who has the right to set dogs on people? This is America in 2016, is it not?

Who has the right to pepper spray and mace protesters?

Who has the right to attack peaceful protesters?

Apparently the employees of Big Oil / Enbridge do–with total impunity.



Petition to Stop Dakota Pipeline


Pulling The Rug Out From Under Big Brother– The Burglary, The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI by Betty Medsger

The New York Times



“There are certain points in history where a society goes so wrong, and there are certain people who will say, ‘I won’t stand for that . . . I will risk career, life, limb, family  freedom . . . And I will take this risk, and I will go and do it.”

                                                                                                                                                                                          David Kairys

Betty Medsger’s book about the 1971 burglary of the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania isn’t about a cheap thrill ride of robbery for adrenaline kicks and profit, though it was a crime with a huge payout–the truth.  The burglary committed by a crew of non-violent peace activists assembled by a physics professor, William Davidon, confirmed the suspicions of anti-war activists that they were being unlawfully spied upon by their own government because they were exercising their right to dissent — and that thousands of other people were being illegally spied upon because they were considered subversives according to one man, J. Edgar Hoover.  People didn’t have to commit any crime or even speak about committing treason to get their names put on a list of folks to be rounded up and jailed in the event of some national emergency. If they were liberal, if they were black, if they espoused anti-war sentiments, if they were writers, artists, then they were candidates for warrantless, indefinite detention without due process under the law–as far as Hoover was concerned. The Citizens Commission to Investigate the FBI’s theft of FBI records brought into the light of day the term COINTELPRO–and a lot of very very illegal activity by the FBI as it committed crimes against the American people with impunity. Such crimes included destroying the lives of innocent people by deliberately framing them for crimes they didn’t commit, celebrating such wrongdoing and refusing to turn over evidence that proved their innocence in any wrongdoing. Hoover’s secret FBI didn’t give a damn about truth, integrity, civil liberties, or the law. It existed to create paranoia and fear in the population at large in order  to control everyone. It refused to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States and the law. It was a criminal entity from the top on down with a few exceptions.

If this is striking a contemporary current events cord with you, that’s not an accident.

If you’re expecting an anti-war tale rife with hippies, drugs, sex and rock and roll music, look elsewhere. The people who broke into the FBI office in Media were not a bunch of hooligans. They weren’t looking for money. They were searching for evidence.  These were people who raided draft offices in order to destroy the effort to conscript young men for the war machine then stayed to be arrested by the police in order to take responsibility for their actions. These were people deeply invested in ethical behavior and education who wanted the death and destruction in Vietnam to stop. They were people committed to the civil rights movement.  Betty Medsger’s book provides varied personal portraits of the burglars, each dependent upon how much personal information they were willing to share, of the Media burglars.  There’s a range of backgrounds and experience among them which provides some sense of the breadth of the range of people involved in the anti-war movement and what inspired them to become activists.

If you have no clue about the short and long-term importance of this burglary and the context in which it occurred, don’t fret, Medsger will fill you in. She provides notes and a very useful bibliography for further reading. While this is a very serious book about very serious issues which are very relevant to the here and now, it’s also very very accessible and readable. It gives life and breath to events by creating connections with real humans thinking hard about the world we live in–and how we live in it. What are the responsibilities of those who are free? What does it mean to have the right to dissent without fear of retaliation in a society that claims to be free? What are you willing to do to protect your civil liberties? Who wants to live their lives in fear of being arrested because of their ideas?

Betty Medsger’s book raises all sorts of interesting issues for serious conversation while stressing the important role ‘ordinary’ people play in creating the world in which we live our daily lives. If you think one person doesn’t have a lot of influence in the power plays then consider J. Edgar Hoover the Head of the FBI versus William Davidon, a physics professor with an idea.

Who is reading everyone’s mail? Who is collecting phone conversations? Who is creating files on everyone? Why?

Who has the Hoover virus? What is to be done about it?


