It’s a Drone’s World at Standing Rock Complete with Digital Smoke Signals too. No joke. Just ask Myron Dewey.

Who cares about R2D2 when you’ve got a Water Warrior Drone Scout? Is there anything cooler? Yeah, well Dakota Access Pipeline Layers and the Morton County Sheriff’s forces are not too fond of them. I do not understand why they keep shooting at drones. Actually I do and so will you after seeing what drones can show and tell. Still, what does a helicopter have to fear from a drone? I don’t know, but apparently they’re capable of “stalking” with ill intent. A malicious drone? Huh. Maybe they’re afraid they’ll do that bird flying into the blades or engine or something. Yep. Instead of getting into all that, here’s a few Digital Smoke Signals from Myron Dewey’s drones. If you click through to YouTube you can see more and subscribe. Take a load off and enjoy the views that you have NOT seen on mainstream news.

Drone Day Shift-ing.

Drone-ing at night.

After being asked nicely by the feds to stop construction ETP/DAPL did their usual thing–work.

Myron Dewey

What and Who—>

Digital Smoke Signals and Myron Dewey

Valley Forge Network

Be forewarned–we’re ending up with a BANG not a whisper.

Myron Dewey

Stand With Standing Rock #NoDAPL



History ~~ Ouch–It Hurts! ~~ What’s Columbus Got To Do With Anything In 2014?





~In 1482, Columbus sailed the ocean blue~

He was Bad News for the Taino People ~

But some people don’t want to think about that reality.

~Why not?

Because then they’d  have to learn a new history.

~Ooops–but isn’t history supposed to be true and honest?

Depends on who is using which facts to support which version of what happened.

~Are you saying people manipulate facts to suit their own agendas?

Me? Why would I ever say something like that? It might be politically incorrect, and we can’t have that, can we?

~Hmm, but what’s Politically Correct for one group isn’t necessarily PC for another group. And people do have a tendency to abuse PC everywhere in order to create conflict and sometime even abuse other people who had no intentions of abusing anyone. There’s been some very rough irony involved in demands for PC over the years.

No way! Who would do something like that?

~Who doesn’t? Come on, look at the conservative media, the scared shitless media, the controlled media, the alternative media, the foreign media, the underground media, the social media–everyone spins everything to suit their vision of reality, right?

Do you think that’s what pissed off those high school kids in Colorado so much that they pretested in the streets about changes in what history would be taught?

~What do you think?

I’m not sure yet. But–I do recall what happened in Arizona with the Mexican-American Studies program being shut down because it presented a different viewpoint of history than what the TPTB wanted taught in schools.

~Hey, are you saying there’s a conspiracy to teach lies in American schools?

Look, I don’t go in for conspiracy theories.  But I don’t think this is a coincidence either.  Maybe it’s just like minds acting out in similar ways.  Or not.

~ Like minded people, right. Ah ha.


Lie. Lie. Lie.

Deny lying and lie some more.

Because if the truth is known the people might rebel.

There’s a very good chance they’ll refuse to be cannon fodder.

They might even learn other languages in order to talk to the rest of the world about issues that affect everyone.

Or not.




Howard Zinn on Honesty In History


Humor ~~ Warning! Contains Sarcasm, Irony and Questioning of Authority

If you’re still in the dark about the history curriculum issue in Colorado:

As for the Mexican-American Studies Program in Arizona, check this out from Buzzfeed’s David Noriega:



Am I spinning the facts? Me? No way.  Why would I do something like that?


A few of the many Italian things I really like:

Friendly Italian people


Florence, Italy


Sandro Botticelli, artist ~

~~No, I’m not going to talk about the Pope or the Vatican. One should never discuss religion. It’s very Un-PC. Or it used to be. I’m not sure anymore.




Where The Unicorns Play ~ Anywhere They Want

WHERE the Unicorns Play—Ooooooooo in the wild forests of our imaginations. Yeah. Well, at least in mine.

Forests where the imagination lives to create.

Where do Unicorns play?

