The Time Is Now. The Place is Earth. The Tipping Point is Real.

Get informed. Raise your voice. Use your talents. Reach out and engage however you can. Do not put this on the back burner. Do not wait for another day. Do not wait for more time. There is no more time. The time is now. The place is Earth. It’s the ONLY home you’ve got. Finding water on Mars is of no use to you or me or anyone’s children.  We can’t just f—the Earth and fly away into space. Star Trek is not reality. Scottie will not be beaming anyone to a nice safe place–and definitely not to any quaint islands whose people are watching the sea rise even as I type.

400 ppm CO2 is here to stay while all of us are alive.

Climate Change is real. It’s happening now. If you’re not feeling it yet, you will. I guarantee it.


(aside: any ads appearing do so via wordpress and have no connection to moi. thank you for visiting.)

It’s a Drone’s World at Standing Rock Complete with Digital Smoke Signals too. No joke. Just ask Myron Dewey.

Who cares about R2D2 when you’ve got a Water Warrior Drone Scout? Is there anything cooler? Yeah, well Dakota Access Pipeline Layers and the Morton County Sheriff’s forces are not too fond of them. I do not understand why they keep shooting at drones. Actually I do and so will you after seeing what drones can show and tell. Still, what does a helicopter have to fear from a drone? I don’t know, but apparently they’re capable of “stalking” with ill intent. A malicious drone? Huh. Maybe they’re afraid they’ll do that bird flying into the blades or engine or something. Yep. Instead of getting into all that, here’s a few Digital Smoke Signals from Myron Dewey’s drones. If you click through to YouTube you can see more and subscribe. Take a load off and enjoy the views that you have NOT seen on mainstream news.

Drone Day Shift-ing.

Drone-ing at night.

After being asked nicely by the feds to stop construction ETP/DAPL did their usual thing–work.

Myron Dewey

What and Who—>

Digital Smoke Signals and Myron Dewey

Valley Forge Network

Be forewarned–we’re ending up with a BANG not a whisper.

Myron Dewey

Make Your Money Sing Solidarity With Standing Rock

H10 no black snake

Yes! magazine’s list of Banks invested in ETP/DAPL 

How to Contact the People Sending Militarized Police to Standing Rock

Make this holy-day season truly meaningful. Stand with Standing Rock. Honor Our Mother Earth. Sing Water Is Life Loud and Clear.


(side note: any ads appear via wordpress only and reflect no connection with moi. thank you for visiting.)

Have I Got This Right? : North Dakota Repudiates The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Because It’s Not Good News for Energy Transfer Partners’ Big Oil Agenda

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

First Amendment ~ U.S. Constitution

The First Amendment is not respected in North Dakota. Or maybe it got lost in the Second Amendment Shuffle. The right to bear arms is definitely allowed–well, as long as you’re a police officer or a member of a private security force or oil company executives. Can’t say for sure about oil company executives because they don’t show their faces in public and they’re definitely not heading out any time soon to lay any pipe themselves. Personally, I’d really like to see that dirty work in the field happen but that’s an entirely different issue. Oh, wait, there’s also some serious history of law authorities not being too fond of the Lakota/Sioux having weapons of any sort close at hand–so I suspect the Second Amendment is off-limits to them in North Dakota.

When in North Dakota:

Journalists Shall Not Report what is going on at Standing Rock or elsewhere regarding the defense of water and land under threat by a big oil pipeline. They will arrest you for this:

Citizens Shall Not Live-stream the actions of Police, the National Guard and Private Security Firms. They will arrest you for this.

Thou Shall Not Take Photographs which document Police, National Guard, and Private Security Firms which contradict their stated version of events involving peaceful Protectors.They will arrest you for this.

Thou Shall Not Reveal How the Police in North Dakota are doing the bidding of Energy Transfer Partners. They will arrest you for this.

If you think I’m joking just ask Deia Schlosberg, Unicorn Riot , Shailene Woodley, Madison WI City Alderman Rebecca Kemble  and the Standing Rock Protectors who’ve been jailed for documenting what’s happened with North Dakota Police, ETP’s private security, and the National Guard.

If you do record and share such information you are an enemy of the state of North Dakota and its good buddies, Energy Transfer Partners and the big banks which are funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. (If you think ‘enemy’ is too strong a word then feel free to suggest other word choices. I’m open to suggestions.)

Wondering why I’m rambling on about the Freedom of the Press?

