A Very Sincere Shout Out to ExxonMobil

Today on FaceBook I had a close encounter with ExxonMobil’s Public Relations Machine via a video advertisement. The following is my comment/feedback/response to said ad: 

Okay, I just ‘inquired’ why I’m seeing this ad and got a ‘good’ explanation from Facebook

[thank you, Facebook]–Exxon wants to reach out to people like ‘me’. Well, Exxon you and

your fellow Oil companies ‘reached’ me long ago via the Niger Delta, Ecuador and

Guatemala, and the house down the street where the owners were ‘stuck’ with a gas drill in

their front yard for years, via the oil storage tanks and refinery in the little township two

miles up north where cancer runs rampant, with the oil spill in Alaska, the oil spill in the

Gulf, et al and that’s why I say NO! to Big Oil. #NoDAPL, No to the entire fossil fuel industry,

NO to Exxon’s influence in Politics, NO to an industry with the biggest profits in the world-

-an Industry which destroys the Earth we all live on, attacks people who criticize it, and lies

about Climate Change and truly doesn’t give a damn about people like me. Yeah, I get it,

you’re on a Public Relations Roll. Good luck with that. I guess the upside is that you’re

giving work to some people in advertising, Facebook and everywhere you’re placing these

ads. So you reached out to someone in my demographics. Well, now I’ve reached back.

#WaterIsLife But hey, Exxon, ‘you’ already knew that, didn’t you? Now learn how to

#HonortheEarthbefore it’s too late. I don’t think Mars is ready for Homo sapiens just yet.

Have a nice day. 🙂 .

Ad reference is to  ExxonMobil’s #Energy Lives Here ~ “ExxonMobil is a leader in carbon capture and storage”  This sponsored video ad appeared on my fb timeline. Perhaps you’ve seen it there or elsewhere.


[note: speaking of ads–any ads appearing here do so at the behest of wordpress and have no connection to moi. thanks for visitng.]


The Time Is Now. The Place is Earth. The Tipping Point is Real.

Get informed. Raise your voice. Use your talents. Reach out and engage however you can. Do not put this on the back burner. Do not wait for another day. Do not wait for more time. There is no more time. The time is now. The place is Earth. It’s the ONLY home you’ve got. Finding water on Mars is of no use to you or me or anyone’s children.  We can’t just f—the Earth and fly away into space. Star Trek is not reality. Scottie will not be beaming anyone to a nice safe place–and definitely not to any quaint islands whose people are watching the sea rise even as I type.

400 ppm CO2 is here to stay while all of us are alive.

Climate Change is real. It’s happening now. If you’re not feeling it yet, you will. I guarantee it.


(aside: any ads appearing do so via wordpress and have no connection to moi. thank you for visiting.)

A Power Point Parts Per Million Video Parade For Your Perusal

You may consider this video heavy post laziness on my part, unwillingness to return to previous stomped climate ground, or simply an easy way to engage via visual aides in order to get some traction. Actually it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that whatever your level of understanding of what’s going on with those parts per million comments popping up hither and yon there’s something here or in the links to other information resources for frying in your brain-pan.

Pick your present point of information departure.

Democracy Now! ~ 2016


The Young Turks ~ 2016


PPM = Basic Parts Per Million ~ Explained

Risk Bites

400 Parts Per Million CO2  ~ 2013

Enspire  Click through to watch YouTube for more info links.

Democracy Now! ~ 2013

More information sources:

Inside Climate News

350.org  Concerning the Science of 350 / 400 ppm, resources and more.

Climate Central Antarctica CO2 Hits 400 ppm for first time in 4 Million Years

On October 6, 2016, The PBS News Hour devoted some time to Climate Change via The Paris Accord . … during which Judy Woodruff asked Gavin Schmidt, NASA climatologist, if the rise to 4oo+ ppm was important. Schmidt clearly thought it was. It wasn’t clear if Woodruff agreed or not. ~~~ “baby steps”—ahhhh haaa….

More trees please.



The Real Consequences of Climate Change for Children.

As Dear Kitty often writes —“The video speaks for itself.”

Well, actually Dr. James Hansen and his granddaughter, Sophie, do all the speaking. And they do it quite well.

Water Is Life ~ ~ ~ #NoDAPL ~

Tech N9ne ft RedCloud -“PTSD” #NODAPL

For extensive media coverage Democracy Now!

Lyrics are posted on YouTube.


Keep The Oil In The Ground ~ why #NoDAPL

What can I say when the video says it all. AmazonWatch

This is why oil should stay in the ground.

This is why no one needs another pipeline.

This is why protectors are standing strong at Standing Rock in North Dakota and Iowa to protect water and earth.

This matters to everyone on Earth.