Anywhere they want, of course.

Like who is going to stop them? Hmm? Park Rangers?  The Thought Police?

Loreena McKennitt ~ Night Ride Across the Caucasus

Dream Journey ~The Last Unicorn ~ Qntal

Unicorns play in  The Magic Forest of the Mind.

music by David Arkenstone, “Magic Forest”


Unicorns play in dreamlands.

Forest Elves

my heart shall see light
hön’marën kena-uva kala

our hearts shall be forever
indönya ullumeá

go forth, rest in dreamland
nör’ande sëra mi lorien

i’ll soon be there
îm’eri ratö naya

Wait for me my love
larya nîn mëlissè

You know I’m here
le sinte îma sinomë

To join you in dreams
ána sama lemî oloorë

You have nothing to fear
le ar’uunèr ana kaurë

Fiery sun, begone
uur’anor wannëa

Moonlight, protect us,
isilme va’arya

Heaven’s star, shine through,
telume siila tere

Flame of hell, vanish
na’are utumno wanya

Lonely voice, cold and bare
erüma, helkàda

Wandering alone,
raanè ressè

Asleep, yet awake
lörna à’kuilä

Safe in dreams
Vàrna mi’olör

Shelter from the storm
türma ei ràumo


☾Credits/Extra Info☽
Merry’s Personal Channel:

Jordi’s Personal Channel:


Into the West (Suite) ~ Patrick Doyle composer

If you can’t see the horn reset your imagination.

This is what came to my mind and I’m sticking with it for today. Tomorrow might be another story.


As soon as I get my questionable act together, links to other themes will be  forthcoming.  This theme was Lisa’s idea. 🙂

Bear ~

Lisa ~~

Johnny ~~

Maddie ~~

Willow ~~

John ~~


Killer Animations * Competition * Is Now Open

The Music Theme is Competition—got that? Right. Yeah, I didn’t quite stay totally on the targeted task. Absolutely my bad. If that disqualifies my effort, so be it.  I’ll give the next theme another go instead. But I am grateful to Johnny for stimulating my blogging –even if the cake isn’t quite what was expected.   So how did this selection come about? Easy, I was fishing for animated videos about competing and had an unscheduled brainstorm–ooops–yes, those are like thunderstorms the weather channel never mentioned.  Anyway.  These videos all  have music and they’re all going to compete for you. Which one do YOU like the best? I gave them all common ground of being about killers in one form or another.  And, aside from the Talking Heads’ “Psycho Killer”, which introduces the sub-theme of killers for the animated works, all entries are from the Mad Artist Publishing channel on the tubes of you. I thought that was a way to narrow down my field of selections and possibly introduce anyone with similar sensibilities to their creative madness.  Hence the presence of a link to enable net surfing to more animated delights.

Yes, there are many other animator channels on the tubes–and if you find a wonderful one I demand a link.

If you would like to share a favorite which does not appear here, please do so.

For anyone paying attention, I kept these to a time limit in order to keep down the required listening time–otherwise there’d be OTHERS, many others.  I am interested in who likes what. This is supposed to be a competition so comment accordingly. Or not. 🙂 No pressure. No stress. Just killer animations.


Talking Heads ~ Psycho Killer

JesiJean :

This is a Music Video I created as my Final project for my Typography III Class.
Check out my work at
The lyrics were inspired by the character Norman Bates in the movie Psycho so I designed this with Saul Bass in mind since he was the graphic designer that created much of Alfred Hitchcocks Movie Posters.




When You Kill Little Creatures On The Road There Are Consequences  ~

CREDITS: Directing, Design, Animation, Modeling, Rigging, Sound Design and Story by Karl Hadrika (, Voice Talent by Lidia Łabuda. Song: “Just Feel” by Carol Williams. Owned by Verse Music Group.

