Are you slippery when wet? “It’s All About the Water” : Free concert, August 31, Hot Springs, SD.

Yes, the Clean Water Alliance, the Black Hills Wild Horse Sandtuary and local musicians have teamed up once again to get the info out about the threat of Uranium Mining coming to the Black Hill region by –of course–a Canadian company, Powertech.  Canada–what a place–it’s the home of the Tar Sands and birthplace of Idle No More.  If you know the score it’s a chance to get refreshed. If you’re out of the intel loop, it’s time to get clued in. Because you too need water to live.

From Press Release:

WE ARE THE LAND, Uranium Mining in the Black Hills” documentary video short by Christopher Crosby will be presented at IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WATER, a free concert on Saturday, Aug 31 2013 – Red Rock River Resort, 603 N. River Hot Springs, SD. 6:30pm – 9:30pm.
The free concert will feature local musical artists, Gardner Gray, Mike Linderman, Evan Christenson and others.
“We Are The Land, Uranium Mining in the Black Hills” was produced by Karla LaRive, Susan Watt and The Institute of Range and American Mustang in 2011 at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, Hot Springs South Dakota.


Concerned Citizens of the Southern Hills presents IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WATER concert Red Rock River Resort
Hot Springs South Dakota Saturday, August 31 2013 6:30pm – 9:30pm

‘We Are The Land, Uranium Mining In the Black Hills’ –Showing tonight, Rapid City, SD.

Text via Karla R. LaRive

WE ARE THE LAND, Uranium Mining in the Black Hills”
A new documentary film from Christopher Crosby
Produced by PK Productions LLC and the Institute of Range and American Mustang.

Governments and the uranium industry say the mining and milling of uranium provides high-paying and much-needed jobs in some of the most remote areas of the country, with manageable environmental risks. But it’s an industry that has long attracted its share of controversy.

This is a major concern for the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in western South Dakota, and other residents including environmental and conservation groups. The Sierra Club of South Dakota warns that water pollution will be a major concern if the mining company Powertech is given a permit to mine for uranium. The Sierra Club’s Black Hills Group, says there’s a high likelihood that aquifers will become polluted if an injection-well recovery system is used to mine the ore.

Powertech Inc USA has submitted its uranium mining application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and it can be viewed at the NRC website. The NRC has announced a time period for interested individuals to voice their concerns regarding the uranium mine’s impacts to the environment. This proposed uranium mine will be the first time folks can be heard under the new GEIS.

“It’s going to be my last great battle, but I’m going to win this one.” says Hyde.

The Institute of Range and American Mustang owns 13,000 acres of private land dedicated to range preservation and a balanced ecosystem. I.R.A.M.’s finest gift is The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, whose purpose is to provide not only freedom for unadoptable and unwanted wild horses, but also a research area dedicated to solving wild horse herd management that will contribute to the well-being of wild horses everywhere.

Dayton O. Hyde, Founder and President Institute of Range and the American Mustang. Dayton Hyde is a rancher, conservationist, award winning photographer, essayist and author of 17 books; He runs the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, an 13,000-acre ranch in Western South Dakota where he protects wild horses.

About the Production:

Director / Editor: Christopher Crosby
Producers: Karla R. LaRive, Susan Watt

Featuring, Tom Ballanco, Tom Cook, Dayton O. Hyde, Barbara High Pine Peltier, Virgil Red Cloud Goode, Gilbert Sanchez, Susan Watt and Windwalker.

Music soundtrack by Windwalker, Edoal Spirit Buffalo (Wind Spirit Drum), Virgil Red Cloud Goode, Barbara High Pine Peltier, Christopher Crosby, Martin Meyer.

Recorded and engineered at Great Sky Studios, Hot Springs South Dakota. June 2010

Filmed on location at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, South Dakota, USA.

All Rights Reserved

Contact information for the Sanctuary:
Susan Watt, Program Development Director
Institute of Range and the American Mustang
PO Box 998, Hot Springs South Dakota 57747

Public Relations for WE ARE THE LAND:
Karla LaRive | Studio West Management
PO Box 752, Hot Springs, South Dakota 57747

The Voices of the Heartland Independent Film Society presents two regional films tonight at 6:30pm the Dahl Arts Center in Rapid City, SD.

We hope to see you there.

Frank Waln, “Common Man, Nake Nula Waun”
Black Hills WIld Horse Sanctuary’s “We Are The Land”

6:30-6:45 Introductions
6:45-7:30 Film “Frank Waln”
7:30-7:45 Randy Q&A
7:45-7:50 Play the video “Hear My Cry”
7:50-8:20 Cody Q&A plus some songs mixed in
8:20-8:40 “We are the Land” video
8:40-9:00 Clay discussion

Please Share Widely

Why fight Dewey-Burdock Uranium Mining? Because “We Are The Land” –Really, we are.


Chemical composition of the human body

Yes, I’m being very literal with this diagram and the Wikipedia article.  But we literally “are” the land and the land is “us.”

Just in case anyone is uncertain about the uranium mining issue in the Black Hills here’s Christopher Crosby’s film,  “We Are The Land, Uranium Mining in the Black Hills.” Sit back, relax, enjoy the music, horses and scenery while  Susan Watt, Barbara High Pine Peltier, Tom Ballanco, Virgil Red Cloud Goode, Dayton O. Hyde, Windwalker and others fill in the blanks. Enjoy!

View more of Christopher Crosby’s videos at


note: diagram original source currently uncertain.

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