Things are going to get a tad interesting regarding the Freedom of the Press in North Dakota on Monday morning when Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman intends to turn herself in to authorities to deal with the charges made against her for doing her job.

UPDATE Regarding North Dakota Versus Amy Goodman  Now it’s “riot” instead of “trespassing.”

I’m wondering if any mainstream media operations will cover this action. Will CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR show up for this confrontation regarding First Amendment festivities? How about Al Jazeera? CNN maybe? At the moment I’m betting they’ll all be no-shows, though they do like using Democracy Now!’s news footage from time to time. Those pesky independent journalists get to go to all the ‘fun’ hot spots television news anchors might not be able to find on a travel guide map. (Is that too harsh? I don’t think so, but one never knows.) By the way, if you don’t know who Amy Goodman is and you’ve never watched Democracy Now!’s Independent Global News well then it’s about time you considered expanding your news horizons. Be forewarned, there will be no hot blondes in tight dresses breathlessly spewing out sound bites in an effort to give you an anxiety attack about local events. The headlines are often delivered at a fast and furious speed in an effort to make the most of the time. The in-depth coverage might take you places and introduce you to people you never knew existed–and probably would never meet via mainstream news.


You might get angry. You might be offended. You might start wondering why mainstream media treats people like blithering idiots. Some of those interviewed such as Henry A. Giroux will share their thoughts on that last notion from time to time. If you have children in school you might want to pay close attention. (Damn all the teaching to the tests.)


So, if you’re a serious reader you might discover some new books. Said books may depress you with their reality checks. But so be it.

And then there are the discussions of films ET wouldn’t dare spotlight:

If you’ve read and watched so far you now have some idea of the nature of independent journalism as practiced by Amy Goodman and the rest of Democracy Now! It’s probably clear why Energy Transfer Partners and the authorities in North Dakota are none too keen on making Goodman or any other kind of journalist welcome to venture out to Standing Rock and other oil pipeline sites. Even from New York City, Democracy Now! has provided all kinds of ongoing intriguing issue raising coverage of #NoDAPL.  Most of which puts the likes of PBS to shame for its depth and breadth.

Hence, come October 17, 2016 I wonder which journalists will be covering the story of Goodman turning herself in Mandan, North Dakota. There’s a chance there might only be the Democracy Now! crew and Standing Rock Protectors as witnesses. Let’s hope not. Let’s hope mainstream media can find its way to Mandan, Standing Rock and the Dakota Access Pipeline no one needs. Like Climate Change, which mainstream media has done a damn fine job of ignoring, the First Amendment impacts all of us. Ignorance is not bliss. You really do need to know what the hell is going on. That’s the purpose of having an independent news media.









“We Are Part of the Natural World. ~ We are Power.” #NoDAPL


Film by Heather Rae, Cody Lucich and Ben Dupris
Posted by Sundance Film Festival…



Honor The Earth ~ The Village is Growing: Standing Rock

Media, Music and Movies ~ For Uranium Mining On Navajo Land, Plus Snow From Sewage

Yes, it’s Monday. It’s St. Patrick’s Day. It’s national beer drinking day for a lot of folks.

But it’s also another day in the ongoing fight against uranium mining and its consequences everywhere from the past to the present.

On March 14, 2014 independent journalist Amy Goodman reported from Flagstaff, Arizona about the ongoing environmental and health issues connected with uranium mining and its long-term consequences for the Dine ~ Navajo people.  The main portion of her video report is posted here but there is a great deal more information and related coverage on Democracy Now!’s site.  Part of the Democracy Now! broadcast discussed the use of music and film by to raise awareness and share information regarding issues.  To supplement DN!’s coverage I’ve included two videos featuring Klee Benally’s music and an informative video about Outta Your Backpack Media which teaches Indigenous people how to make and use movies to address the need for media justice and coverage in their communities.  There’s a trailer for the film The Return of Navajo Boy which is referenced in the news piece.  The film’s website –>  Democracy Now!’s page for the story also includes links to information and related stories. 


Without Water & Weather Changes ~ Klee Benally



“A Slow Genocide of the People”  Uranium Mining Leaves Toxic Nuclear Legacy On Indigenous Land  


Democracy Now! A Daily Independent News Hour  —


Outta Your Backpack



The Return of Navajo Boy Trailer


This is a trailer for the award-winning documentary film, “The Return of Navajo Boy.” See its official website for more information:

Also see Groundswell Educational Films website:


Song of the Sun ~ Klee Benally



What part of sacred don’t you understand?