Screening and Publishing permission granted Karl Hadrika on August 27.2013. If you’re interested in screening this film please contact


Serial Taxi

CREDITS: All visual aspects by Paolo Cogliati (,
Voice Acting : “Boris”/”Newscaster” by Jonathan Cooke, “Girl”/”Radio Singer” by Rebecca Parham
Sound Design : Mutante Media


Killer Slugs

CREDITS: Morten Helgeland, Casper Wermuth, Lasse Rasmussen, Carina Løvgreen, Kirsten Bay Nielsen, Polina Bokhan, Peter Egeberg, Magnus Myrälf, Maria B. Kreutzmann


Film Used with web screening license permission on March 19, 2013. The original film can be found at





 Film was produced and was the Winner of the “Uplift Universe” Cgtalk challenge. Greg’s superb animated film is featured in the Collectible & Interactive Art Book Vol.1: “Contests” & Vol.8 “Animation Stories” Both digitally available for free at

Credits: This 2002 Short Film was Animated & Directed by Grzegorz Jonkajtys, Sound by Adam Sukora.


For Bear’s Musical treatment of the Competition Theme go here where the links to other treatments will be posted as they put in appearances at other blogcasas –>>

I shall try to keep up and supply other links here too.


Here’s Lisa!

And Johnny

No, I’m not dead–yet. But I’m working on that development like all other living things.

Did I really say that?

Yeah, I guess I did.

Huh, who’d have thunk it.


Okay, hello to any interested parties. Yeah, that means you, Bearspawprint, Johnny, Charles, Dennis, LaBelleStudio, Lisa and whoever else who might have been wondering why I’ve been so MIA.  I’m not sure I’ve found something positive to post about at length. But while finally attending to my email –yeah, I’ve been an equal opportunity AWOL entity on more than the blogland front– a few thoughts crossed my mental landscape — nothing earthshaking, I assure you.  I hope this finds everyone enjoying some part of being alive at the moment of reading.  If not, it’s my understanding that there are seven seasons of True Blood available for viewing online to help with your perspective. Or perhaps not. Do you get the idea as to why I’ve not been posting for some time? Hmm?


While I’ve been absent from my blogcasa The Breakfast Special’s  Sarge and Lily–and their supporting cast, have been running amok for hundreds of pages. Currently I am not sure it’s a good idea on my part to continue posting their romantic adventure online. Thoughts on  the pros and cons of this issue are welcome.


Why the f*&k is Soy appearing in everything from mayo to bread to soup where it serves no purpose except as a filler? I have no affection for soy products as I am allergic to to soy–and its increasing presence in food items where it serves no value is pissing me off royally.  Ooops, this isn’t quite positive, is it? But I do feel better for venting. That’s positive relief. Frack Soy.


My ever delightful friend, Berit, shared this insightful commentary about rape culture in poetic form.  Nothing is perfect, but I do think it makes a point well worth sharing.  And anything that slams the TSA is right up my alley along with Freedom of Speech.  Hmm, the positive is in the poetry. Or so I’m thinking as I’m typing.  Hence, let me present Anna Binkovitz’s poem “Asking for it”.

Button Poetry

Published on Mar 27, 2014

Anna Binkovitz of Macalester College, performing during prelims at the 2014 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational. Macalester placed 5th overall in the tournament.

Download the audio of this poem for free:

Follow Button on Facebook:

About Button:

Button Poetry is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry.

We seek to showcase the power and diversity of voices in our community. By encouraging and broadcasting the best and brightest performance poets of today, we hope to broaden poetry’s audience, to expand its reach and develop a greater level of cultural appreciation for the art form.



Lantern Journal Magazine can be found on facebook for anyone interested in a serious Art Journal.  At the moment I cannot paste a link to its website. I have no clue why.


I’m ending this post now before I start backpedaling like crazy before hitting the post button.  🙂

“In the spring time, the only pretty ring time” ~~ A very necessary season for living.

“In the spring time the only pretty ring time” ~~~

I can’t quite recall the very first time I read or heard these words by Thomas Morley but they’ve never gone away. That’s pretty damn good staying power for a songwriter from Renaissance England. Never estimate the power of a tune–a poem set to music for entertaining the masses. Spring is all about bringing things to life–contrary to the famous commercial GE has nothing to do with this when it comes to nature and the reality of our own existence.  Every time art is created it’s an affirmation of the creative life forces centered in the promises of spring.


