Keystone XL Pipeline is a KOCH addiction. Oppose it BEFORE it Leaks!

Exercise in patience???

Greetings Fellow Earth-lings traversing blogland.

Okay, due to technical difficulties with server, WordPress, YouTube and just about everything else that is going wacko when I’ve been attempting to blog I have no clue if this will make it to the main page or not. Is the Universe giving me an exercise in patience or what? Lately it feels like a short walk off a long pier scenario.  So, I’m not being rude if I have not yet visited blogcasas, commented or replied to comments graciously posted here by you.  My fingers are “tied” by the workings of the machine and cyberspace beyond my control.  I hope this finds every one hale and hearty this Saturday.  As for myself, I’ve about recovered from 30 days without rain and 100 plus temperatures during a stint in rural Missouri while farm sitting. Yes, it was miserable. More so for the cows, goats, chickens, dogs, mule and horse than for moi who had the luxury of air conditioning for relief. When it’s 107 degrees even being under tall trees offers little respite. When it doesn’t rain for 30 days of such heat intensity the ground cracks, the plants die, the animals wait for grain instead of grazing because there is nothing green growing. If hell is HOT then this was a little slice of hell on Earth.  So please bear with me as I attempt to return to some semblance of sanity.  The protests of the Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline finally inspired and motivated me to blog. I realize many people may be tired of what may appear to be my beating of a dead horse. I’m not going to apologize for the beating that will continue–of the issue not any horse living or dead. Here’s why–this is important folks, it really really is huge.  The protests didn’t get much attention until Daryl Hannah was arrested–oh the uses of celebrity–and that’s not a good sign. The oil industry is banking on people being unaware and silent until they’ve gotten what they want from Obama–his signature to go ahead with this incredible disaster waiting to happen. And happen it will. Consider the impact of the spill in the Gulf of Mexico then imagine such a spill in the middle of America. Can you wrap your mind around that scenario or not? I’ve been disturbed by recent conversations with fairly well-informed and educated individuals who have had NO knowledge of the Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline. This is due in part to the lack of mainstream media coverage–and much of that has been sadly lacking or tainted with misinformation.  Even local activist groups involved in Green Party/Peace/Justice/Nuclear protests have little or no awareness of what has happened in Alberta, Canada, the spills from the existing parts of the pipeline or even why people are protesting at all. This is NOT a good situation, my friends. It’s not good because the stakes are way too high for EVERYONE.  Yes, your land doesn’t have to be under attack by the developers to be affected. The environmental costs are IMMENSE for 740,000 acres of boreal forest, the drinking water of 2 million people, and the rise in cancer rates such as those already experienced by the Indigenous communities in Canada who are down stream of the Tar Sands operation.  The time is NOW to fight this oil addiction. Obama can stop the project all by himself. He can veto it without Congress.  He has the power to stop this pipeline which will carry the oil for export out of America. We need jobs. Let the jobs come from development and implementation of clean energy sources like solar and wind–which other countries like China, Germany, Switzerland etc are already focusing upon for the future.  We Americans must wake up en mass and do the right thing for the Earth or suffer the consequences–ignorance will not be bliss.  

What to do? Get informed, get very well-informed. There is plenty of information online to be had via the alliance of environmental groups and individuals taking action:, Dirty Oil, Tar Sands Action, Indigenous Environmental Network, Peaceful Uprising, Rising Tide, Rainforest Action Network, Greenpeace, the Governor of Nebraska–getting the sense that a lot of people might be on to something serious? I sure hope so. We only have one Earth that supports our existence. No money will buy another planet for our children. Learn, share, act any way you are able no matter how small it might seem, but do not be silent. This is not the time for apathy.


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