The Burglary site –>> http://www.theburglary.com/


Betty Medsger ~ The Burglary (note, her part does not run the full hour of the video)

Published on Mar 21, 2014

http://www.politics-prose.com/book/97… Betty Medsger talks about her book about the previously unsolved burglary of an FBI building in Media, Pennsylvania. Recorded on March 16, 2014.
Founded by Carla Cohen and Barbara Meade in 1984, Politics & Prose Bookstore is Washington, D.C.’s premier independent bookstore and cultural hub, a gathering place for people interested in reading and discussing books. Politics & Prose offers superior service, unusual book choices, and a haven for book lovers in the store and online. Visit them on the web at http://www.politics-prose.com/



Media, Music and Movies ~ For Uranium Mining On Navajo Land, Plus Snow From Sewage

Yes, it’s Monday. It’s St. Patrick’s Day. It’s national beer drinking day for a lot of folks.

But it’s also another day in the ongoing fight against uranium mining and its consequences everywhere from the past to the present.

On March 14, 2014 independent journalist Amy Goodman reported from Flagstaff, Arizona about the ongoing environmental and health issues connected with uranium mining and its long-term consequences for the Dine ~ Navajo people.  The main portion of her video report is posted here but there is a great deal more information and related coverage on Democracy Now!’s site.  Part of the Democracy Now! broadcast discussed the use of music and film by to raise awareness and share information regarding issues.  To supplement DN!’s coverage I’ve included two videos featuring Klee Benally’s music and an informative video about Outta Your Backpack Media which teaches Indigenous people how to make and use movies to address the need for media justice and coverage in their communities.  There’s a trailer for the film The Return of Navajo Boy which is referenced in the news piece.  The film’s website –> http://navajoboy.com/.  Democracy Now!’s page for the story also includes links to information and related stories. 


Without Water & Weather Changes ~ Klee Benally




“A Slow Genocide of the People”  Uranium Mining Leaves Toxic Nuclear Legacy On Indigenous Land  


Democracy Now! A Daily Independent News Hour  —  http://www.democracynow.org/2014/3/14/a_slow_genocide_of_the_people



Outta Your Backpack



The Return of Navajo Boy Trailer


This is a trailer for the award-winning documentary film, “The Return of Navajo Boy.” See its official website for more information:http://www.navajoboy.com

Also see Groundswell Educational Films website:



Song of the Sun ~ Klee Benally



What part of sacred don’t you understand?

MT Garcia

Musical Theme: Fire Ascent to the Higher Realms ~~ Sort of Sure Something Here Could Offend Someone Somewhere But Hear’s Hoping Not.

Okay, well, after a technical ‘fail’  this post is back–almost–minus one until found again. Definitely without all my chatter about it –for the moment.

Yes, this is the Ascent for Fire. I guess the first posting effort ascended somewhere other than ‘here.’

Now, interesting side notes to this post that doesn’t want to stay grounded:–I selected these pieces first. But my commentary for those other selections in that other post was completed first. Not sure I want to start reading anything into any of this, but it might be telling–or not.

For now.


Mythical conceptualization of Fire.

Grandmother Spider Steals Fire   ~~ Choctaw Creation Story

Rene Rismondo·


Fantasy Film Conceptualization of Fire. The Fire of creation in producing art and music.  Not to mention the fact that Ed Sheeran has FIRE red hair.  Yeah, he’s a Fire-Child for sure.

Ed Sheeran ~ I See Fire  ~ The Hobbit,  Desolation of Smaug

Peter Jackson


Spiritual Conceptualization of Fire.

Serpent of Fire

Raven Lythrum

Serpent of Fire
Lyrics by Ricky Asmodeous and Raven Lythrum
Composed by Raven Lythrum

Your presence magnifies
A journey that shall not repeat
Part of it is you, and all of it is me
A potent energy, that set’s my wings free
I fly without thinking, you’ve set me free

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire

As I calm my mind I ascend
Burning on without an end
The seals have been torn away
I feel the heat and consummate
Through serpents eyes I rise, ignoring outside lies
Turning the led to gold, breaking the enemies hold

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire

The serpent shall blend and will mend
My mind as my soul ascends
The lies have been cleared from my path
So don’t run away from the past

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire


Getting up close and very personal dancing with fire.

