Why does a US congressman have access to Tim DeChristopher’s emails? Who really wants Bidder 70 in solitary confinement? Why?

It’s been a strange morning here where spring has apparently sprung right into summer: herons nesting in residential area, magnolia blooms come and gone, rose bushes budding and balmy warm winds.  It seems things are just a wee bit out of sync in the natural scheme of things.  But one early morning email made it even stranger because of the news it carried regarding environmental activist Tim DeChristopher being placed in solitary confinement via the demand of an unidentifed US congressman.  Apparently one of DeChristopher’s emails disturbed the mental health of some congressman because of content regarding some financial matters discussed regarding a contributor to his own legal fund.  Now why does a US congressman get to request the solitary confinement of a political prisoner in a minimum security prison based on the content of their email concerning the business practices of a contributor to his defence fund?  Why has this elected US congressman remained unidentified? Who is this person? What right do they have to dictate the practices of a prison in California regarding a low risk prisoner? Why does Tim DeChristopher’s concerns about who funds his legal defence concern any US congressman?  Who gave any congressman the right to wield political influence in such a manner? Whose money is behind this harassment of DeChristopher? What is the incognito congressperson soo threatened by in Tim DeChristopher’s email? Personally I have no specific answers. But–as this seems to center on a discussion of business practices, values, a legal defence and the only thing respected in the USA aka MONEY– my imagination is having a free-for-all this morning with this news.  Btw, this little chess move on the prison political game board was covered by Democracy Now! in headlines for March 28, 2012. I suspect the alternative press  may begin racketballing the item as soon as they get their heads out of their symbolic hoodies over the senseless murder of young Trayvon Martin in Florida.
Now, since I’ve been following Tim DeChristopher’s journey ever since learning about his gig as Bidder 70 at an illegal land auction of oil and gas leases—wait–there’s that special special word ‘oil’–oops—yes, DeChristopher upset the oil carts of some oil people by throwing a monkey wrench in their plans to acquire public lands on the cheap during an illegal federal auction. Do I really need to write anything more? Hmm? Do I?

Yes I do. I need to share the request of Peaceful Uprising asking for support for Tim DeChristopher to be removed from solitary confinement.  What is going on in America?  For more information about Tim DeChrisptopher aka Bidder 70 http://www.peacefuluprising.org/tim-dechristopher

and Peaceful Uprising visit http://www.peacefuluprising.org/

Also see Democracy Now!’s coverage of DeChristopher  www.democracynow.org

President Obama is earnestly ignoring number 9 on Jeff Goodell’s Rolling Stone list of “10 things to do for the environment”–“pardon Tim DeChristopher.”

Apparently putting Tim DeChrisptoher in prison for protecting America’s environment from illegal oil development leases is not enough for some people. They want in him in solitary confinement to further restrict his communication with the rest of the world beyond Herlong Prison. Why?

Oh the tea kettle is whistling–time for a chat with George Orwell.

The following is copied directly from Peaceful Uprising:

In response to Tim’s transfer into isolated confinement, we’re asking you to please take a few moments to call the following contacts (or whomever you have time to call from this list) and ask that:

“Tim DeChristopher inmate #16156-081 be immediately removed from the Special Housing Unit (SHU) and placed back in the Minimum Security Camp at FCI Herlong.”

If you’d like to say more, here are a few key talking points we suggest:

  • Moving Tim DeChristopher to SHU based on the complaint of an unidentified Congressman doesn’t make sense. Why is Congress intervening in one inmates detention status, anyway?
  • Keeping inmates in isolated confinement for an indefinite amount of time awaiting a hearing is not humane and is not acceptable.
  • *FOR CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS* If they are your congressperson, tell them about the situation, [read here] and ask them if they know who ordered the transfer, and that you’d like them to take a look into it and get back to you promptly. Ask them why Congress is taking such an interest in the emails of one inmate. Tell them that Tim is a nonviolent offender who was wrongly charged and convicted to begin with, and was placed in a minimum security camp because he posed no threat to anyone. If you have time, mention that an oil and gas company owned by William Koch was recently found to have conspired to defeat a BLM oil and gas lease auction, but was merely fined, while Tim sits in isolated confinement after being charged with two felonies. If you call Jason Chaffetz, ask him to launch an investigation in his oversight committee.

FCI Herlong


Richard B. Ives, WARDEN

 Eloisa DeBruler, Public Information Officer

BOP Central Office

Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr.

United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and

Homeland Security Congressional Members:


Jim Sensenbrenner, WI, Chairman of Subcommittee
(202) 225-5101
Louie Gohmert, TX, Vice Chairman of Subcommittee
(202) 225-3035
Jason Chaffetz, UT
(202) 225-7751
(801) 851-2500


Bob Goodlatte, VA
(202) 225-5431
Sandy Adams, FL
(202) 225-2706
Dan Lundgren, CA
(202) 225-5716
Mark Amodei, NV
(202) 225-6155
Randy Forbes, VA
(202) 225 – 6365
Bobbi Scott, VA
(202) 225-8351
Ted Poe, TX
(202) 225-6565
Steve Cohen, TN
(202) 225-3265
Timothy Griffin, AK
(202) 225-2506
Hank Johnson, GA
(202) 225-1605
Tom Marino, PA
(202) 225-3731
Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico
(202) 225-2615
Trey Gowdy, SC
(202) 225-6030
Judi Chu, CA
(202) 225-5464
Ted Deutch, FL
(202) 225-3001
Shelia Jackson Lee, TX
(202) 225-3816
Michael Quigley, IL
(202) 225-4061

Are you worried yet?  I am.


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