The Rose

How do you like your thorns?

I’m not entirely satisfied with my choices for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of any of these selections. My dissatisfaction stems more from the elusive quality of the rose itself as a symbol which extends far beyond wild and cultivated flowers. So often the rose represents a human in song, poetry and art.  Often it references a state of mind, an awareness both secular and mystical. There are two poets represented here – Tupac Amaru Shakur and William Butler Yeats–two vastly different men from very different parts of the world who both knew the power of poetry. Both poets immediately came to mind when Bear selected The Rose for this round. Each turned to the rose for inspiration and communication.  I discovered Shakur’s poetry in text form before ever hearing his voice or knowing anything of his persona. In this sense the focus was centered entirely on the words, the text, and the meaning striving for conveyance. Interestingly enough there is an entire album of his poetry posted on the tubes of you–but the poem I was after has been deleted from the mix due to corporate issues–ironically it is the poem which serves as the album title.  What shall we make of that?

Shakur on poets and poetry–and by the usual extension of words paired with instruments creates music. I sincerely doubt W. B. Yeats would disagree with his perceptions which could easily relate to Ireland’s issues in his time.

2009  kabrasblack


Tupac the rose that grew from the concrete



The Rose That Grew From The Concrete with music Everyday by Carly Commando

Ricardo Bracamonte

2pac poem…”Rose That Grew From Concrete”… Young boy skates through his urban neighborhood faced with the obstacles of society.

I realize this is a 2pac poem over a biggie beat, this choice was intentional. My goal for this project was to disregard the personal feuds of 2pac and Biggie and portray a struggle which is bigger than all of us


The Name of the Rose



The Rose Upon the Rood of Time ~ W.B. Yeats ~


This is poet Stella Shakerchi reading Yeats’ poem to musical accompaniment by Mark Bosley. The performance was part of their ‘Days’ show which was an anthology of songs and poems relating to different days of the year. It was part of Oxfringe, the Oxford arts festival on 26th March 2010.


2draw Animation Music video for Salvador  Dali’s “Meditative Rose”

Christy Reserva


La vie en rose  ~ Edith Piaf ~ English version

felipe salvador arias


La vie en rose ~ Edith Piaf ~ French version



The Rose by Amanda McBroom

Bernhard Deykowski

The Rose was written by Amanda McBroom in 1979 for the same film in honor of Janis Joplin. And she sings her own well-known song herself.



The Rose garden grows in delight and complexity:

BEAR:     /



What’s Love Got to Do? Musical Theme for Friday, the 13th of December 2013.

So what’s love got to do with everything? Ask the very incredible Tina Turner, I’m sure she can do more than sing about it. But hear here we’re starting off with a song by an artist well-known for her Celtic treatments, Connie Dover.  Last Night By The River is decidedly not Celtic. It’s based on a Shoshone ‘song’ and it differs decidedly from all the other tracks on The Border of Heaven which offers other love songs, all of which have been sung by others elsewhere–except the song I’ve selected.


Last Night By The River ~ Connie Dover


Everything ~ The Doctor and River ~ artist Lifehouse ~ It’s River Song and The Doctor, do I really need to write anything else? I think not. I won’t. Well, yes, I will. Just a little bit. If you’re out of this romantic couple time loop–then you’re missing out on a fabulous love story across time and space.



Tudno  kochac Polish/English ~  It’s Difficult to Love  ~ Kayah & Bregovic   The why is in the lyrics and the sound.

Ewa Dżi·


The Road Home  ~ This is a story about the first couple that marries for love in a little rural village. It’s a very beautiful film visually, musically and story-wise. It often relies totally on music without lyrics.  A must for all hopeless romantics.

 The Road Home – Chinese Movie by Zhang Yimou – with Zhang Ziyi, Sun Honglei, Zheng Hao, Zhao Yuelin – Soundtrack composed by San Bao


Summer Kisses Winter Tears ~ Julee Cruise  ~ Laura Manuel’s description says a lot. Tears of the Black Tiger is also a love story. It’s different. It’s Thai. I love it. The song sings for itself. Oh there are wonderful waterlily images in this film which make it a must for visual artists. The clip does not do the imagery justice.

Laura Manuel :

Tears of the Black Tiger is a 2000 Thai western film written and directed by Wisit Sasanatieng.
With its loud acting style, exuberant sets and stunning shots in pastel colours, it´s one of my favorites movies. In this video i wanted to make a resume of Tears of Black Tiger’s atmosphere.
I made this! 🙂


The Eternal Vow  ~ Green Destiny, Love Theme, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Yo-Yo Ma ~ Tan Dun  ~ It’s all very green. 🙂  No singing frogs today. 



A Love Before Time ~ Coco Lee with cello by Yo Yo Ma ~ Cello. Cello. Cello. Cello.

Liz M :

A few of my favourite “love scenes” from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. The two couples are Li Mu Bai and Shu Lien, the older couple, and Lo (Dark Cloud) and Jen, the younger couple.