Spiral Fire Dance 


http://www.spiralcircusarts.com ::: Spiral performing acrobatics, fire wand, single, and double fire hoops at the European Juggling Convention’s Fire Gala Show on August 4, 2012, held in the lovely castle plaza in Lublin, Poland.


Concrete Conceptualization of Fire.

Adele~ Set Fire to the Rain  ~ Fire on ice? Why not? Let’s mix our elements why don’t we? Some water, some hot skating on ice and a passionate song. Oh this fire and rain does not flow according that by Mr. Jimmy Taylor.

Rebecca Neudorfer


Flame Dance

Two flames dance into the night One steps to the left, the other leaps right Winds of change provide food for flight No way of knowing what sparks may ignite

Separating… merging… as if on cue Dressed in golds and red-hot blues Tempestuous, breath-taking, move after move No plan, no rehearsal… It’s die or do

Each step, each flame, fueled by desire She builds him up, he lifts her higher Mesmerized gazes wonder what will transpire Will they simply burn out? or spread like wildfire?

breathe in….           step left…. breathe out….            leap higher

                      breathe in….                              burn out….                        breathe in….                               burn brighter


[For some reason this is not appearing as it does at SMJ’s blogcasa. but I think this physical shape is very interesting. For the original form as intended by the poet herself look here—>> http://samanthamariahjane.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/flame-dance/ ]


Conceptualization of the Fire of love.

June Carter Cash ~ Ring of Fire 

Most people associate this song with Johnny Cash. I connect it with June because it is her creation.  Interesting how the singer goes ‘down’ while the flames go ‘higher’.


Conceptualization of Concrete Fire literally in the hole— as in the coal mine along with inspiration, protest against exploitation, fire inside and out and deep in the ground.

Hazel Dickens  ~ Fire in the Hole

More about that coal fire issue regarding energy and music:  Rock Music and Solar Panels –pop rock music makes them work ‘better’–who knew? 🙂  http://climatecrocks.com/2013/11/22/here-comes-the-sun-rock-music-jumpstarts-solar-panels/


Links to other Musical Theme Players:

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/music-themes-grandmother-fire-burn/

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/musical-themes-grandmother-fire-smolder/

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/music-themes-grandmother-fire-smoke/



D.S. Nelson


Johnny  http://johnnyojanpera.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/grandmother-fire-musing-theme-november-22/

Hmm, why didn’t I “do” any smoke? What’s that lack tell about me? I guess I go for the hot stuff?

Radioactive Fukushima water hits California, greeted by protesters

Yes, you really do want to visit abraveheart1’s blogcasa and follow the link to the entire photo gallery for this action. It’s something to SEE. The ocean currents move –as do the air currents. Yes, Fukushima has come to the USA and other parts of the globe. Surf’s up~~~~~


Radioactive ocean water from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster was first detected along the coastline of California in March of 2012. Researchers already know that radioactive iodine from Fukushima has arrived in California, and expect peak levels af radiation to hit California in 2016. The problem appears to be worsening as typhoons have caused overflows of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.


With the radiation already rolling in, a group of advocates called the Fukushima Response Campaign organized a “human mural” protest Saturday morning, spelling out the words ‘Fukushima is Here’ in letters 100 feet in length on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.


Organizers are alarmed at the increasing levels of radioactive steam and radioactive iodine being found in coastal California waters, all the result of fallout from the earthquake and tsunami that hit the Fukushima plant more than two years ago. “A threat…

View original post 245 more words

Some “Real News” about New Brunswick and the people opposed to fracking.

It’s Saturday morning.


I wish all confusion was so amusing.

Lots of folks are confused about a lot of things like climate change and fracking. A great deal of this confusion has been-man made by industries interested in profits by all the usual means and then some. Hmm.  Yes, people who have vested interests in making money are very good at marketing their game plans. They are experts at spin and illusion and delusion all in order to create more confusion which keeps people from doing anything about anything.  They are very happy when people adhere to: Go play nice with your five hundred channels on the plasma screen flat tv taking up half the wall space in your living room.