MT Garcia

Breakfast Special, #39, “Do Not Disturb”


“Do Not Disturb”

“Good night, Lily.” Anton watched her sway sleepily as she made her way through the bookroom and headed towards the bedroom. Taking advantage of the peace and quiet offered by the kitchen space, he decided to enjoy a few minutes for himself. A coffee refill joined another cookie while he relaxed in this unexpected gift of alone time.  Lily’s cup and book opposite the table setting she’d laid out for Sarge had him giving some serious thought to the current state of people affairs in Lily’s apartment and love life from a different perspective than he usually took on such matters. Anton has no doubt you can take whatever Lily dishes out physically if you get her riled up, Sarge. Not that I think you’d deliberately rile her, Big Man. Truth be, I can’t see you doin’ any of the things that have brought out Lily’s tire iron side. Anton’s concern be how well and the why of Lily keeping most all her intel regardin’ yourself to herself as she has. Plus, there be this protective attitude she’s putting out. She ain’t gonna let anyone wake you up from your beauty sleep. Where the hell that and the rest of this sleep intel collecting of hers comin’ from? What her home people vibes telling her? My bones sure don’t know. She workin’ on some other page entirely. Her saying she ain’t gonna leave you to deal with some shit you don’t know about yet, no matter how things go down with you and her, now that’s taking her vibes to a Lily book Anton ain’t even read the title of, much less caught on the shelf. Unless, Anton guess maybe that got something to do with Peter. Possible that. Not quite the same deal, but we got some common ground with the sex element. Different kind of hurt in that area, but there be hurt common ground too. Could be that combo working on Lily. Anton would feel a whole lot better about her sayin’ you stayin’ around if she’d said some mutually satisfactory bone jumpin’ had been shared last night. That be in the usual scheme of woman and man things. But that ain’t so. Instead of doin’ some dancin’ in bed until four in the morn, you two were laying cards on the table. Don’t get me wrong, I know that’s a good thing. Sarge, I would not blame you if you be re-thinking a thing or two regarding Lily after she laid down the John and Mark cards.

Anton’s fingertips took hold of the serving platter full of Mrs. Ling’s coconut cookies and rotated it round and round as he thought. He listened to the radiator pipes rattle and clang loudly for a few moments then turned to look and listen for sounds of people movement from the other end of the apartment. Hearing nothing, he took a deep breath and let it go.  Bottom line right now be this, Big Man: you getting a chance with Lily. Hell, you had it all along, just didn’t know it. Don’t feel bad about that. Anton was not aware either. Esther been out of that loop too. Anton not even going to whisper any of this intel to Esther. Oh no. Anton gonna leave it to Esther’s own eyes and ears. If Lily don’t share intel, then you not catching a bus out of the Flats gonna clue my Esther in fast enough. Can’t say I blame Lily for keeping her cards regarding you close to her chest, Sarge. Might seem strange comin’ from a woman, but Esther none too thrilled about your sex draw for the ladies. Everyone knows you give no serious attention to any woman except Lily and you nice and polite like with those ladies in waitin’ but nothin’ else. Anton think that little book she got her fingers on has Esther looking at you a certain way when she add in that draw you got. Funny thing is, from all your chatter, Anton know you ain’t got a clue about that draw. Irony working some serious overtime now. Lily being Lily, she got to be onto that draw cause she always on the lookout for what’s goin’ on with the boys and girls for figuring out how to get what she need. Now, Anton thinking if Lily watching you close enough to know what damn sleep cycle you in by how you breathin’, then she sure watching you close enough to know you in the dark about that sex draw you got going without working a damn thing. Lily sure got Esther beat on that score. Other thing though, Anton think you being in the dark a damn good thing for you, Sarge, cause Lily knows if you say you don’t know what’s going on with some other woman, well, you probably don’t know. Especially since Lily taking up all the lady space in your head already, there ain’t no room in there for another woman no how. If Lily don’t know that yet, her home people vibes sure do. All she got to do is tune into that vibe. Anton gonna let all this intel set nice and quiet. Yessirreee. Anton just gonna sit back and watch this show. No need for more. This one drama needs no intervention. Mmmmm. Anton gonna take two of these Ling sweets and gonna make tracks to Percy Two’s place. All Anton gonna say is Big Man needing some zs after spending too much time in that f’n cold basement water yesterday. That all be true. Nobody’s business about all the card laying until four am adding to the z need.

