Keeping new year’s resolution # 2

In case you haven’t guessed by now, my new year’s resolution #2 was to get back online and blog. Now don’t get all pissy because it’s #2 instead of #1. Numero uno was checking email for the first time in MONTHS. Yeah, now that I’ve found out all about who’s been naughty and nice, read Christmas Letters to Satan, had a few laughs thanks to Bear and Berit,  discovered my offspring INTENDS to put in an appearance on the new home front in a matter of weeks–goddamn it, she’s been gone for YEARS, what’s this prodigal daughter bullshit? Huh? I’m kidding. Okay not so much. Yeah, just kidding. Or not.

Anyway, long overdue greetings to anyone out there who’s paying one whit of attention to what’s NOT been going on in my blogcasa.

Am I supposed to feel guilty about this neglect?

Well, I do.

Sort of.

But–if you all knew what I know–you’d be grateful for the resounding silence here. Oh yeah.

I’ve been debating on what this first post of 2015 should be about for a couple of weeks: the holidays, films, books, horrible current events, –are there ever any wonderful events? I think not. –Sarge and Lily updates (yeah their story is ongoing), random thoughts about old dark British crime dramas such as Wire In the Blood and Touching Evil and what they reveal about the people who write the scripts, etc. . . .

Obviously NONE of the above has been taking up any wall space here. Nope.

I have decided to share one tiny suggestion for anyone considering making a long-term commitment to a significant other of any variety. Yep.  There may be fallout from this, but– that’s okay. Feel free to prove me wrong about this notion.

Forget pre-commitment counseling. Forget talking through all your hopes and dreams for a shared future. Don’t bother getting all your duckies in a row. If you really want to know what you’re in for with each other — MOVE.

You read that right–MOVE. As in take all your material shit from one place and put it in another-and see what happens. See who does what–and how they do it. Listen to what’s being said. Who decides what goes where and why. Have you got a leg dragger as a partner in moving crimes? A non-stop whiner? A get the job done no matter what mind working full steam ahead? Is your “other” taking time out for all the other things that need doing–like watching every episode of something called “Haven” nonstop? Who is willing to make midnight runs to empty huge trash bins because there’s NO way the trash truck can haul ALL the bags away at one time? –This requires a certain sense of humor and willingness to fight the wind blowing it all back at you again and again and again.  Are you ready to BANISH your partner from the moving site because all they keep saying is: “We’re never going to get this done. Never in a million years.” Frankly, who needs to hear that while getting it done? Hmm? Can you imagine someone saying that while a baby is being born? Better not to go there, right?

Seriously–if you want to get to know someone conduct a major move of worldly goods with them. I think some enterprising spirit could make a mint setting up a couple of abodes for people to ‘practice move’ in and out of in order to find out who their partner really is when it comes down to the nitty-gritty that’s involved in moving. Obviously hiring OTHER people to do the work defeats the purpose–unless your partner does this and leaves you to direct the hired help. That would tell you something important right there, wouldn’t it?

Bubble wrap–check.

Reusable grocery bags–check.

Cardboard boxes–check.

Duct tape–check.

Full tank of gas–check.


Attitude adjustment–check.

Yeah, I missed you too. Oh come on, why would I lie about it? Huh?

Dots? Did he say “dots”? Why yes, he did.

She Creates @eva


slate white or black blank

dots everywhere solar flares

midnight she creates



It’s all about the DOTS, of course.  Since much of my art is composed of tiny dots–a technique called stippling--Michio Kaku’s little chat about his new book caught my attention. Once I lay eyes and hands on The Future of the Mind hopefully I’ll have more to say about it than the fact that my curiosity is highly aroused by Kaku’s notions.  What’s brewing in your mind?


The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku



Michio Kaku’s official site –>>

An excerpt from the book:

Winter Soldiers ~ Illusion versus Reality ~ Walt Disney Studios Runs Amok? Or What?

