Seas, Oceans and Everything There-of-in — Music Theme–With extras, because I can’t help myself.

Okay, I’m not sure I’ve quite stuck to Seas and Oceans and Everything There-of–but I’ve certainly had fun trying!  I’m sure anyone reading, and listening can add at least one selection that they WOULD have included above all others for such a serving. So, please don’t hold back. Don’t be shy. Post them on your blogs. Share them in the comments. Drop some links so the rest of us can visit and see what you think of when contemplating the seas and oceans of the ever incredible planet Earth. It’s the only home you’ve got. Love it or lose it.  Oops. Maybe that’s why the dolphin is ‘yelling.’ It was very tempting to go the pollution route with this post–but–I didn’t. We can sing that song all the time–unfortunately. I’m fairly certain the reason for each selection is self-evident. Heads up, the video from The Impossible is not for the squeamish — imagine a human body encountering all the debris from a huge wave of water moving inland–no body armor available. It’s quite a dramatic piece of film-craft in my opinion.

Links to Bearspawprint and Willowdot21–and whoever else decides to play along– will be forthcoming as they appear.


The Maiden and the Selkie

only11roses upload Heather Dale


Noima Watts scene from The Impossible

Shiva kumar


Wonderful Ocean

upload Termininja

Music: Oxygene – The Ocean
Video: BBC Planet Earth & South Pacific, Disney Nature Oceans
Remixed and edited by Termininja

Basic sound:
• Artist: OXYGENE
• Album: Chill Out Ibiza Vol.3 (Balearic Lounge)
• Song: The Ocean (Goldtripp Remix), 5’32”
• Genre: Chillout
• Release: 2008
Additional sound effects:
• Relax with Nature Vol. 1: Dolphins & Whales
• Relax with Nature Vol. 4: Ocean Waves at Sunset

BBC Planet Earth (2006):
• Ep. 9: Shallow Seas
• Ep. 11: Ocean Deep
BBC South Pacific (2009):
• Ep. 1: Ocean of Islands
• Ep. 2: Castaways
• Ep. 3: Endless Blue
Disney Nature:
• Oceans (2009)

Used Software:
• Pinnacle Studio v15
• Total Video Converter v3.14
• Wave Pad v3.05


Lady In the Water prologue

wXTubing upload

 A scene from the movie Lady in the Water. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Music composed by James Newton Howard. Prologue is the name of the track.


Seachd Sileas sees the water horse

Jim Sutherland  upload

Seachd – The Inaccessible Pinnacle is the first feature film in the language of Scottish Gaelic to achieve mainstream cinematic distribution ……..Music by Jim Sutherland


Meditation on Water   with Mozart Serenade ‘Gran Partitia

Máire McSorley upload and video


Whale Rider

upload  movieclips


Enya Orinoco Flow –Sail Away


ROXY Team Spring 2013

Roxy  upload

ROXY team surfing in the Maldives

Kassia Meador
Sally Fitzgibbons
Rosy Hodge
Monyca Byrne-Wickey
Kelia Moniz
Bruna Schmitz

Artist: Capybara
Track: Neighbor Crimes


Whales Give Dolphins a Lift

American Museum of Natural History

Many species interact in the wild, most often as predator and prey. But recent encounters between humpback whales and bottlenose dolphins reveal a playful side to interspecies interaction. In two different locations in Hawaii, scientists watched as dolphins “rode” the heads of whales: the whales lifted the dolphins up and out of the water, and then the dolphins slid back down. The two species seemed to cooperate in the activity, and neither displayed signs of aggression or distress. Whales and dolphins in Hawaiian waters often interact, but playful social activity such as this is extremely rare between species. The latest Bio Bulletin from the Museum’s Science Bulletins program presents the first recorded examples of this type of behavior. Visitors to AMNH may view the video in the Hall of Biodiversity until February 9, 2012.

Science Bulletins is a production of the National Center for Science Literacy, Education, and Technology (NCSLET), part of the Department of Education at the American Museum of Natural History. Find out more about Science Bulletins at

Related Links:

Two Unusual Interactions Between a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and a Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hawaiian Waters

The Hawaii Association for Marine Education and Research, Inc.

National Marine Mammal Foundation


Dolphin speak

upload aliacollado



If you’ve seen this then you know why it BELONGS here. Some things just get lost in my wp cyber-space closest so easily. If you haven’t seen it–well, I hope you love it as much as I do.  🙂  From a previous post, ‘Water Rites’.

Rites by Jan Garbarek


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