It’s a Drone’s World at Standing Rock Complete with Digital Smoke Signals too. No joke. Just ask Myron Dewey.

Who cares about R2D2 when you’ve got a Water Warrior Drone Scout? Is there anything cooler? Yeah, well Dakota Access Pipeline Layers and the Morton County Sheriff’s forces are not too fond of them. I do not understand why they keep shooting at drones. Actually I do and so will you after seeing what drones can show and tell. Still, what does a helicopter have to fear from a drone? I don’t know, but apparently they’re capable of “stalking” with ill intent. A malicious drone? Huh. Maybe they’re afraid they’ll do that bird flying into the blades or engine or something. Yep. Instead of getting into all that, here’s a few Digital Smoke Signals from Myron Dewey’s drones. If you click through to YouTube you can see more and subscribe. Take a load off and enjoy the views that you have NOT seen on mainstream news.

Drone Day Shift-ing.

Drone-ing at night.

After being asked nicely by the feds to stop construction ETP/DAPL did their usual thing–work.

Myron Dewey

What and Who—>

Digital Smoke Signals and Myron Dewey

Valley Forge Network

Be forewarned–we’re ending up with a BANG not a whisper.

Myron Dewey

When the mask falls things are very clear: Apparently the United States government is so deep in bed with big oil that it will do whatever it takes to make any opposition to the fossil fuel industry shut the hell up and go away. In other words: Standing Rock Water Protectors are served notice to get off land the Army Corps of Engineers deems “belongs” to them. Oh shit, now that’s some damn rich irony all told.

Warning–Ranting Ahead. Do not proceed to read if you’re easily offended by a lack of patriotic glee as there is NONE forthcoming.

Will someone please flush the toilet full of political bs?

Oh, yes, someone did.

Thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers for even jiggling the handle after flushing the toilet. What relief, now the gas masks can come off.

According to a statement released November 25, The Army Corps of Engineers wants the Water Protectors to evacuate the Oceti Sakowin Camp by December 5–for their own safety of course.

How very considerate. Basically telling people opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline to get the hell out of North Dakota is preferable to putting the brakes on the Militarized Morton County Sheriff’s Department and its Partners in Crimes against Americans of all races, creeds and economic classes. Ooops, excuse me, that’s not quite accurate. Nope, not at all. If your name is Kelcy Warren and you’re a billionaire CEO of a BIG F*&^%ing Huge company (ETP) that specializes in building pipelines in order to move crude oil from one man-made ecological disaster to another, you have absolutely nothing to fear from anyone. If you own or work for an oil company you can do anything you damn well please and get away with it. Ignore the federal government when it ‘asks’ your company to halt construction on a pipeline, you can continue building said pipeline, you can commence drilling even without a permit to drill, and you can get the local law enforcement to provide ‘security’ for your construction crews and said law enforcement can do whatever the hell it wants too. It’s a grand time of freedom of expression by all. Or maybe not.

Damn, don’t we all love razor wire, concussion grenades, water cannons, tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets–all of which Made In America. Howrah!!! Oh yeah. Why bother investing in clean energy in order to deal with 400 ppm CO2 and Climate Change when you can manufacture all kinds of nasty toys to inflict pain, suffering and death on your fellow human beings? Is this what makes America great? Yeah, I think the entire ‘great’ notion needs some serious rethinking across the board after some brutal reality checks from history regarding America’s ugly political-economic meddling in other countries south of that oh sooooo troublesome border and around the globe.

A digression of sorts–this is a rant after all::

Damn it, the migrant and ‘illegal’ crop workers should go on a massive strike so that the fruit and vegetable crops never make it to the grocery stores where my fellow Americans seem to think they appear by magic like rainbows in a skittles commercial. You want your greens and reds then go out to the fields and orchards and pick them yourselves. Then talk about some realistic compassionate immigration reform and a goddamn living wage. Christ, there’s no end to the irony–a nation of immigrants full of people who hate other immigrants. (Yes, I know not everyone is a racist fascist–though the president-elect certainly is based on his own words. Why say them if you don’t mean them? Don’t give me any glib bullshit about unity and coming together. Not happening. One does not collaborate with fascists.) Oh and then there’s the history of land “ownership” by prior long, long-term occupation –and that just stinks to high heaven galore. And regarding that wall, we could talk Mexican-American War and what went down in California with the Spanish and the Native Peoples, then there’s the Navajo and Apache–or not. I’m not up for it. Go look it up if you’re unaware of what your social studies teachers did NOT teach you about because it wasn’t in the corporate written and manufactured textbook they were required to use.

Hey, Army Corps of Engineers, flush the can again!


Thank you! Salute.

Day after day the mainstream media reports the death tolls from air raids and suicide bombs in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and anywhere else which will effectively create fear and horror in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. In reality, they don’t have to got so far from home base to scare the panties off a fair number of Americans, those who vote and those that don’t vote alike. They could just camp out at Standing Rock and film while evading arrest for recording what the people with the guns and gas are doing to the people without any weapons. But, well the time is long past for that agenda. After all who can respect the mainstream media after the way they handled the election? Now they play make nice nice to the orange and play ball for the next four plus years. There are no Edward Morrows among them. Hell, there’s not even a Mike Royko understudy loitering among the major newspaper columnists.