Anton stood up, washed his cup, carefully slipped two cookies into his side coat pocket and made tracks to the apartment door. At the mat where his boots waited, he paused and listened to the easy quiet in the bookroom and beyond. He took his notepad out of his pocket, found Lily’s roll of tape on the couch table, wrote  “ Do Not Disturb” in dark blue bold block print letters on his pad, tore the sheet off and taped it to the outside of the apartment door. Pleased with himself, he pulled on his insulated boots, locked the door behind him and quietly pulled it shut. He rubbed his fingers over the pieces of tape securing the note to the wooden door, took a cookie from his pocket and set off for the apartment building with the electrical wiring issues that would just have to wait for Big Man to wake up on his own to get some much-needed TLC.  There was plenty of other work to keep the entire crew busy until Sarge showed up to put his rewiring plan into action. Anton DeWitt was not worried about that plan even one little bit.  He laughed to himself as he stepped off Rosa’s front porch. Hot damn, Lily landed her a man with a sex draw that gets women to turn over their best recipes. Now that’s what Chef Anton calls friends with benefits.


Information regarding video and music “Do Not Disturb” Stop Motion Paper Folding [with original music]

A temperamental tree gets easily affected by the weather changes and the various visitors of his park.

Directed, produced and written by: Irenia Alvarez
Art design by: Vale
Original music and sound design by: Luis D’Elias
Director of Photography: Nikola Uzarevic
Set designer: Irenia Alvarez
Set designer assistant: Maria Carolina Hernández
Assistant director: Betzy Medina – Mariela Vargas
Edited by: Irenia Alvarez
Script: Irenia Alvarez
Original story by: Claudia Galean

The hand: Luissana Mejias




Five “Foreign” Films, first set quest

These are trailers of the first five films on a list I’m compiling of “foreign” films–as in films not produced in America. This is a search for substance and meaning in the movie industry outside of Hollywood. I’m looking beyond borders for connections with the rest of the world regarding the human condition as portrayed via film media. All genres are welcome.  Also,visual artistry, performance, and music are all of interest. If you have suggestions for this list, please share the titles and/or trailers via a comment.

Note: The information text for each film is from the uploader sources cited for each trailer.


Blue Is the Warmest Color ~ France


15-year-old Adèle knows two things: she’s a girl, and a girl goes out with boys. The day she glimpses the blue streaks in Emma’s hair on the main square, she feels that her life is going to change. Alone with her teenage questions, she transforms the way she looks at herself and the way that others look at her. In her intensely close relationship with Emma, she is fulfilled as a woman and as an adult. But Adèle doesn’t know how to make peace, neither with her parents, nor with this world full of absurd morals, nor with herself.


The Broken Circle Breakdown


Elise is 28 and owns her own tattoo parlour. 36-year-old Didier is a Flemish cowboy who plays the banjo in a band. Although in many respects they are as alike as day and night, somehow their characters match perfectly and the arrival of their baby, Maybelle, makes their happiness complete. Life is good until one day, fate intervenes, and they lose their daughter.


An Episode In The Life Of An Iron Picker ~ 


Acclaimed director Danis Tanovic won the Grand Jury Prize at the Berlin Film Festival for this unflinching exposé of the prejudices faced by Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Roma minority, starring the real-life couple whose harrowing ordeal became a national scandal.


The Missing Picture ~Cambodia

New Wave Films



Highlighted as one of the most important films at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, where the jury headed by Thomas Vinterberg gave it the fully deserved award. Just like ‘The Act of Killing’, the Cambodian Rithy Panh deals with the impossible question of how a film can relate historically to a genocide. Over two million people died under Pol Pot’s dictatorship from 1975 to 1979. A period, during which all existing photos and film footage were created by the terror regime’s propaganda machine. Panh himself was 13 years old, and the film is based on his own and his family’s memories of the four dark years that followed. But how does one portray a past of which there exists no pictures? Panh’s answer is to recreate it in the form of miniature figurines, hand-painted and shaped in clay, which stand for the regime’s victims, while a single voice quietly shares its testimony: ‘People say, that their souls will wander all over the earth.’ The paradoxical poetry in Panh’s choice of words (and in the skilfully detailed clay figures) is not just a historical documentation of a past out of reach. It is a protest against inhumanity everywhere and throughout the times.


The Hunt ~ Denmark


A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son’s custody. His life slowly gets better as he finds love and receives good news from his son, but his new luck is about to be brutally shattered by an innocent little lie.

“Fractured Land” ~ What Kind Of World Do You Want To Live In?

What kind of world do you want to live in? Hold that question in your mind for a time.