 Les Temps de l’ Amour ~Francoise Hardy~Moonrise Kingdom ~ Young love, delightful, defiant and dedicated. Moonrise Kingdom is a treat for those of us who adore such things as Bruce Willis not acting in another die-hard flick. Yes, he can act. Who’d have thunk it. Love as an adventure–get packed, don’t forget the music, the books or the cat.

themusicbug20 :

It’s time to love,
Time for friends and adventure.
When the time comes and goes,
Can not think of anything despite his injuries.
For the love of time
It is a long and short
It lasts forever, it will be remembered.

It is said that twenty years it is the king of the world
And there will be eternally in our eyes
All the blue sky.

It’s time to love,
Time for friends and adventure.
When the time comes and goes,
Can not think of anything despite his injuries.
For the love of time
It puts you in the heart
Much warmth and happiness.

One day it’s love and the heart beats faster,
Because life goes on
And we are quite happy to be in love.

It’s time to love,
Time for friends and adventure.
When the time comes and goes,
Cannot think of anything despite his injuries.
For the love of time
It is a long and short
It lasts forever, it will be remembered.

Oh, no, I’m not done yet. You’ve met Donne in the prompt post for this theme.  I wonder who would have the musical chops to set Donne’s love songs to music? Any suggestions?

Music Theme: What’s my secret fantasy desire? My hope? My fond wish? Animate Art with Music! What else is worth living for?

Oh yes, my secret (not so much now) desire is to be an artiste de animation deluxe! Oh yes, let’s play with colorful fantasy desires complete with soundtracks of secrets, hopes and wishes galore. I wish I could ride a motorbike.  I also wish to be fluent in French. Honestly, I do. Now check these delights out. Ahhh, all for the art of animation. Sigh. Complete with cats. Light, fluffy and hopefully not at all stuffy. Unfortunately for one a bit too stuffy. What else are bad friends for except getting us into tight spots?  Slice some melon and leave aside being forlorn. It’s I-want-to-be-an-animator blogcasa night– or day. Here are some of my favorite delights. Oh it’s not all sweetness and spices. Not every dolly is nice-s. Do note, there’s food fun a-plenty. Mmm, Eve and her apples….mmm, yes. If only I had a geek brain.


O I so Wish! Ironic Fantasy fun!





A Ninja Love Story


Desires! Mythic Fantasy.

Mytho Logique


Secret, Desire, Fantasy

A Fox Tale


Comic Fantasy –and Desire, as in yeah, watermelon would be delicious right now. Seeds, the things from which wishes grow. 

Larva -Watermelon


Fantasy! Desire! Secret–oops! Who wants milk?


Secrets! and ???
Love Recipe
Hopes, Desires, Wishes, Secrets, Fantasies all in one! Food for the soul. 
Butterfly Dragon
Well, it’s been a rather long show, folks. I do hope you’ve all enjoyed the film-fest.  That’s the thing about secrets, once they start spilling, it’s tough to stop the flow. Hmm. So now you know. What????? Oh secrets, yes. They’re everywhere.  Take care.
Bear is spilling some Dreams



D.S. Nelson

Johnny, guys, so predictable. 🙂

Searching for a satisfying love story via dvd? Search no more. Serve some~ Chicken With Plums ~ What More Could Hopeless Romantics Wish For?

Answer to post subject title question— I have no idea regarding what more. Oh that’s a lie. Sure I do. But that’s beside the point here when it comes to Chicken With Plums. Let’s put it this way, I ate the entire film meal and loved it.


Is it possible to write a review and give nothing away about the content? Why would I want to do that if I’m pitching a story to people who are all about ‘what’s going on here’? For my own churlish amusement, I guess. Honestly, I think the film trailer gives away far too much information as it is. That’s not really fair considering this isn’t a film about some devious plot to overthrow the world order. Nope. It’s certainly not a film about that sort of sordid messiness. It’s more of an adventure into a few human hearts., how things are connected, intense smoke and controlling parents. Now does that last qualify as a spoiler or not? Nawww, I don’t think it does. That’s not exactly a breaking news story–though there are a few broken things here.

What makes a great story? What keeps you reading a book? Why do you keep watching a movie? Is it intricate plotting and scheming? Cunning and creepy characters with caustic conversation? Thrill seeking vicarious stunt action? Fast cars and hot women–and men? How about a not so fast train, plane and a boat? Frankly I think we need to redefine the nature of ‘hot’ for both men and women on main streets. But that discussion doesn’t really fit here so I’m going to leave it alone–if I can.  Back to the swing of things:  Stunning images and exotic locations? What is that special bait that gets the hook in your brain box and keeps you reading and watching? What trips your entertainment traps? What feathers tickle you humor bones? By the way, do you enjoy random visits with Death?