People are prepped for fear night after night simply by watching the news followed by prime time television with all the crime and police dramas full of good cops who would NEVER do what the Morton County Sheriff and buddies take such delight in doing to any Water Protector they can get their hands on. Strip searches for everyone!!!!  is their mantra. Or should that be, “You will be arrested”? Or—- (fill in the words that have made the most lasting impression on you while watching so-called officers of the peace yell at Water Protectors wherever they find them.). Why isn’t the army recuriting these officers for active duty since they’re so ken on violence and mayhem?


Open window.

Deep Breath.

The Army Corps of Engineers didn’t decide on this eviction game plan all alone. Nope. Of course, it had lots of input from Obama and whoever else is interested in having the oil pipes pumping at will. The Fossil Fuel Economy MUST Go On at ALL costs or there will be oil hell to pay. Hmm. Yeah. Okay.Well, now that the Army Corps has made its position very clear everyone can get on the same page regarding what’s what at Standing Rock. ETP/DAPL will get to do whatever it wants while Morton County gets to practice waging war.

I stand corrected: No one in DC is turning a blind eye. On the contrary, they’ve been keeping a  very close eye on who is who and where and how many Water Protectors are there in North Dakota- damn can there really be 10,000 people camping outside in North Dakota in the winter time? Why not? The Lakota/Nakota/Dakota did it for thousands of years. And oh yeah, their supporters and allies around the world who go around making banks uneasy and a tad poorer every time someone takes a stand in solidarity and figures out where to move their hard earned cash. If goddamn Wall Street can play with money why can’t the rest of the American people?  While we’re at it , why can’t private people purchase land to protect it from the Oil and Gas industry which is allowed to buy it with clear intent to destroy it? What’s with that double standard? People want something to belive in and it’s NOT the oil industry’s bs and it’s not the feds and and it’s not the politicians and  it’s not the local law authorities who are offering any real hope and change for future generations. And it sure as hell isn’t the orange. Though, to be fair, the orange does seem to be shaking up more than the fascists. But the jury is still out on that awakening of the American people at large.

How Obama is doing on “this one” = FAIL–again–as he had NO clue at the time about Standing Rock at the time and now that he does–well, what he has NOT done speaks volumes.

What’s next?

Well, now that the water in the toilet is ‘fresh’ we’ll have to see what drops into it Dec. 5.

#WaterIsLife #NoDAPL #Honortheearth

.(side note: I have absolutely no connection to whatever ads may appear here. All advertising appears via wordpress. thank you for visiting.)

Make Your Money Sing Solidarity With Standing Rock

H10 no black snake

Yes! magazine’s list of Banks invested in ETP/DAPL 

How to Contact the People Sending Militarized Police to Standing Rock

Make this holy-day season truly meaningful. Stand with Standing Rock. Honor Our Mother Earth. Sing Water Is Life Loud and Clear.


(side note: any ads appear via wordpress only and reflect no connection with moi. thank you for visiting.)

Standing Rock Call to Action ~ Call the Army Corps of Engineers #NoDAPL~


Published on Oct 23, 2016

Kandi Mossett, Tara Houska, and Dallas Goldtooth present an update and call to action on the situation at Standing Rock, North Dakota – where thousands of Indigenous water protectors and allies are defending sacred lands from desecration by the Dakota Access Pipeline in the face of police brutality and arrest.

Filmed live at the Bioneers 2016 Conference on October 23, 2016.

Learn more at

The Army Corps of Engineers Contact information 

Honor the Earth 

Sacred Stone Camp

Indigenous Environmental Network

Ongoing News Coverage of #NoDAPL at Democracy Now!

The People of Pungesti Say “NO! Fracking!” ~ Chevron says, “F*&%! U! Fracking Is US!”


Think Chevron + Ecuador= $19 Billion in Damages that Chevron refuses to pay.

For more interesting information about Chevron’s dealings with Indigenous people visit Amazon Watch

Gee, I’m not wondering why the people of Pungesti are riled up about Chevron coming to frack in their farmlands.  Democracy Now! reported that Chevron had ceased operations as a result of Saturday’s protest–a protest that has been ongoing since October.

 But apparently Chevron, being Chevron, has started right back up–again.

According to IW, Industry Week, Chevron has resumed its fracking operation in Pungesti in spite of six weeks protest by hundreds of local people. Chevron has even managed to get policeman posted outside the homes of the villagers. I suppose that’s part of an effort to attempt prevent them from returning to their protest camp field. The usual things are being done to discourage the people from further protest–destruction of the on site protest camp, arrests and the tried and true ploy of, “Oh, look what we found. You are bad people.” Pick the illegal whatever object of your choice.

Information Source:

According to Investment Watch the people of Pungesti are now basically under house arrest.





Images page source from Google

Yes, it is worth the effort to search the web for images in order to get a look at who is protesting in Pungesti—no, it’s not those crazy guys in black, it’s everyone from the grandmothers to the grandchildren.




