Emotions, or, No Numb Here, Musical Theme

Emotions headline this Musical Theme per Willowdot21. I’ve chosen songs for both presentation and content.  I think each sings for itself.  There’s some frustration, some fear, a little love and gratitude, and a touch of defiance.  Nick Cave joins the ladies because he’s got a great song from a great flick.   Enjoy. 🙂


Evanescence ~~ Bring Me To Life



Joan Osborne ~~ Crazy Baby



Katie Webster ~~ Red Negligee



Shemekia Copeland ~~ Never Going Back to Memphis



Billie Holiday ~~Ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do



Evanescence ~~ Going Under

Sara Reiko Matsu


Nick Cave — I’ll Love You Till The End of the World

Carol Friz


Madeleine Peyroux ~~ Dance Me To the End of Love



Willow     http://willowdot21.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/musical-theme-emotions/

Johnny   http://johnnyojanpera.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/emotion-music-theme-november-9th/

Deborah http://myriad234.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/musical-theme-for-november-9-emotions/#comment-722

Fustercluck Blues Festival and Chicken Wing Eating Contest. From who else but~~ the Incredible one and only~ KKFI 90.1 fm Community Radio playing Blues dues out the wazoo!

O there ares soooo many public service announcements one can make! But seldom do they involve a whole lot of music and FUN! Now I’m no chicken eater ever, but if I was, then this little chicken wing eating contest with Blues on the side would definitely be on my tummy’s menu agenda. Oh yeah, KKFI is fundraising again with major Community Support–because, in case you don’t know already, that’s how KKFI has managed to stay alive on the sound waves for over twenty years–people put money in the radio jukebox cash jar of their own free will.  There’s no corporate backers, no media sponsors, just the music makers and the music lovers.  This is truly homegrown radio like you’ve never heard it before folks. It streams on the world-wide web 24/7 –>    http://www.kkfi.org/  .  It’s got volunteer DJs out the wazoo. It’s got a concrete 100,000 watts radius. It’s got indie and local music makers on air and on stage and on the money need feed bag all the time.  We got our Blues, smokin’ hot Jazz, Retro, Latino, Rock, Morning Buzzes M-F, Native Spirit on Sunday afternoon at 5pm with Rhonda LeValdo, Reggae and we even got damn fine L.A. Theatre Works. There’s even Chamber Music and Dr. Mike’s Old Timey Medicine Show. I’ve not even hinted at the Democracy Now! news, eco programs, Tell Somebody, local showcase, Mr. Bill, and Labor coverage.  Swing thru the link and check out The Program Schedule for what you may have a tough time finding anywhere else on one radio station but everywhere on KKFI  90.1 fm. Fuel for your hungry ears.  Now who among you has ever before heard of a Fustercluck Blues Festival featuring Wild Women, Junebugs, Bail Jumpers and Rhythm Kings and a chicken wing eating contest with two categories? Hmm? Come on, share and share alike amigas and amigos.





Sensual Saturday with Angus and Julia Stone, of course.

It’s Saturday. It’s sizzling. So chill out with some Stones, Julia and Angus.  If you’re in a cool place then simmer softly along.







Wiki info     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_&_Julia_Stone


Sensual Saturday with The ONE and ONLY Joan Osborne! O yeah, shake your hips and rattle your souls, cuz Joan is a comin’ on strong!





I have not selected the slickest videos for Joan Osborne. This is a selection of a different sort than those for the previous Lady Voices. I was searching for some tracks that have the powerfull distinctive voice quality that I adore. Please share anything recent you discover on the tubes of you.




Duffy –Sensual Saturday Playlist

Sorry to post hit and run, but when you got to write, you got to write. Listen and love the Lady’s tunes.

Two Headed Cow and an auction–only at KKFI–radio like you’ve never heard it before. They guarantee it.

