Maybe they were just following the cue cards? Methinks not.



From Alan Grayson's email information effort. Photographer unknown at present time.

If you’re clueless then you haven’t caught the video of the Republican / Tea Party debate on CNN which is making its way everywhere. Now if the audience doesn’t give a damn about human beings then they probably don’t care about Earth either.  I wonder if they cheer at photos of animals dying in oil spills? Afterall, according to THEIR reasoning it would be the animal’s own fault for being in that oil. Hmm. Scary thoughts. Hey, is this domestic terrorism? Is it? Surely not. But, but, could it be?  Hey if musicians can get grabbed by police in Massachusetts while travelling to the airport via public transportation and reported by some big NO ONE–then shouldn’t that audience have been arrested for expression of questionable ethical comments? Someone text Homeland Security and get those people in for questioning now. They’re all on video. Find them and haul them in for questioning. Were they vetted before the debate? Hmm…. Okay, enough of the nightmare.  For the moment anyway. So much for the ONLY industrialized country which has a FOR PROFIT Medical Industry–doctors, insurance companies, suppliers et. al. Only in America will your medical bills kill you–if the insurance company doesn’t first by denying care–and they have a long history of doing so. Just ask Wendell Potter who worked for the industry.
Oh damn. The greater of two evils just became greater.



  1. chriscaff said,

    October 12, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    Our commerical world makes me want to hang my head in shame, and we DO have free medical care. Insurance companies have much to answer for. They wriggle out of paying out when they should and don’t care a whit about the people they hurt. Here flood and accident insurance is the latest money-spinner for them. Greed is enemy the world over. and humans are the only animal to gather and waste so much,inlcuding it’s own people.

  2. September 23, 2011 at 11:19 pm

    […] skills and business presentation)Make Better Presentations – The Anatomy of a Good SpeechMaybe they were just following the cue cards? Methinks not. if (top!=self) { window.location = […]

  3. Meg said,

    September 17, 2011 at 12:22 am

    I love this!! Thanks for posting the button. I find it so selfish of people to not want universal health care. It astounds me.

  4. September 14, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    We’ve had universal, free health care via Medicare for decades now and I couldn’t imagine living in a country without it.

    • September 16, 2011 at 6:21 pm

      Come to America and we’ll show you! Seriously! Insursance companies are Death Panels. Really. It’s a disgrace to the government and the medical profession that everything is FOR PROFIT.

  5. September 14, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    […] journalism « Tag Feed Sep9 […]

  6. penpusherpen said,

    September 14, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    Here in Britain the politicians are trying to interfere with our National Health Service, Eva, I don’t think they’ll be satisfied ’til they’ve taken it apart to see how it works, and then destroyed it forever. ‘Safe in our Hands’ they said before the elections. … Words which should have sent shivers through everyone in this country who pay National Insurance. … I can only imagine what you’re going through in America, as the thought of not getting healthcare if you’re uninsured makes me tremble in fear.. xPenx

    • September 14, 2011 at 2:59 pm

      Pen, I sincerely hope that those insane politicians get a clue that tearing apart something that works will make big trouble for them. Here in America it truly is an entirely for profit mentality. IF we could get rid of the health insurance companies–middlemen who do absolutely nothing for anyone’s health–it would be a great start as they’re the ones pulling the strings on everything from the doctors, hospitals, treaments–and they are only concenerned with making MONEY for their companies. People do die here because care is REFUSED by HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY EMPLOYEES–basically people telling other people to “Go on and die and I don’t give a damn because your care would reduce our profit margin.” And the cost of most insurance is HIGH. It can be as much as your rent or mortage per month depending on the plan. It’s insanity. And quite clearly our governemnt is right in tight with the industry. Consider that 14 doctors and nurses who attended hearings about healthcare were ARRESTED for demanding to be heard on single payer universal healthcare for everyone. Now that’s SCARY. Still trembling? Everyone knows the system is ROTTEN. Also, many Americans do not know or understand the systems in place in other countries. They’re ignorant and uniformed and the media works to keep them that way. Some famous journalist did a very good piece about the systems in Germany, Japan, France et al a couple years ago and it was broadcast at like 2 am on PBS. Some times it’s good to have insomnia because you find such things.

  7. September 14, 2011 at 2:40 am

    Yes, not many people/politicians/press talk about the fact making a profit on health insurance would be a crime in most countries. I think most Americans don’t know that. (And I didn’t know about the unfortunate Massachusetts musician. What was that about?)

    • September 14, 2011 at 4:36 am

      I think you’re correct about what most Americans don’t know. IF they were knowledgeable about healthcare in other countries they might all be screaming for universal single payer coverage instead of the cruel and insane system currently running the show.
      The musician misadventure was a Yahoo News tidbit. I’ve not yet been able to find it again. It was appalling though. He and a cellist were on their way to the airport when they were hauled away by police. Why don’t I feel ‘safer’ ? hmm? Must be something wrong with me. Oh Orwell…

  8. slpmartin said,

    September 14, 2011 at 1:39 am

    Love that button…must make a t-shirt with it on it. 😉

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