It Was a Lover and His Lass by Thomas Morley-–


Paul Phoenix (now of the King’s Singers) and Barry Holden, then choristers at St. Paul’s Cathedral, sing “It Was a Lover and His Lass” in this 1978 production of As You Like It [ by William Shakespeare], starring Helen Mirren.


Sand Animation ~ Spring ~ Marriage D’Amour by George Davidson



Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera ~ Music “Sweet Child of Mine” performed by Vitamin String Quartet



Tracy Chapman ~ Spring



Stravinsky ~ The Rite of Spring, Part 1  ~ Watch at FULL screen for full visual beauty impact. ~ “Jay Bacal performed and rendered this piece using virtual instrument software by Vienna Symphonic Library.”


Click through to watch on YouTube for more information about the creation of this piece and others. Yes, there is MORE.  The following is from the creator/uploader:

 Each shape corresponds to a family of instruments:
ellipse: flutes (also cymbals and tam-tam)
octagon: single reed (clarinet, bass clarinet)
inverted ellipse/star: double reeds (oboe, English horn, bassoons)
rectangle: brass (also, with “aura,” timpani, guiro and bass drum)
rhombus: strings

. . .

In this video, musical pitch (as ordered in the musician’s “circle of fifths”) is mapped to twelve colors (as ordered on the artist’s “color wheel”). With this mapping, changes in tonality and harmony correspond to changes in the color palette. You can read more about this technique here:
Unpitched instruments (bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, triangle, guiro) are shown in gray.


Who is more in tune with spring than young people? Time for some serious education which has nothing and everything to do with the birds and bees aka sex education that really tells where babies come from. What’s the big deal? None of us would be here without the biological act of sexual intercourse–modern science’s efforts for infertile couples et al aside.  Education, education– what’s it for really? In so many ways children are at the mercy of the parents, teachers and culture which often shortchanges them with devastating consequences.  Where does the shame, guilt and fear come from? Who creates the dysfunction regarding sexuality? Such discussions are increasingly important as is evident by all current news regarding sex, rape and violence. Isn’t it possible to have a society which behaves in a healthy, positive manner concerning sexuality? Newsflash–the Stork crash landed and won’t be bringing any more babies to anyone. Unless, it recovers enough to fertilize its mate’s eggs.

Spring Awakening ~ Full Version Off Broadway




Full Off-Broadway Spring Awakening.
Spring Awakening is a rock musical adaptation of the controversial 1891 German play of the same title by Frank Wedekind.
It features music by Duncan Sheik and a book and lyrics by Steven Sater.
Set in late-19th century Germany, it concerns teenagers who are discovering the inner and outer tumult of sexuality.
The original play was banned in Germany for a while due to its portrayal of masturbation, abortion, homosexuality, rape, child abuse and suicide.
In the musical, alternative rock is employed as part of the folk-infused rock score.
Spring Awakening received eleven 2007 Tony Award nominations, winning eight, including Tonys for best musical, direction, book, score and featured actor.
The show also won four Drama Desk Awards, while its London production won four Olivier Awards.

Melchior Jonathan Groff
Wendla Lea Michele
Moritz John Gallagher, Jr.
Adult Man Stephen Spinella
Adult Woman Christine Estabrook
Ilse Lauren Pritchard
Hanschen Jonathan B. Wright
Georg Skylar Astin
Martha Lilli Cooper
Ernst Gideon Glick
Otto Brian Charles Johnson
Anna Phoebe Strole
Thea Remy Zaken