Hey, whose up for some Two Headed Cow? That’s music not milk, folks. FYI, KKFI streams online at www.kkfi.org so you can listen to everything from Democracy Now! to JAZZ while surfing the cyberspace seas. If you’re a fan of jazz, blues, indie, folk, Latino, chamber –as in chamber music not chamber-pot, yes, that’s right, KKFI plays chamber music–rockabilly, Native Spirit, alternative news, Sprouts, L.A. Theatre Works, Bioneers, and just about anything else that it’s possible to shake a musical — or grass-roots–stick at, then there’s plenty to discover at 90.1 FM KKFI Community Radio Like You’ve Never Heard It Before. Yes, I’m willing to bet that this radio is not the usual airwaves ear fare. There’s no corporate influence yanking KKFI’s 100,000 watts and online streaming.  This is radio that people support with their pennies, dimes and dollars. It’s not a fluke.  It’s 20 something years young and still growing. If you’re already wired for sound then what’s stopping you from engaging? But to get the Live Two Headed Cow and The John McKenna party gig I think you need to haul azz to Kansas City today. Enjoy.

Bidding on the KKFI Holiday Online Internet Auction begins Friday, November 30th. Think of it!  No crowds, no driving, no nasty weather, no checkout lines…PLUS you get great unique gifts at bargain prices (the bidding starts 1/3 of the retail value). 
This will be the BIGGEST and BEST KKFI Holiday Auction! This year, we have over 300 gifts to bid on, including…

  • Auto Service: Winterize your car
  • Auto servicing, including five oil changes, tire rotation and more
  • Introductory Airplane Flying Lessons
  • Full body massage
  • CD Extravaganza (over 100 CDs by local and national blues, rock, folk, jazz, reggae artists…many autographed)
  • Books (autographed by Amy Goodman, Chuck Haddix, more)
  • Restaurant Gift Certificates
  • Home cooked Mexican meal for six
  • Music lessons (blues harp lessons by Levee Town’s Jimmie Meade, more)
  • Home made baked goods for your holiday party
  • Eight hours handyman work
  • Live theater tickets (Metropolitan Ensemble Theatre, American Heartland Theatre, Unicorn Theatre, Coterie Theater, 
  • Knucklehead Concert Tickets, Folly Theater Concert Tickets, Gem Theater Concert Tickets 

You can also show your support by donating goods and/or services to the KKFI Holiday Auction.  For example, maybe there are treasures in your basement or attic that you no longer need; or you can offer to bake a cake or pie; or offer your skills as a painter to paint a room or do a pedicure.    


If you are interested in donating goods or services to the holiday online auction, contact Bill Clause, KKFI Special Events Coordinator, (816) 994-7869 or email BillC@kkfi.org.


KKFI Holiday Party Features Barbecue, Liquid Refreshments, and Live Music by The John McKenna Band and Two Headed Cow
Two Headed Cow It’s the last Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is over and before long, it’s Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice and, oh yeah, Chrsitmas.  TIME TO PARTY!
KKFI’s holiday party begins at 6pm at KKFI Studios. 39th & Main, KCMO, with barbecue and drinks,  followed by LIVE music featuring Two Headed Cow and The John McKenna Band. 
Holiday shopping Alert:
New CDs for Sale!
What do the bands Two Headed Cow and The John McKenna Band have in common? In addition to playing great music, both bands have new CDs for sale.
Tickets: $5 Door (barbecue, drinks and CDs extra)
KKFI 90.1 FM Community Radio | 3901 Main St. | Suite 203 | Kansas City | MO | 64111

Jazz Violin Blues a la Christian Howes & Robben Ford

I’ve been saving this musical gift for a gloomy winter day and this is it–buckets of gloom looming. Ahhhh. Okay, many of you are probably tired of my beating the drum for KKFI 90.1 fm Community Radio’s “Liberated Airwaves” as one volunteer DJ says.  But I’m going to beat the drum again for the all the great jazz it offers. Hear! Hear! One very cool thing about KKFI is that you  can “win” free music. Yes, even I who has dark star bad luck with all games of chance—can win a cd by being the 4th caller into Jazz in the Afternoon featuring a live in studio interview with jazz violinist Christian Howes. Yes, you read that right–Jazz Violinist.  I have no idea why I even decided to dial spin the opportunity.  I suspect Howes’ tunes worked some sort of magic on my mind. But I did–and to my surprise I landed in the right phone spot.  Out of the Blue arrived in my mailbox a few days later. Thank you! I’ve been enjoying its clear rich soundwave energy ever since. If you’re a jazz/blues fan  you can too.   This cd also offers guitarist Robben Ford’s magic fingers & Sharon Hendrix’s pipes on “Seek and Ye Shall Find.”   

