Radioactive Fukushima water hits California, greeted by protesters

Yes, you really do want to visit abraveheart1’s blogcasa and follow the link to the entire photo gallery for this action. It’s something to SEE. The ocean currents move –as do the air currents. Yes, Fukushima has come to the USA and other parts of the globe. Surf’s up~~~~~


Radioactive ocean water from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster was first detected along the coastline of California in March of 2012. Researchers already know that radioactive iodine from Fukushima has arrived in California, and expect peak levels af radiation to hit California in 2016. The problem appears to be worsening as typhoons have caused overflows of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.


With the radiation already rolling in, a group of advocates called the Fukushima Response Campaign organized a “human mural” protest Saturday morning, spelling out the words ‘Fukushima is Here’ in letters 100 feet in length on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.


Organizers are alarmed at the increasing levels of radioactive steam and radioactive iodine being found in coastal California waters, all the result of fallout from the earthquake and tsunami that hit the Fukushima plant more than two years ago. “A threat…

View original post 245 more words

Where are your birdies bathing? Hmm?

Hey the heat is on and your local wildlife is feeling it big time.  It’s easy to offer your neighborhood birds some relief that does not entail opening the doors and windows of your home to the great outdoors to invite our fine feathered friends inside for some air conditioning.  Create a little bird beach with whatever you’ve got on hand that holds water, is no more than three inches high and which is fairly durable to avoid breakage.  I simply put to use an old children’s plastic picnic table for a level steady base and set on it a durable 20 inch round plastic dish that is about 3 inches high. By placing this all under or near some trees or bushes allows the birds to scan for predators before indulging in drinking and bathing.  The plastic dish is easy to clean out every day with a rinse and scrub before refilling with fresh clean water.  My local wingers seem to enjoy loitering on the lower picnic bench seats and extra table space. Hence, my calling it a “bird beach.” Yes, the squirrels like it too. But they’ve not chewed on it or hauled it off.  Nor have I witnessed any squirrels mugging any birds.  Everyone seems very polite and patient waiting their turns in the branches of the dead pine tree nearby. O yes, they do seem to keep their own sense of order out there where it’s hot even under the trees.

The orange plastic container featured in this video shows how simple it can be offer birds the water they need to survive. A bird bath does not need to be expensive or fancy. It just needs “to be” in order to offer some life-sustaining water. Please share your bird bathing creations at will.

Thanks to VAbirdwatcher for posting this video complete with music on youtube.

420 Characters by Lou Beach complete with quixotic collages

All lovers of small texts this is for you. Tiny tales of woe, love, insanity, murder, mayhem and epic dreams no longer than 420 characters each.Perfect for snarfing between salami sandwich bites on feudal timed lunch breaks. Quick taste and daze day-dream prompts galore.  Example per review. Beach’s writing boxes heartily.

Lou Beach: Stories & Pictures

Imagine your life without water.


California streaming @evawojcik

What  would your daily life be like if you had to constantly search for clean water for drinking and bathing? What would life be like without water that came out of a tap every time you turned it on? What would life be like if there was no bottled water? What would your life be like if you had to pay for every ounce of water you used every day? What if there was no more water for taking showers or baths every day? 

What would life be like if you could not swim at any beaches? What if every lake, river, pond, stream was so polluted that it was dangerous to put your bare hands into them? What if there were no more whales, turtles, dolphins swimming in the oceans? Can you imagine such a world?   

I can. It’s easy because that’s the world we are creating for ourselves every day.  We’re  all responsible for the quality of life on Earth–every man, woman and child from the richest corporate executive down to the unconcerned naive child.  Oh yeah, we’re all on this boat called Earth together. No one owns it. Everyone is obligated to keeping it viable because we’re all part of the web of life.  If you don’t think so, then go right ahead and just try living out in deep space.

Now you see it….

Point Reyes


…..after an oil drill spills you won’t.

Limantour Beach, Point Reyes, California

Mourning for the Gulf of Mexico

Mourning for the Gulf of Mexico

@wojcik                                           No, Sarah, your drill is still in time out.     

Shall we drill here next?

Beach hwy 101 California


water is a living being

Yachats, Oregon

 Shall we drill here?



I want Oceans without Oil

holy water

Limantour Beach, Point Reyes

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