Solidarity #NoDAPL ~ Wherever You Are ~Stand With Standing Rock Protectors of Earth ~ Sky ~ Water

Our Native American brothers, sisters, relations & settler supporters have assembled at the Sacred Stone Camp and are converging with hundreds of Indigenous Tribal Nations and thousands of Water Protectors at Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. They are holding the line against construction of a pipeline that would carry highly flammable, fracked […]

via Weeks of #NoDAPL solidarity planned — Beyond Extreme Energy

What does one do when the heat index is lethal and you’re learning what it feels like to be an animal at a zoo?

Yes, I have been seriously MIA yet again from this blogcasa. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been on my mind. There’s been a great deal of mayhem and chaos and downright insanity going on around the world. I’d rather not discuss the specifics as you’ve all probably had quite a stomach full enough of it all to vomit. Yes, it has been awful outdoors here–bad enough for moi to be forced to spend much of summer indoors in order to breath properly and avoid heat illness. This is royally pissing me off because I so look forward to having the windows and doors open during the summer. That has been impossible for months at this point. Gardening and walking has been restricted to the wee hours of the mornings and far and few between low humidity and heat days. Anyone who has not noticed the local change in temperature has not been paying any attention for their lifespan. You would think the increase in their electric bills from running their air conditioners all the time would raise a red flag. But not so for climate change deniers and the those who are just plain clueless. Anyway it’s been a shit summer for me because I physically can not endure the heat index. Please share your summer time weather experience at will. So instead of enjoying the great outdoors this summer I’ve been reading and watching far too many films and series. And thinking about a few things. For example: Do men ever worry about their reproductive rights? Seriously, does the male of the human species EVER have to fight anyone about his sperm and the consequences of sharing it with the female of the species? Hmm? Yeah, it’s been on my mind. Oh and every time I  check on my blogcasa I find things have changed at WP–usually to make things easier for blogging. But it’s a bit like coming home and finding the place totally redecorated and having to figure out what’s what every time. Ah the least of my concerns. At any rate, it’s taken a while for me to decide to do a little sharing of the sort that ought not land me in the pokey for defamation of character. Here’s a list of books, films and music I think are worth sharing. Please, oh god, please, share back because this is the first of August and I am running out of quality entertainment while under heat arrest.

I’ve occupied my  non-writing time with the likes of:

Show Me A Hero— book by Lisa Belkin, HBO mini-series.


IF anyone really wants to have a serious discussion about race issues in America this NON-fiction book and series offers a means for doing so. It also offers some how-to for dealing with community issues. And the trailer hardly gives a sense of the women whose true stories are worth the price of your viewing time.  It might look like it’s all about Nick and the white guys, but it’s NOT.

The HBO series Treme goes to post Katrina New Orleans and strives to portray the cultural, social-economic, racial, justice issues via the personal lives of compelling individuals. It is not a pretty picture of state, local or federal government. If you love the many faces of Jazz you’ve got it made. The issues should make your blood boil. The food will make you hungry. The music will have you dancing and singing. The satire will satisfy a need for intellectual substance. And you just might cry more than you expect.  Absolutely Addictive!



Another series worth spending some caged air conditioning time with is House of Cards—IF you can stomach any more political evil doing. Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright and an all around incredible cast dive into the cesspool otherwise known as the American political scene where there are NO rules at all. If you watch this then you’ll have no trouble thinking the worst of the republican and democratic parties–or any other political party. The pursuit of power by any and all means. Everyone is expendable and all collateral damage is acceptable. Evil is real. Oh yeah.



Ah more about human nature in glorious black and white—The Fifth Horseman is Fear. Jewish doctor, Nazis, Czechoslovakia and an injured political fugitive = great drama. What’s your risk factor?  There’s a lot to contemplate in this study of human nature, identity and oppression. The image of the pianos haunts me with its beauty, sadness and tragedy. Keep your eye on the boy in the film. What does he make of everything he sees and hears–oh I do wonder.



Damn, I haven’t even gotten to books and music yet.

Okay I’m going to wrap this post up on an incredibly beautiful note with a link to a blog that those of you interested in film might find interesting. The Case For Global Film has a fine entry for the Hungarian film Love.   Love  stories are not just couples finding each other for sex and corny feel good times. What does love motivate people to do for each other? What does it mean in the grand scheme of all things? Is it the best thing about our species? Maybe. Is it the most powerful –and under-utilized weapon we have to deal with the self destructive chaos that our species creates in the world?

Love is yet another visually gorgeous film in black and white from 1972. If anyone finds a video for this film please drop a link as I’m not having any luck with my searches–yet. Hence the link which offers a host of other films all too often ignored in America.

For now–hello to all. Keep cool if you can. Sing, dance, eat well. Love. And fight the mayhem by refusing to let it overwhelm you.


Musical Theme: Fire Ascent to the Higher Realms ~~ Sort of Sure Something Here Could Offend Someone Somewhere But Hear’s Hoping Not.