What kind of story do you pick for a chilly night with the home-fires? Do your fingers dance to drama, comedy, tragedy or romance? Or some giddy brew of everything? Check out the examples suggested and get back to me asap. Please feel free to suggest other examples.  Hint, that’s what the blank lines are supposed to encourage you to do. If it’s not working, let me know and we’ll revise accordingly. Thanks for your input even though you’ve yet to offer any. Yet.

Tragedy     ______  as in Othello

Comedy    ______  as in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Romance  ______  as in Moonrise Kingdom

Drama     _______ as in Elizabeth Taylor On A Hot Tin Roof

Action    _______ as in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Me? What do I pick? I do it all as long as it’s got the goods to keep my imagination engaged. I like a full plate of a solid story, no-big-box characters, delicious visuals, and sensual sounds. Yesterday evening’s top film pick was Chicken With Plums.  Yes I indulged in several otheres, but, sigh, as amusing as they were, no other was qualifed for TOP billing except the film with the fruit. I would love to ramble on and on about this delight. But I won’t. It would pull the rug out from the act of discovery and exploration.  Taste it for yourself. Oh, and if you’ve never eaten plums except with your breakfast–you’ve been missing out on some damn fine sweet stuff. Consider yourself DEPRIVED. Hmm…maybe it’s not in my best interests to encourage others to eat plums as that will mean fewer plums for moi. How do I talk about this film without mentioning plums when they’re the last word in the title? Chicken With ____ is not the way to go. That fill in the blank with your favorite fruit just isn’t working for me.  How about you?

Chicken With Plums 

Chicken With Plums Movie Trailer (2012). The french movie, directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud is set in Teheran, in 1958. From the Writers and director of Persepolis anime movie.

Note: The trailer says “Coming Soon” but the film has already come. No, you don’t have to go to France to see it. Silly bunnies.


Why yes, thank you.  I don’t mind if I do.  I’d like Chocolat.

PS, Were you expecting depraved instead of deprived? If so, what’s that tell you about you? No need to share. It’s quite alright to keep some things to ourselves.

Oh and if this is the most unsatisfying review of a film that you’ve ever read, please don’t hold it against Chicken With PlumsDon’t deprive yourself any longer than necessary on my account.

Sensual Saturday a la Eartha Kitt aka “The Most Exciting Woman in the World” said Mr. Wells










What is there left to say after Eartha steals the entire stage? meoooowwwwwww!


Truth? What’s that?

“Truth is truth

To the end of reckoning”

Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act 5, scene 1.

Truth by Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911) French painter, oil on canvas, 1870

Is there anything more hated than the truth? People work very hard to hide knowledge of all sorts of behavior, thoughts, words and deeds.  If people lived and behaved with common decency, mutual respect and tolerance they probably wouldn’t have so much to hide from others.  Current affairs range from the imprisonment of a man for revealing some truth about how the world operates to the exclusion of the participation of the people on the front lines of environmental devastation from the “talks” in Cancun. Huh–now why wouldn’t anyone truly concerned with addressing the issue of climate change want to hear from people already experiencing the consequences? Oh yeah—the profit motive is still in play in certain minds that believe the endgame is making money instead of survival of everyone, including their greed driven asses.  Apparently it’s okay to do negative things as long no one  is ‘caught’. It seems we’ve come a long way from Watergate. Not that anyone was behaving better during Nixon’s tenure in that house that tries so hard to claim the purity of wearing white. Nixon, 1973, Wounded Knee, South Dakota = some very bad times for Lakota people.  Now it’s perfectly acceptable for arrogant politicians and very ignorant–but sexually attractive –women to advocate violence and murder.  Obviously I missed the inclusion of such family values in the moral minority’s spiritual handbook. Or did someone blackout the entire New Testament? Now a new war has commenced—the war for the internet, a cyber war of hacked off hackers fighting  Big Brother and all his known associates. If you think the outcome of this engagement means nothing to you—think again. True colors are being shown, the lines have been drawn and crossed. The internet offers information and knowledge. Knowledge is power. If the internet is “controlled’ in order to prevent the sharing of knowledge, then where will the power be?

Thanks to PityYouOO7 for posting on YouTube

7 Films Worth the Price of Admission

With the exception of A Prophet at the top of my list, the other films are not  in not in any ranking order. But they are all satisfyingly substantial on the levels of story-lines, performances, and visual presentations.  Beat the heat with more of that tattooed girl, a freezing German landscape,  some very serious French humor, stressful Korean mother and son dynamics, the beauty of dealing with death, and what stays the same in families no matter where on earth they are living.  One is just opening (Girl), some are now on DVD (Mother, Still Walking, Departures, North Face) or will be soon (A Prophet), one is still showing in theaters (Micmacs).  Why is A Prophet at the top?  Because it’s a GREAT film with a GREAT actor, Tahar Rahim and a Great script. I advise you to not blink while viewing it or you might miss something crucial. Yes, every frame counts.

A Prophet

North Face



The Girl Who Played With Fire

Still Walking


How can you resist her smile???

Micmacs Smile

A still from the Micmacs.

Let’s see the Mona Lisa do  that with her legs.

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