Living room. Hmm. Just for a moment consider the word living and if that’s what anyone who is captivated by hours and hours of advertising and junk-food for the mind is really doing.  Is that living? Hmm. Sure, I guess as long as you’re eating, breathing, sleeping and watching television in some form, technically you’re alive and living. Oops, getting distracted here. Need to stay on track.

Confused? Okay. No problem. I make no promises to clarify anything. But I am happy to stir the pot.  I’m not a scientist. But I can read, write and surf cyber-space okay.  And without further ado let’s meet some people from New Brunswick compliments of The Real News.

TheRealNews TheRealNews

Uploaded on Oct 18, 2013

New Brunswick Mounted Police deploy rubber bullets and tear gas, arrest 40 protesters for blockading highway.
See more videos: http://therealnews.com

More from a reporter arrested at the scene:

“An Insider’s View on the RMCP raid on the Mi’ kmaq encampment

By Miles Howe, halifax.mediacoop.ca
October 18th, 2013



Are you wondering what the people in New Brunswick are protesting?


Earthquakes for everyone! Listen closely to the definition of ‘fresh water’.



Safe? Huh? What’s your idea of safe?

Oh, please take note this is from MarathonOilCorp  The industry likes everyone to feel good. 🙂  It’s all safe. It’s all good. It all works perfectly. Smiley faces and jobs for everyone.

Hmm, I’m pretty sure I know why the comments for this video have been disabled. )






Go away Mr. Gasland you’re not welcome.


Discover Democracy Now!

The clip above was  Published on Jul 12, 2013

http://www.democracynow.org – Scientists are warning that the controversial practice of natural gas hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, may lead to far more powerful earthquakes than previously thought. Fracking injects millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals deep into the earth in order to break up shale rock and release natural gas. A new study published Thursday in the journal Science by a leading seismology lab warns that pumping water underground can induce dangerous earthquakes, even in regions not otherwise prone to tremors. The new report comes as Academy-Award-nominated director Josh Fox has released the sequel to his highly acclaimed documentary “Gasland,” which sparked a national discussion on fracking. The new film, “Gasland, Part 2” exposes how the gas industry and the government’s portrayal of natural gas as a clean and safe alternative to oil is highly suspect. He also discusses how drilling companies have admitted to having several former military psychological operations, or “psyops” specialists on staff, applying their skills in Pennsylvania to counter opponents of drilling. “What’s really disappointing about this is that this is a moment, when an American president has come forward and spoken about climate change, and exhibited his obvious and earnest desire to take on the problem, however, the emphasis on frack gas makes this plan entirely the wrong plan,” says Fox, noting that methane released from fracking sites is more potent than other greenhouse gases. “Moving from coal to frack gas doesn’t give you any climate benefit at all. So the plan should be about how we’re moving off of fossil fuels and onto alternate energy.”

See more Josh Fox interviews and fracking reports on Democracy Now! at

Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,100+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/democracynow
Twitter: @democracynow
Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/democracynow
Listen on SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/democracynow
Daily Email News Digest: http://www.democracynow.org/subscribe


Still confused?

Well, would you drill a hundred foot deep hole into your kitchen floor and pour water, sand and a chemical cocktail down it? Would you?

Idle No More Solidarity Actions:




30 Actions in Solidarity


Contact the New Brunswick Premier to express your concern over the government and RCMP’s actions against the Mi’kmaq.

New Brunswick Premier – David Alward
Phone: (506) 453-2144
Fax : (506) 453-7407

Sign the Lead Now Petition:  Tell the RCMP: Don’t violently intervene in peaceful First Nations protests.  

Learn about some of the background on the Elsipogtog resistance:  http://sacredfirenb.wordpress.com/

–from Yes! Magazine  The need for peaceful coexistence and much more.


From London:

Yes, New Brunswick, London is watching.

What’s Today? Oh yeah, Taino Genocide Day . . .