What’s in a word? What does a name signify? If you call a thing by a certain label does it make it so? For the life of me I cannot understand why a film is titled Winter Soldier and contains a character by that name when the term has nothing at all to do with the historical reality associated with the term Winter Soldier.  From the information I’ve gathered so far online there seems to be absolutely no connection at all between the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the historical and contemporary Winter Soldiers of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan telling the public about war crimes.  I find this a tad unsettling while seriously doubting there will be any ongoing social media dishing of this misappropriation of a phrase which designates American veterans as there was of The Lone Ranger. There was a ton of chatter about all the things ‘wrong’ with The Lone Ranger –all of which went on while blatantly ignoring the movie’s outright attacks on genocide, manifest destiny and the military industrial complex. I came across some comments regarding a clip from a portion of the real Winter Soldier testimony in which people were considering the effect of the Captain America film on the reality of the veterans known as Winter Soldiers. Once the movie is seen by millions who pay little attention to historical events, the term Winter Soldier will be coupled with a character from a movie with absolutely no meaningful connection to the Winter Soldiers of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Is there any greater insult to people who have the courage to speak the truth about war? Hmm, ooops I shouldn’t have asked that question, because I’m sure there are greater insults. Have no doubt that the FBI and/or the CIA could top such an insult with ease.  More on that when I post my review of Betty Medsger’s very unsettling book, The Burglary. It’s an unsettling read for what it reveals about the totally corrupt character of the FBI under J.Edgar Hoover. If you can imagine a law to break, the FBI broke it. I digress,  more to come on the book later.  Back to misrepresentation, illusion and manipulated delusions of Marvel Comics characters. Superheroes can be so enthralling. They’re also very unreal.

Now if anyone sees the Disney film and finds a connection between the illusion and the reality, please do not hesitate to share it.

Wait–could it be the concept of brainwashing? Could it? Let’s consider that possibility…hmmm. Why not? It’s a connection. Or is it?

My thanks to Wikipedia for the factual information and links that follow.

On with the show.

What does this illusion: 

Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Information about the film  via Wikipedia

Steve Rogers’ best friend, who has reemerged as an enhanced brainwashed assassin after being thought killed in action during World War II.[12][7] About the character, Feige said, “Winter Soldier has been methodically, almost robotically, following orders for 70 years.”[13] Stan, who has a nine-picture deal with Marvel Studios including his appearance in The First Avenger,[14]endured five months of physical training to prepare for the role and did historical research stating, “I dove into the whole Cold War thing. I looked at the KGB. I looked at all kinds of spy movies, and all kinds of documentaries about that time, and what it was about. I grabbed anything from that time period. Anything about brainwashing.”[15] Regarding Bucky’s transition into the Winter Soldier, Stan said, “You know, the truth of the situation is although he looks very different and there’s different things about him, it still comes from the same person. I think you’ll get to see that no matter what. I think part of my goal here was to make sure that you see an extension of that version but just a different color of that same version in a way. I think he’s still the same guy; he’s cut from the same cloth.”[16]

have to do with this reality?:

Winter Soldier Investigation via Wikipedia

The “Winter Soldier Investigation” was a media event sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) from January 31, 1971 – February 2, 1971. It was intended to publicize war crimes and atrocities by the United States Armed Forces and their allies in the Vietnam War. The VVAW challenged the morality and conduct of the war by showing the direct relationship between military policies and war crimes in Vietnam. The three-day gathering of 109 veterans and 16 civilians took place in DetroitMichigan. Discharged servicemen from each branch of military service, as well as civilian contractors, medical personnel and academics, all gave testimony about war crimes they had committed or witnessed during the years of 1963–1970.[1][2][3]

With the exception of Pacifica Radio, the event was not covered extensively outside Detroit. However, several journalists and a film crew recorded the event, and a documentary film called Winter Soldier was released in 1972. A complete transcript[4] was later entered into the Congressional Record by Senator Mark Hatfield, and discussed in the Fulbright Hearings in April and May 1971, convened by Senator J. William Fulbright, chair of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.


Democracy Now! Coverage of Winter Soldier

Promote Liberty

Democracy Now coverage of the Winter Soldier event in Washington DC-Testimony of the Iraq Occupation


Via Wikipedia : Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan was an event at which more than 200 U.S. military veterans and active duty soldiers,[1] as well as Iraqi and Afghan civilians,[2] provided accounts of their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. The event was inspired by the Winter Soldier Investigation of 1971. It was organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War, and held from March 13 to March 16, 2008, timed for the fifth anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland.[2] 

The “Winter Soldiers” of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan


War ~ a few musical pieces

War raises a lot of very troubling questions about the human species.

Are we all natural-born killers?

Are we hardwired to engage in war?

Who sets up these lethal games and why?

Why does the cannon fodder allow themselves to be so easily manipulated into serving the interests of others?

Any mothers out there having children so they can grow up and go off to boot camp where they’ll be trained to kill other people?

And now there are drones.  Well, the drones don’t rape and torture anyone. Yet. I’m sure the war-mongers will figure out that computer program in time.  And some amoral folks will make it work just because they can.