Okay, well, after a technical ‘fail’  this post is back–almost–minus one until found again. Definitely without all my chatter about it –for the moment.

Yes, this is the Ascent for Fire. I guess the first posting effort ascended somewhere other than ‘here.’

Now, interesting side notes to this post that doesn’t want to stay grounded:–I selected these pieces first. But my commentary for those other selections in that other post was completed first. Not sure I want to start reading anything into any of this, but it might be telling–or not.

For now.


Mythical conceptualization of Fire.

Grandmother Spider Steals Fire   ~~ Choctaw Creation Story

Rene Rismondo·


Fantasy Film Conceptualization of Fire. The Fire of creation in producing art and music.  Not to mention the fact that Ed Sheeran has FIRE red hair.  Yeah, he’s a Fire-Child for sure.

Ed Sheeran ~ I See Fire  ~ The Hobbit,  Desolation of Smaug

Peter Jackson


Spiritual Conceptualization of Fire.

Serpent of Fire

Raven Lythrum

Serpent of Fire
Lyrics by Ricky Asmodeous and Raven Lythrum
Composed by Raven Lythrum

Your presence magnifies
A journey that shall not repeat
Part of it is you, and all of it is me
A potent energy, that set’s my wings free
I fly without thinking, you’ve set me free

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire

As I calm my mind I ascend
Burning on without an end
The seals have been torn away
I feel the heat and consummate
Through serpents eyes I rise, ignoring outside lies
Turning the led to gold, breaking the enemies hold

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire

The serpent shall blend and will mend
My mind as my soul ascends
The lies have been cleared from my path
So don’t run away from the past

Light all the embers
Set there a fire
Deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Drown me in water
My soul has grown dire
deep in my heart lies my soul’s desire
Is the serpent of fire


Getting up close and very personal dancing with fire.

Spiral Fire Dance 


http://www.spiralcircusarts.com ::: Spiral performing acrobatics, fire wand, single, and double fire hoops at the European Juggling Convention’s Fire Gala Show on August 4, 2012, held in the lovely castle plaza in Lublin, Poland.


Concrete Conceptualization of Fire.

Adele~ Set Fire to the Rain  ~ Fire on ice? Why not? Let’s mix our elements why don’t we? Some water, some hot skating on ice and a passionate song. Oh this fire and rain does not flow according that by Mr. Jimmy Taylor.

Rebecca Neudorfer


Flame Dance

Two flames dance into the night One steps to the left, the other leaps right Winds of change provide food for flight No way of knowing what sparks may ignite

Separating… merging… as if on cue Dressed in golds and red-hot blues Tempestuous, breath-taking, move after move No plan, no rehearsal… It’s die or do

Each step, each flame, fueled by desire She builds him up, he lifts her higher Mesmerized gazes wonder what will transpire Will they simply burn out? or spread like wildfire?

breathe in….           step left…. breathe out….            leap higher

                      breathe in….                              burn out….                        breathe in….                               burn brighter


[For some reason this is not appearing as it does at SMJ’s blogcasa. but I think this physical shape is very interesting. For the original form as intended by the poet herself look here—>> http://samanthamariahjane.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/flame-dance/ ]


Conceptualization of the Fire of love.

June Carter Cash ~ Ring of Fire 

Most people associate this song with Johnny Cash. I connect it with June because it is her creation.  Interesting how the singer goes ‘down’ while the flames go ‘higher’.


Conceptualization of Concrete Fire literally in the hole— as in the coal mine along with inspiration, protest against exploitation, fire inside and out and deep in the ground.

Hazel Dickens  ~ Fire in the Hole

More about that coal fire issue regarding energy and music:  Rock Music and Solar Panels –pop rock music makes them work ‘better’–who knew? 🙂  http://climatecrocks.com/2013/11/22/here-comes-the-sun-rock-music-jumpstarts-solar-panels/


Links to other Musical Theme Players:

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/music-themes-grandmother-fire-burn/

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/musical-themes-grandmother-fire-smolder/

Bearspawprint http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/music-themes-grandmother-fire-smoke/



D.S. Nelson


Johnny  http://johnnyojanpera.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/grandmother-fire-musing-theme-november-22/

Hmm, why didn’t I “do” any smoke? What’s that lack tell about me? I guess I go for the hot stuff?

Letterman Does DeChristopher! High Fives to to Dave and CBS!


Bidder 70 in LA on Friday 28, June, 2013.

Purchase ticket.

Friday, June 28 – Thursday, July 4: noon, 2:10 pm and 7:30 pm

Music Hall
9036 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30: 11 am

Claremont 5
450 West 2nd Street Claremont, CA 91711

Playhouse 7
673 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101

Monica 4
1332 2nd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Whose up for some TRUTH? Hmm? No snow required. No whistles blowing. Just the reality of Utah, BLM, DeChristopher and Climate Change. If you’re in LA–then where else do you NEED to be?

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