It’s 14, October, 2013.  Some people are celebrating what might be called a myth or a lie of epic proportions about a fellow named Christopher Columbus.  Shall we discuss irony? Manifest Destiny? Greed? The profit motive? Slavery? Genocide? Rape? Murder? Torture? Yeah, the man did it all according to his own words and those of his companions. So what exactly is being celebrated? I’m at a loss–unless it’s an extremely sanitized delusional story,  because the truth would scare the pants off all the little children if it were told in classrooms. Oh but excuse me, schools are not supposed to be about  truth or reality. Nor are books. Certainly not poetry.  so what.  Here’s some historical truth, some current ugly reality and some poetry that deals with both.

“Mic Check”

TheBigPictureRT TheBigPictureRT

Oops, “Reality Check.”


To the Indigenous Woman – A poem by the 1491s (short version)



Bad Indians, a poem by Ryan Red Corn


was told by those old ones
that every song has a special time and a place where its sang
this is our song
and this our time
they used to say the only good indian is a dead indian
i must be a no good at being indian
cuz I feel alive and kicking
we are the bastard reject children of manifest destiny
the offspring of fornicating aimsters
raised by our grandparents who told us
not to confuse being warriors with gangsters
the edward curtis groupies get jazzed by anyone fitting the bill
and America gets jazzed by every Bury My Heart at Walmart film
here i stand before you
this crowd of nations
this life of sanctions
an awkward patience
like five hundred BIA buildings vs. a fathers’ unfiltered hate
right next to the IHS building with a two and a half week wait.
a cinderblock battlefield where few are left standing
and the people its failing, its’ marginalized estate.
i am armed to the teeth with words from the ivory tower
and those good indians told me its borrowed power if…
if i talk loud enough
if i talk clear enough
that i would be heard
that for some talking is singing
that for some singing is praying
but i guess that depends on who is doing the talking
and i guess that depends on who is doing the listening
…so understand me in english,
you have been robbed of your tongues
the taproot of thought
in the middle of resisting
the language got caught
and she only shows her face during ceremony
like she’s ashamed of her scars
like what she has to say is never really heard. at all.
and the violence she knows is enough to never sing again
but i killed the cameraman and stripped him of his lense.
i photographed the body and asked him to forgive.
forgive me as i cut out your tongue
forgive me as i put you in this powdered wig
forgive me when i put your body in a museum
forgive me of all my sins
for not being a good indian
the balls of your forefathers will be traded for whiskey
to fuel the molotov cocktails to be tossed at your cities
and the breasts of your mothers severed and bloody
will be sold to the freak show for the revelers money
your children will witness their whole world collapse
as kidnapped siblings must erase names off maps
so forgive me of all my sins
for not being a good indian
i was taught better than that
i have more respect than that
there is no history book with my story
there is no newspaper to give me my glory
because no one has heard this language in years
cept kokopelli, dream catchers and a trail of beers
my voice is a small pox blanket
that spreads like fire on the prairie
infecting both fist and hatchet
in the spirit of fucking crazy

Lest you get the wrong idea with all this negative press, let’s end on a positive note from “all my relations”:


Indigenous Love Words Project


We asked one simple question: How do you say, “I Love You”, in your Indigenous language?

This is a crowd-sourced project organized by The 1491s. All footage was submitted by fans and supporters from throughout the world.

We say thank you to all those who submitted videos!! We are working on a succinct credits list, to be posted here, soon!!!!

Music Credit: “Kodi Track” by Frank Waln – https://soundcloud.com/f_waln_35/fran…

Gazprom! Russia! Free the Arctic 30!

BREAKING: This morning Greenpeace France activists protested peacefully at Gazprom’s offices in the center of Paris, while their friends on the Arctic Sunrise are detained in Russia for peacefully protesting Gazprom’s reckless plans to drill in the fragile Arctic.

Voice your support to peaceful activism to protect the Arctic. SIGN and SHARE: www.greenpeace.org/freeouractivists/?fbgpi9oct1

Direct from:

Russia is pressing charges against the peaceful activists that could land them in prison for 15 years. Is this political insanity at work? Power running amok for sure.

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