While searching for some up to date information regarding  a particular event, The Future Generations Ride,  I came across a great deal currently online in social media venues regarding very serious issue raising events of the past.  While sorting through the information overload I discovered a documentary film in the works, Fractured Land.  Then, for this post, I decided to switch gears to the present and the future because we are in the here and now. What we do, all of us, has ramifications for the future, our future and the future of life on Earth. Earth has not always been as we know it–full of automobiles, grocery stores, shopping centers offering all sorts of techie toys, synthetic clothing, and fast food. Contrary to the commercials on the small screen, life has not always revolved around purple pills, phones and plasma screen televisions offering surround sound and high-definition imaging. 

What I haven’t quite figured out yet is, why we, as in a great many of us humans, not all of us, but enough of us to make an intensely negative impact on our habitat, have chosen to do so.  Why live like self-destructive maniacs when the Earth offers –offered– everything we need to survive as a species?  If you’ve got a perfect environment to live in, why go around destroying it? Often the answer is profit/money. Okay–but consider this, money in any form only has value because someone attributes value to it.  Paper money has no value in and of itself.  It only has value within the context that created it. (No, I’m not going to get into a hashing out of the federal reserve concepts and issues thereof. That’s not what this post s about.) In contrast, water has value in and of itself because it is necessary for life. Necessary.  Living things require water in order to live.  We don’t require money or gold bars in order to function as living creatures. Yes, we are indeed creatures, bio-chemical entities, just like the rest of the wonderful species on planet Earth.  If the adherents to the mainstream concept of living well–as in rich according to the specs of Wall Street and the World Bank–how do they propose to live at all when the water, air and land become too toxic to support humans?  How does that work? It doesn’t.  That’s basic life science, not my opinion.

Caleb Behn knows this–and as you’re well aware, he’s not alone.

Fractured Land

A young First Nations law student and emerging leader from northeast BC, epicenter of some of the worlds largest fracking operations, tries to reconcile the fractures within himself, his community and the world around him – blending modern tools of the law with ancient wisdom.


FB –

Twitter –

Directed and Produced by Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis

Executive Producers: Daniel Conrad and Mark Achbar

Music by Edo Van Breemen

Digital Strategist & Community Manager – Hilary Henegar

For more information about the film’s issues, petitions, newsletter and other items of interest such as:

Join us Jan 9 for a live video chat on #IdleNoMore 

Fractured Land filmmaker Damien Gillis moderates a lively discussion among a diverse panel of activists, industry experts and leaders from around Canada.

The topic of the conversation will centre on how the Idle No More movement can serve as a bridge toward empowering native and non-native people to advocate for more sustainable, equitable energy development.

More details posted soon!

Visit  <<<This page is a useful info hub.

“They’re Using The Water To Fracture The Bones Of Mother Earth.” — Caleb Behn

Award Winning Fractured Land Documentary Featuring Naomi Klein, MP Thomas Mulcair, Josh Fox, Maude Barlow, Bill McKibben, Wade Davis, Lillian Moyer, Terri Brown, Oscar Dennis and other powerful voices. ‘ “Fractured Land tells the story of Caleb Behn, an inspiring, young First Nations law student from northeast BC, working to defend his peoples’ land from some of the most intense industrial activity in the world.

Caleb is Eh-Cho Dene and Dunne Za/Cree from Treaty 8 country, the front lines for Canada’s biggest natural gas fracking operations. The swift proliferation of fracking, a controversial method of extracting natural gas, has had profound consequences for the water and the ability for his people to practice their traditional way of life.

Having recently finished law school, Caleb is among the first University of Victoria Law students granted the Concentration in Environmental Law and Sustainability. Prior to law school, he was the Oil & Gas Officer for the West Moberly First Nations and a Lands Manager for the Saulteau First Nations.

The film follows Caleb to places of largely unseen beauty from his traditional territories, where he’s fished and hunted moose his whole life, to Maori lands in New Zealand, where he sought to learn how Indigenous law could be blended with the current legal system in order to protect our sacred ecosystems.” Scheduled for release 2014 Spring Festival. 

uphere ->

photo @

Never know what you’ll discover when you start connecting dots and surfing the energy lines in cyber-space. First I caught the photos on Supporting South Dakota Reservations Facebook page featuring the 38 Memorial Riders, then while exploring the latest entries I discovered the information on Fractured Land and then, and then. I think you get the idea.

Supporting South Dakota Reservations Page

Consider another question: What kind of world will the children living now have to live in?

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