Masters of War   ~ original by Bob Dylan covered by Ed Sheeran.   The lyrics get the point across quite effectively. Though maybe the masters’ lethal games need to be monkey-wrenched before they get to destroy the lives of others. Just a random thought.



Women and children during war are as expendable as the soldiers. No life is sacred.

Thousands of women and children were raped and killed in Nanking in 1937-38. The Flowers of War is based upon these events. This is just one example of the insanity, brutality and dehumanization of humans by other humans.

The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 women were raped, including infants and the elderly.[42] A large portion of these rapes were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped.[43]

 The Flowers of War 




The line between sanity and insanity to which all are pushed during war. Once your mind is gone what more can be lost?

Journey to the Line ~ Music from the film The Thin Red Line by Hans Zimmer



Multiple movie views of warfare involving horses.  Animals conscripted for war. If we humans were more like animals, would we still make war?

The Horse Charge ~Music: Two Steps from Hell – Heart of Courage



Some of these scenes are ‘famous’ from a time when photojournalists were not embedded with soldiers and put their lives on the line to photograph the reality of war.

Run Through the Jungle ~ Creedence Clearwater Revival

Lana Rains

“Various images and photos depicting the Vietnam war. CAUTION….. Very graphic videos, please be aware that these videos show graphic scenes of napalm attacks.”


This selection of music and a few notions does even begin to touch the tip of the human history of making war.  When are we going to evolve beyond such behavior? Can we? If it’s all a matter of choice–then what is wrong with us for continuing to decide to make war on each other?

I know I’ve probably not accomplished a thing with this post–but–at least I’ve vented a tad.



Bear’s War

a poem day ? maybe, maybe not, then again

Today is one of those days. You know the sort. One of those days where you start off loaded with positive intentions that quickly are buried under the murky weight of dark news information freely flowing from one edge of the cyber swamp to another. Haiku was on my mind at dawn.  Something about the crisp cold snow seemed sensible for a few brief lines.  Then I got online and hit Democracy Now! for some news. I know better than to start every day off with Amy Goodman’s “War and Peace Report”.  For mental health reasons, I try to switch it up for different times of the day after the livestream broadcast. Some days it’s better to read the transcripts rather than listen. Real news can be very disheartening. I don’t know how the news staff of this independent news venue manages day in and day out to thrive on a steady diet of The Dark Side of Humanity–without perky blonde cleavage or airy breathless reading of text monitors. Seriously. Actual journalism work is not for the faint of heart.

A report on the death of another gang rape victim in India lingered long after I moved on to other online tasks. I thought it was disheartening enough to learn that a woman is raped in India every 11 minutes–until I learned that there’s a rape every 6 minutes in the United States.  These numbers maybe be skewed because so many rapes go unreported.  Violence against women has been on my mind lately. It’s hard to avoid–fans of Downton Abbey will even get a taste of it. Yes, I watched ahead via online venues. In real life, things for the women of Afghanistan are at about the worst ever. So much for all the USA lip service paid to making life better for women and girls. Not so far in the back of my mind loiters the question: What is wrong with all the people who rape women, children and men? Are they born-hard wired to engage in such violence or are they made by their environments? Maybe they’re nature’s form of human predators for our species?  I’m not sure. Before I forget, The Invisible War aired on PBS–again.  It’s an expose about the rape epidemic in the military.  Ladies, I know it’s tempting for some to enlist for economic reasons like supporting your family or college funds–but do so knowing the risks you’re taking by hitching a money ride with the armed forces on any front. Take note, men aren’t escaping the sexual violence either, they’re also targets.  I’ve had conversations with people who say that rape has always been a part of war.  Hmm, hard to dent that fact. But, how does that explain military people raping the men and women in their own ranks? Is that a by-product of military training people to kill, torture and rape other people who they’re taught to view as non-humans? Possibly. What’s going to happen when the rapists return home? Are they going to cease engaging in violent sexual crimes?

Well, this is now very far afield from haiku about biting frost. Or is it?


Amy Goodman — We Will Not Be Silent

Link TV


Deomcracy Now!


Democracy Now! YouTube channel


January 2014


Tomdispatch from January 2013


The Invisible War trailer


Maze of Injustice–The failure to protect Indigenous women from sexual violence in the USA–pdf file. This is the size of a small book complete with very informative end notes.



Revolutionary Association for the Women of Afghanistan ~ RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women’s rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.



so goes the snow haiku

down the rabbit holes deep

sleep? dream of chances snow blowing



news blues blow off vent

cyber waves serenity

mind fields boom! boom! boom!