Click on the cover  to visit “the Urban Flux’s” review of the music.

 A Non-Profit Jazz Label with a Mission. Devoted to Preserving Jazz and Discovering the Rising Stars of Tomorrow.  Click on the logo to travel to Resonance online. Listen. Order. Download. If you dig what they’re spinning.

Oh and yes, KKFI  streams 24/7 at www.kkfi.org. It’s FREE in so many ways down there at 39th & Main in Midtown Kansas City.  Except for the transmitter……

More RED than you can bear?

Oh yeah, the divine Katie Webster– late great queen of that Big Woman Sound with a heaping TON of attitude  all her own.  OOOO I wonder if the Red Wheelbarrow can handle her red negligee? Gather your favorite libation, light your smoke signaler, put your feet up, click play and, and well play a little yourself while Katie tickles the ivories and more…..

Oh yes, I first heard the delicious Katie on KKFI YEARS ago–this very tune. This afternoon it floated across the radio waves again…ooo thank you, Groovy Grant. White Hat Mike better watch out or you might jam his radio traffic time every Friday. LOL

www.kkfi.org –’cause I do like to share great music.

Got DJ daydreams? A Blues Affliction Perhaps?

Do you have a serious music addiction? Or know and love someone with such an affliction? You know the type–they consume tunes the way yuppies consume a certain brand of chain coffee. Oh and in Kansas City, we’ve got something for that sort of coffee addict–The Broadway Cafe–the ONLY independent coffee shop to shut down the invading coffee chain and send it packing–a chain which we will not name nor even offer the marketing of a ‘tag’. 

Okay back to the music–and the DJ dreamers out there spinning in the world-wide web and beyond.

Yes, folks, only at KKFI Community Radio, located at the corner of 39th and Main in Kansas City, Missouri can you too can be a guest DJ and get a taste of radio-wave action. How? KKFI is entirely community funded and for a donation of one hundred and fifty dollars towards its operating costs, you –or a loved one of your choice– can do a stint on live radio complete with programing the musical selections.  Consider giving such a ‘gift’ of experience to yourself or someone who loves Jazz, Folk, World, Rock, Blues, Reggae and even Native American music et al.  The DJ guest spot must be during a compatible radio program with appropriate music genre. If you click on the blue billboard  you will surf into KKFI’s site and there find a program schedule complete with times  and the regular all volunteer DJ staff listings. There’s also contact, newsletter, and event information available. KKFI 90.1 fm streams LIVE on the world wide web 24/7 , 365 days around the sun and with the moon.  Where else but on totally community radio can a DJ daydream become reality?

Care to mosey a little to Mose’s music?

Some times a little irony, or more than a little, is in order in order to get through the seemingly endless stream of insane inanity swirling around us.  So, for some ironic comic relief here’s a healthy helping of Mose Allison for inclined ears’ tickling.

Yeah, there are some things I just can’t resist sharing –  like “Big Brother.”  Apparently Orwell was a prophet. Huh. Go figure. Now  I’m on the lookout for all those “rats” that got my attention long ago on the small screen.

Clicking on Mose’s mug will take you to his very informative website. It’s worth a visit just to learn of all the songs he’s written over his career of 50 years. Not many people survive and thrive creatively so long in  any profession.  We should all look so alive at 80.  Nice photo portrait too–in my opinion.

For your amusement, bemusement, entertainment–and perhaps a tad of inspiration,  more of Mose Allison’s music and mentality:

And just in case you missed it the first  posting round, “Ever Since the World Ended.”

Again, much thanks to KKFI’s Radio Redux for reminding moi of Mose’s existence. Yes, we all need our memory pages  refreshed–and that’s a good thing.  Now about those “breeze” and “knees”  lyrics . . . .

PS. If your fear of the dark needs replenishing there’s always  1984 to oblige. Don’t click to view if you’re in a happy happy, joy joy place.

Now I’m wondering if this post is an example of tragic ironic comedy.  Might be. Hmm. What do you think?

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