Musical numbers
Act I
“Mama Who Bore Me” — Wendla
“Mama Who Bore Me (Reprise)” — Wendla and Girls
“All That’s Known” — Melchior
“The Bitch of Living” — Moritz, Melchior and Boys
“My Junk” — Girls and Boys
“Touch Me” — Boys and Girls
“The Word of Your Body” — Wendla and Melchior
“The Dark I Know Well” — Martha, Ilse and Boys
“The Word of Your Body (Reprise)” — Otto and Georg (not on the cast recording)
“And Then There Were None” — Moritz and Boys
“The Mirror-Blue Night” — Melchior and Boys
“I Believe” — Boys and Girls
Act II
“The Guilty Ones” — Wendla, Melchior, Boys and Girls
“Don’t Do Sadness/Blue Wind” — Moritz and Ilse
“Left Behind” — Melchior, Boys and Girls
“Totally Fucked” — Melchior and Full Company (except Moritz)
“The Word of Your Body (Reprise)” — Hanschen, Ernst, Boys and Girls
“Whispering” — Wendla
“Those You’ve Known” — Moritz, Wendla and Melchior
“The Song of Purple Summer” — Ilse and Full Company


Soundtrack  from Spring Awakening

Alex Worthington


I do believe Bear and Johnny will be singing some spring soon. Links when they flower. 🙂

Let the lovely Lisa put some spring in your steps :

Whoa, Johnny and Lisa duet–yeah, du-et–that’s what I said. Oh now, yeah they are flirting and making dates online too… Johnny’s place for the spring beat –>

Hey, hey, Bear is here –>

Much thanks to everyone sharing  their favorite Spring music things.  🙂

up we go


shedding husks unfurl

shoots curling staff seedlings gasp

silk sheath sun sight spreads


Below Above

Below Above


The Rose

How do you like your thorns?

I’m not entirely satisfied with my choices for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of any of these selections. My dissatisfaction stems more from the elusive quality of the rose itself as a symbol which extends far beyond wild and cultivated flowers. So often the rose represents a human in song, poetry and art.  Often it references a state of mind, an awareness both secular and mystical. There are two poets represented here – Tupac Amaru Shakur and William Butler Yeats–two vastly different men from very different parts of the world who both knew the power of poetry. Both poets immediately came to mind when Bear selected The Rose for this round. Each turned to the rose for inspiration and communication.  I discovered Shakur’s poetry in text form before ever hearing his voice or knowing anything of his persona. In this sense the focus was centered entirely on the words, the text, and the meaning striving for conveyance. Interestingly enough there is an entire album of his poetry posted on the tubes of you–but the poem I was after has been deleted from the mix due to corporate issues–ironically it is the poem which serves as the album title.  What shall we make of that?

Shakur on poets and poetry–and by the usual extension of words paired with instruments creates music. I sincerely doubt W. B. Yeats would disagree with his perceptions which could easily relate to Ireland’s issues in his time.

2009  kabrasblack


Tupac the rose that grew from the concrete



The Rose That Grew From The Concrete with music Everyday by Carly Commando

Ricardo Bracamonte

2pac poem…”Rose That Grew From Concrete”… Young boy skates through his urban neighborhood faced with the obstacles of society.

I realize this is a 2pac poem over a biggie beat, this choice was intentional. My goal for this project was to disregard the personal feuds of 2pac and Biggie and portray a struggle which is bigger than all of us


The Name of the Rose



The Rose Upon the Rood of Time ~ W.B. Yeats ~


This is poet Stella Shakerchi reading Yeats’ poem to musical accompaniment by Mark Bosley. The performance was part of their ‘Days’ show which was an anthology of songs and poems relating to different days of the year. It was part of Oxfringe, the Oxford arts festival on 26th March 2010.


2draw Animation Music video for Salvador  Dali’s “Meditative Rose”

Christy Reserva


La vie en rose  ~ Edith Piaf ~ English version

felipe salvador arias


La vie en rose ~ Edith Piaf ~ French version



The Rose by Amanda McBroom

Bernhard Deykowski

The Rose was written by Amanda McBroom in 1979 for the same film in honor of Janis Joplin. And she sings her own well-known song herself.



The Rose garden grows in delight and complexity:

BEAR:     /



Living and Sustaining a Creative Life ~ Essays by 40 Working Artists, ~~ Thanks for sharing, Sharon Louden

In the box or out of the box?

