Car as easy-bake oven compliments of Solar Power?

Okay thank Meg for this cookie craziness.  Oh yeah, over at “Living a whole life” she banged up a post about her Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies that has had me eyeing the hood of my car and wondering just how to utilize it for baking  my fave cookies via the current raging Solar Power in the KC metro. Actually the inside of the car might be more appropriate–roll up the windows and position vehicle to catch the most rays and “BAKE”! The other option is the conventional oven–but–that might force me to activate the air conditioning unit that so far I have not employed due to evasive strategies of fans, blinds, and the desire to be refrigerated of other folks who are cooling my ceiling, floor and walls thereby keeping my space very very comfortably cool.

First the link to Meg’s yummies –>

Btw–Meg’s appear to be NO BAKE in an oven cookies! Oh yeah.


Eva’s best cookies–so far~~

  These are cookies that fall into the full meal in themselves deal. Cookies that you want to keep eating and won’t make you sick. Or actually my goal is create cookies that won’t make ‘me’ sick by consuming one or more due to food allergies.  So, since so far it is impossible to share hard copy food via computer technology  I can do the next best thing and share the recipe as it currently stands. If it sounds  ‘good’  to you then bake them and eat until you can’t stand them.  If you experiment and manage to improve them in some way, then DO TELL me about it! LOL. Oh and I  am going to see what a Duck Egg addition will do for the recipe–but eggs of any kind are not required.

The stuff you need:

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 sticks of BUTTER

1/2 cup of olive oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup of vanilla or plain yogurt

1 cup of white cane sugar

1 cup of loosely packed dark brown sugar

2 cups oatmeal–NOT the instant variety

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup pecans

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup macadamia nuts

1/2 cup dried cherries

1/2 cup golden raisins or dark if you prefer

1 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels

Sea salt

Mix the flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder together in  one bowl.

Mix the butter, sugars, olive oil and vanilla extract together in another bowl.

Mix the ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ bowl contents together.

Add the oatmeal.

Add all the nuts, fruits, and chocolate.

On ungreased cookie sheet, bake at 350 heat–depending on your oven and the size of your cookies–10 to 12 minutes–until golden brown. While still hot sprinkle lightly with coarse Sea Salt.  

NO eggs allowed!

No Barley Flour used.

No beet sugar added.

If anyone has successfully converted their automobile into an easy-bake oven please illuminate moi! Oh yeah, my boiling brain really wants to know all the heating details.

Best Cookies

Eva’s best cookies–so far~~

Okay, this seems like a really strange post for me to be even considering. But while I was trying to catch up with blog friends I kept wishing I really could give everyone some of these cookies I’ve been experimenting to get just ‘right’ for myself.  These are cookies that fall into the full meal in themselves deal. Cookies that you want to keep eating and won’t make you sick. Or actually my goal is create cookies that won’t make ‘me’ sick by consuming one or more due to food allergies.  So, since so far it is impossible to share hard copy food via computer technology  I can do the next best thing and share the recipe as it currently stands. If it sounds  ‘good’  to you then bake them and eat until you can’t stand them.  If you experiment and manage to improve them in some way, then DO TELL me about it! LOL.

The stuff you need:

3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 sticks of BUTTER

1/2 cup of olive oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup of vanilla or plain yogurt

1 cup of white cane sugar

1 cup of loosely packed dark brown sugar

2 cups oatmeal–NOT the instant variety

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup pecans

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup macadamia nuts

1/2 cup dried cherries

1/2 cup golden raisins or dark if you prefer

1 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels

Sea salt

Mix the flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder together in  one bowl.

Mix the butter, sugars, olive oil and vanilla extract together in another bowl.

Mix the ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ bowl contents together.

Add the oatmeal.

Add all the nuts, fruits, and chocolate.

On ungreased cookie sheet, bake at 350 heat–depending on your oven and the size of your cookies–10 to 12 minutes–until golden brown. While still hot sprinkle lightly with coarse Sea Salt.

NO eggs allowed!

No Barley Flour used.

No beet sugar added.

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