Bread and Puppet Theater + “crisis bread” & “crying cream dreams” = Nourishment

In part to prove I still have a sense of humor, such as it may be, I offer some theatre and refreshments for your enjoyment.  Perhaps some of you will find Amy Goodman’s interview with Peter Schumann, founder of the Bread and Puppet Theater, as delightful as I did. Or not.  Schumann’s references to his own bread baking reminded me of poems I wrote for brulionmann as a result of his complaints about the state of bread–and cream– so it seemed like a great combo read meal deal.


bread poem

Band music for The Shatter

interview in three parts

short puppet clip

long variety show

cream poem

bon appetit!



“crisis bread” 

“no money for a bread, we call that  ”crisis” ~ brulionman


world wide tragedy

is bread

state of bread = bitch fest

gimme some goddamn real pita,

hell, some hemp too

a boatload of naan and a frying pan, please!

 a plate of roti

crisp, crunchy Italian

I’ll even take a loaf of stinky sourdough

anything but this damn white mish mash hash gumshoe shit

cornbread? really? wtf are you trying to pull on me?

bring on the challah,brioche, lavash

toss some tortillas and frybread drill team style

I’ll sell my soul for a true French baguette

a full-bodied Polish rye with some style

German pumpernickel with pump not pap

throw a roll at the wall and watch the plaster fall

a crust you peel

soak soup

bathe in butter love

plate scour

gimme some goddamned real bread

Another corporate crime against humanity



sara Lee

nature’s pride

pepperidge farm


holsom and all the rest of the plastic bag labels

guilty as charged

baking loaves with out heart

soul-less seeds

bakery murder in the first degree


Some bread and butter from Yi-Ching


DeeDee Halleck





Bread and Puppet Theatre ~ Blue Sky Puppet + Mask Dance ~ July 2012


First two acts of a Bread and Puppet Friday night show. Recorded July 2012.

First act is the blue sky puppet with clouds.
Second is the elegant masked dance.


Bread and Puppet Circus and Pageant on Sunday, July 14. 2013


“crying cream dreams”

cream? get real, brulionman

  brulionman get a cow.

 tie it to your bicycle

  hand school teats

seriously, get some finger action going

community uprising cream dream

cow eats sun

din din until day done

treat those teats right

milk, cream, butter, cheese

comes one happy cow

squeeze, squirt, squish

 get a Guernsey with a babe

fill a bucket

set set set

cream rises, oh hell, yeah

no, no, no to piggy fat!

real cream needs none of that!

flour? does not compute

send that shit down the garbage chute

just the cream if you please

sweet talk some butter

tease the thick from the top

sip sip sip, can’t resist

drop it in a jar

get some bike dance mojo goin’

thirty tic tocs butter glowin’

pushing creamy envelopes

cheesecloth action play

guess what you got coming days

 cheese, glorious cheese

get a cow, brulionman, no bull

you want real cream

fingers gonna need some teat pull school

No, I don’t know how to get a cow to ride a bike!

You’re on your own with that, brulionman!



Thanks for visiting! Please come again. 🙂

Vigilante Tantrums

H3nry has been chatting about some very interesting items of concern to everyone who loves cyber-surfing–and other things about internet freedom and other freedoms that are of vital concern to the freedom of the imagination. He’s neatly covered a few things simmering in my brain-pan, so I thought I’d like to share his fun little take on those items of concern. Aside: yes, DuckDuckGo is real search engine. It quacks along quite nicely with the clucking hens and cheeky rooster. If you haven’t yet discovered H3nry’s blogcasa, now might be your chance. He has some fun Cool Reads, rants and strolls too. No, not trolls, strolls, as in cyber-strolling. Now where did Mr. Hyde get to?

high-grade discourse


Friends, Romans, countrymen, and even my fellow psychic explorers who tune in from time to time, I think a chat is somewhat overdue. Today’s controlling archetype seems to be the valiant sentinel chicken and a clucking is in order. Got some stuff on my mind that just might interest you.  In the realm of epidemiology, our friend the sentinel chicken is housed several miles from the outskirts of a population center to indicate potential infectious threats.  Well, it seems to this vagabond toting words, that the infections associated with Consumer Capitalism 2.0 are mental in nature and require identification to facilitate distillation within the crucible of your lives.

Lemme first apologize about the radio silence as every now and again I like to engage my mental cloaking device for a minor reprieve from the information overload. The incessant data delivery is definitely detrimental, even to devotees of the Dewey decimal…

View original post 1,103 more words

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