Battle In Pungesti, Romania and Fight to save the Earth


More coverage from RT


Nasul TV coverage


If anyone else following this protest has any new  information sources with English subtitles or coverage in English, please share. Thank you.

Fruitvale Station Opens July 12, 2013 — Sundance Winner Grand Jury Prize Dramatic Feature.

Fruitvale Station will be shown NO-where near where I reside.  If you see the film please share your thoughts by leaving a comment. Thanks.  I did view a show about the making of the movie. It looks damn good. This is an important film  for all the very serious issues it raises about living and dying in America based on ‘who’ you are on so many levels.  Folks, we’ve got some major problems even if you’re not seeing them in your neck of the quickly vanishing woods.

Fruitvale Station  is the story of Oscar Grant who was shot dead by BART police on New Year’s Day 2009.

Fort Defiance, AZ — What elected officials fear = opposition to SB 2109. Gee, I wonder why. Not.

Click image designed by Donovan Pete to use as cover on facebook.
Regarding Fort Defiance meeting to discuss SB 2109:
Posted on Navajo Truth SB 2109 facebook page along with the photos, links, observations and thoughts of many other people.!/navajotruth

via Bonnie Jean Canyon:
The police presence at the Fort Defiance meeting was intense and intimidating. This was mentioned by more than one person when the public was allowed to address the NNVP and other officials. I feel it was uncalled for and excessive. Im still trying to figure out why they also needed 2 or 3 fire trucks and also 3-4 ambulances? They must know already just how strongly the people are opposed to this? All the emergency response vehicals took up so much space it was very difficult to find parking. There was a pretty good turn out but it was after 5 that people started showing up even though the meeting started at 4 and Im assuming its because most work until 5. They ran out of chairs and many remained standing for most of the meeting. I feel the power point slide show they presented was meant to sell the bill more than it was to educate and inform. The people present strongly opposed the bill and many who wished to voice their concerns and ask questions were not allowed to speak. I was very happy to see young people in attendence including 2 that came all the way from Phoenix to speak and also a student from Dine College. At least 3 people spoke up towards the end and called out to the NNVP that they had not been allowed to speak. Once again proof that more forums are needed and also that more time should have been given to the public to speak and ask questions. It seems that most feel, that despite the claims of all the uncertainties of letigation, most would rather continue the fight for water claims in court than to waive them and settle.


Photo from Renaldo Chapman–on Navajo Truth SB 2109 facebook–Security at Fort Defiance meeting.


For some insight into the land, people, history and political economics involved in this issue consider this article at — Izilwane –Connecting the human animal to theglobal ecosystem

“Belonging to the Land,  Part One: The Elders of Black Mesa” by Zoe Kransey

“Part Two: Big Mountain”

“Part Three: We’re Still Here.”


Our Water Rights has a hard copy letter writing campaign underway. For information on SB 2109 and HR 4067,  and the addresses for snail mail visit petition to Stop SB 2109



note: This  information, quotes, photos, etc has been posted with prior permission-agreement with Navajo Truth in order to share information.




Who are these police people and who do they serve?

Since the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement the police have emerged in a certain negative light around the world. From Athens to New York City to Melbourne and beyond Police have faced off with protestors in ways that have nothing to do with the images commonly seen on American crime drama television shows.  Some have a penchant for pepper spray, others for smashing people into the ground, and some for teargas.  It’s been ugly in Oakland, Boston, New York, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles,  London, Liverpool and other cities around the world. If you haven’t seen the police in action then blame your mainstream television stations and newspapers. Much can be found on youtube  and on the sites of the occupy camps.  Oakland now has a weekly Saturday night protest against police brutality.  Get the feeling something has gone a bit wrong somewhere along the line? When did the police become the private army of the mayor of New York City–or any city? Who do the police now protect and serve?  Here are just a few examples of police actions which were originally seen live via livestreams online—yes, livestreams not via your television screens.



Bloomberg “I have my own private army in the NYPD which is the seventh biggest army in the world.”  Olbermann segment.

Occupy Greece 

Riot Dog

Now famous Pepper Spray at UC Davis

A montage

Occupy Oakland’s media site

Occupy Oakland’s information site

More on Peaceful Protest at One Police Plaza, NYC on Sept. 30, 2011.

Yes, there were thousands of sane, organized, focused people protesting at One Police Plaza tonight. The police remained sane and tolerant throughout the truth-telling. There was no pepper spray. No one was beaten. Thousands of people patiently conducted the “human mic” conveying the passionate words of every speaker through the crowd in waves.� People representing social justice groups, auto workers, copwatch, academic union leaders and artists�and police brutalitywatch�groups spoke without interference from the NYPD. It was inspired and inspiring. There were over 6,000 people watching the livestream.� If you can’t find this even on your evening news then call and request coverage of Occupy Wall Street.� What’s next for the Occupiers of Wall Street?� Surf into the globalrevolution�livestream�to find out. You might catch a march, a general assembly, breakfast, film clips while the live feed is repaired, instruction on nonviolence and civil disobedience or just requests for food.�


I’d like to know IF anyone caught this on their News of choice. Thanks.

Thousands at One Police Plaza in NYC NOW!

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