Red Alert All “Serfs”: Corporate hostile take-over of America is underway via Republican Governors at large.

 It’s official folks. The corporate take-over of America is well underway around the USA. Oh yeah. No doubts about it. Just survey what every Republican Governor is up to in every state and it’s absolutely clear that this is an organized attack on the working classes en masse. The goal is absolute control, dominance and power over the population. Does that sound paranoid? Yeah, well it’s reality, fellow serfs.  You think Wisconsin has ISSUES? Well, while we’ve all been watching the antics of Republican Dictator Walker and his hench-people, especially the extremely adorably arrogant Senator Fitzgerald, a very nasty power grab has been conducted in Lansing, Michigan. Oh yeah, what’s worse than snidely cutting the feet out from the working class by stripping them of collective bargaining rights? Float this in your boiling brainpan:

In an extreme move to take away power of local governments, the Michigan Senate voted yesterday to allow the appointment of so-called emergency financial managers to take control of cities and school districts that the newly elected Republican governor in the state unilaterally declares to be “financial emergencies.”

The new bill was passed 26-12 by the Republican-controlled Senate in Lansing and allows newly-appointed financial managers a broad range of powers over local governments. Newly elected Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s new budget bill slashes aid to local governments and many towns are expected to fall into the financial emergency zone as a result. Governor Snyder will then appoint financial managers to oversee these towns.

The bill was passed first in Michigan’s Congress and will now await some changes in wording before being sent to Snyder’s desk for his signature. After the bill is put in effect, the financial managers will be allowed to “reject, modify or terminate the terms of an existing contract…or a collective bargaining agreement.”

They will also be able to “suspend or dismiss local officials, “disincorporate of dissolve entire city governments” and “recommend…that a school district be reorganized with one or more contiguous districts.” Jennifer Page, “Corporate Politicians at Helm”,  The Center for Media and Democracy’s PRwatch


Michigan’s Governor is a Republican and by now we all know what that means—right wing Koch Brothers and Cohorts MONEY puppet.  Now that Snyder has established his right to slash and burn cities and school districts all by himself –and then to appoint “new managers”–the door is open for Koch and like-minded right-wing Corporate Cohorts for more “hostile take-overs” of cities and schools. Why bother with purchasing individual energy works when you can bleed an entire city and its population to suit your own agenda?

What are we Serfs going to do?

Whatever happened to self-determination in America?

Is this still “America”–land of the FREE? Is it?

The rules have changed folks. In case you haven’t noticed, these Republicans don’t adhere to laws, fair play or honesty. They don’t give a damn about working class people of any ilk. In Wisconsin they have abandoned all pretense of integrity. They’re not elected officials anymore. They’re arrogant, power hungry, control monsters bent on imposing their way–as the only way in much the same vein as the most repulsive manipulative television evangelists.  The right-wing corporate Republican way is The Only Way. I sense that “loving kindness” will not get us Serfs anywhere with these people because such is out of their ken. They’re proving it with every move they make. If the Republicans in Wisconsin are so proud of their handiwork, why do they run away from the capital escorted by police, through tunnels and unto dark buses to avoid the wrath of the people they’re supposed to REPRESENT? Do they fear a modern form of being tarred and feathered? Why do they keep trying to keep their handiwork from public view?  Because they know it’s “wrong” yet they intend to do as their corporate funders demand any way they can.

Posted on Wisconsin Resistance Radio, Facebook

Note: For those of you who don’t understand what unions and collective bargaining rights mean for working classes–do some homework–start with the Ludlow Massacre and learn about those and other people who died in order for there to be a 40 hour work week, no child labor, and decent living wages. Yes, people fought and died in order to end ruthless exploitation by the rich elite who took everything and gave nothing for the labor of others.  Corporate created textbooks don’t present much information on the dark side of the labor movement. Explore America’s dark labor history before you decide unions don’t matter.  


  1. April 2, 2011 at 3:46 am

    […]  It's official folks. The corporate take-over of America is well underway around the USA. Oh yeah. No doubts about it. Just survey what every Republican Governor is up to in every state and it's absolutely clear that this is an organized attack on the working classes en masse. The goal is absolute control, dominance and power over the population. Does that sound paranoid? Yeah, well it's reality, fellow serfs.  You think Wisconsin has ISSUES? Wel … Read More […]

  2. March 13, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    […] post by 47whitebuffalo var addthis_language = 'en'; Filed under 19298 ← Dale Schultz: Wisconsin […]

    • March 13, 2011 at 6:07 pm

      I’m not sure which language this page is “in” for this pingback. Please drop an English line for moi.

  3. Barbara Rodgers said,

    March 13, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    We’ve been living in a corporatocracy for many years already, and it is getting ever stronger. It has been said our representatives and senators should be required to wear uniforms with the logos of their corporate sponsors on them…

    • March 13, 2011 at 6:06 pm

      Barbara, I so LOVE that idea of politicians wearing the logos of the corporations that support their political games!!! That’s great.

  4. artistatexit0 said,

    March 11, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    Yes, there is abuse in government, but it does make it difference which party is in power. The Republican Party has repeatedly put their anti-American agenda in front of us. These people really feel entitled…and having all the money isn’t enough. I wonder if there will ever be a point when the “average American” has an epiphany about all that has happened and finally decides to give a crap?

    • March 13, 2011 at 6:05 pm

      Al–the Cheeseheads give a crap! They give so much a “crap” that they’re taking the war all the way to which toilet paper they buy. Don’t want it give the Kochs even the price of bun wipes.
      And the 14 Democratic State Senators who went AWOL gave a crap. So, perhaps all that crap has finally fertilized something.

  5. March 11, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    Indeed, this news is worrying. But unfortunately the people are going to sleep walk right into it. Much like after 9/11 – while the people of America were coming to terms with what just had happened, they sleep walked right into a war with Iraq and then Afghanistan.

    That is the problem – we the people appear to naturally believe in and trust our governments and policies – under the impression that what ever they are up to is for our own benefit, but unfortunately our trust and belief is continuously abused.

    • March 13, 2011 at 6:02 pm

      Greetings Awakening Tempest. Well, folks in Wisconsin sure aren’t sleepwalking any more. They’re on the move with everything from recall work for the 8 Republicans to using the pwer of their very own money to make a statement to banks, stores, and cafes. They’ve followed the money and now they’re wielding theirs like weapons. I don’t think Cheeseheads are blindly trusting the government any longer.

  6. March 11, 2011 at 11:31 am

    The vote by The Wisconsin Senate clearly violates the “Open Meeting” law unless they can prove their was an emergency that meant they didn’t have to give 24 hours notice. The real question now is whether the legal challenges will work and have it struck down.

    Other important questions include:

    If this option was legal, as Republican insist, why didn’t they do it two weeks ago when this farce began?

    They’ve been insisting for the past month that collective bargaining is a ‘fiscal’ matter so needs a quorum. Now suddenly it’s not, how does that work?

    I’m going to write a long piece of political analysis on ym blog about this this afternoon.

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