To gallery or not to gallery — to quest or not to quest?

Shut up and pass paper and pencils. Art wants making.

For the book price of less than a dollar a piece, editor Sharon Louden, working artist herself,  invites artists, and any other interested parties, to engage with 40 working artists n what has been an ongoing discussion for as long as creative people have striven to live and thrive in a world at large that far too often is less than supportive of their existence. No, Living and Sustaining a Creative Life, Essays by 40 Working Artists isn’t a book about artists who rock the status quo of mainstream society. Though there are artists within these pages who do so in one medium or another.  What this very engaging tome offers is a very wide and diverse range of perspectives based on experiences had by artists who’ve found their own ways to survive, thrive and continue to create over time. There are discussions of quests for studio time,  for money to provide food, shelter and art supplies, for solitude and for companionship, gallery representation and new ways of making a go of things with and without galleries. There’s a lot of insight, hindsight, information, ideas and inspiration in these essays written by a very wide range of artists including those raising children and engaged in mutually supportive relationships. Plus, there is an excellent photograph of each artist’s work prefacing their essay. Yeah, that’s a very sweet bonus track in this book–you get some views of art you might or might not have seen yet. So this libro also serves as a visual catalog of artists as essayists. Hence, you get a small visual sense of what these artists invest so much vital energy and time creating.

A few of my visual treat picks:

Michael Waugh’s The American Jobs Act, part 1 (detail)

Peter Drake’s Day for Night

Thomas Kilpper’s State of Control

Maggie Michael’s Swans of Other Worlds ~  (photography by Dan Steinhilber)

Julie Hefferman’s Self Portrait as Big World

Jay Davis’ Please, no more birds


Living and Sustaining a Creative Life Panel ~ Book tour video.  Yes, this is an interesting and engaging serious discussion among artists, about artists, art and the art world. Enjoy.


Here’s a link to Amazon’s Look Inside page for the book –


Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from the essays:

Annette Lawrence ~ “I am generally led by curiosity, and nothing is off-limits.”

George Stoll ~ “I LIke to work but don’t always like to start, so I make it as easy to begin as possible. At a restaurant near my house that has good coffee, friendly waiters and an owner who tolerates my long visits, I start most days. . . .  I’ve learned that I am especially productive when feeling a bit delinquent.”

Tony Ingrisano ~ “I sleep and eat and breathe drawing, so it’s only logical that I’d do anything necessary to keep drawing.”

Sean Mellyn ~ “Rauschenberg’s Bed made an early and lasting impression on me – that art can not only be made from anything, but material extrapolated from a life lived is a powerful statement.”

Brian Tolle ~ “There are no bad opportunities if you have only one.”

Austin Thomas ~ “There are as many ways to be an artist as there are artists; Lucas Reiner told me that one and it is true.”

Amy Pleasant ~ “And it wakes me up each day. And I follow it. And at the risk of sounding melodramatic, it is the greatest thing I know.”

Maggie Michael ~ “Falling n love was easy. What became labored was managing our bank account after college (when our student loans came due). Artists often pair with someone who has a reliable career and income, but we could not change partners now or in hindsight.”

Dan Steinhilber (Maggie Michael’s partner) ~ “Many people seem to give us extra credit because we involve our child in our life as artists. Clay has excellent conversational skills, yet he does not make a great deal of artworks. Nevertheless, he is imaginative and creative and amazing to us.”

Dan Steinhilber ~ “Over time we learned how to help, support, and appreciate each other rather than be competitive. For example, on days when Maggie is teaching, I often go to her studio and do practical things for her – build stretchers, prime canvases, and keep her supplies organized so that her time in the studio can be focused on painting.”


Link for Intellect, Publishers of Original Thinking page –>>,id=5042/

How do you measure success?

What did you create today?

Okay, now that I’ve done my good book information sharing deed for the day, it’s time to take advantage of the lull in the rain to get the box of sheet music out of the back seat and see what suits my agenda.


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