Spotted Elk’s People

Spotted Elk’s Band

each doubting whisper

any thought of deviation

They counter

tug, pull, yank back on course

Don’t forget us!

No more silence!

“Pick up the dying,” artist wrote

but it’s damn clear there’s no need for picking up

hell, they’ve picked themselves up

closed their ranks

achieved their precious consensus

each time any departure beckons for consideration

this damp icy morning just one example

wondering in warm bookshop serenity

bitter black coffee forcing realistic clarity

“…there are other things to do…other poems to write

see, right there, possibilities galore in tidy literary rags”

Temptation sneaks foward

Their counter-attack is nothing sublte

They know precisely where and how to slip through enemy lines

striking with unabashed, devasting cunning in Rosebud with ‘from Stealing Indians’ by John E. Smelcer…..31—boarding school, ghost of dead mother, quick witted, undeterred Indian children on cracked ice saving Indian children in ice water

They knowing that it’s a fast leap

straight to three Cheyenne River Indian Agency girls, 1913,  two dead in the snow—

nine year old orphan boy without winter clothes ticket 215–

Comes Home Crawling POW May 1891~

James Red Hawk’s failing lungs failing his resourceful spirit~

Their brilliantly executed strategy

destroys all competition

Nothing else to do until Spotted Elk’s Tiospaye receive their just due

so it’s back on the trek to Wounded Knee, December 29, 1890,

back to the Cheyenne River Indian Agency….

Wounded Knee Grave


 Again, because I ‘can’.

 Wojcik@2009       see May archive for We Shall Remain Shallow post

300 women, children, & men killed at Wounded Knee, 12/29/1890

Wounded Knee Grave on Cemetery Hill

For no rational reason, because there was no “war”, no outbreak, no raids, no threat of military conflict, an estimated 300 infants, boys, girls, women and men were killed by the United States Military on December 29, 1890.  On this day in 2009, the Big Foot Memorial  Riders and others  honor their memory at Cemetery Hill where approximately 146 are buried in a mass grave. In the surrounding hills and desolate plain at least another 25 women and children and 3 men, were buried  in unmarked graves wherever their bodies were found. Others died of their fatal wounds after being brought to the Pine Ridge Agency. An unknown number of living were ‘removed’ by friends and relations. At least 40 other bodies were ‘moved’ prior to the arrival of Dr. Eastman. According to the Army, rations were issued for 370 people of Big Foot/Spotted Elk’s band at the Wounded Knee camp. The army estimated around 70 survivors of unknown gender, age or condition among their Lakota relations. (Source, National Archives publication Microfilm 983, Central Plains Branch, KCMO).

Historical Marker

Trust and Survival, AWOL Hunkpapa Indian Family Prisoners of War at Fort Sully, 1890-1891

Trust and Survival concerns a group of Sitting Bull’s people who fled the Standing Rock Indian Reservation after his murder on December 15, 1890.  Some of these people sought refuge with Spotted Elk/Big Foot on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.  Some found a certain degree of safety from further military conflict via the efforts of 2nd Lieutenant Harry Clay Hale and Captain Joseph Henry Hurst, 12the Infantry, the commanding officer of Fort Bennett.  On December 28th, 1890, Big Foot/Spotted Elk’s band peacefully submitted to the US. Military and went into camp for the night at Wounded Knee Creek. 

By the time of this post the Big Foot Memorial Riders will have arrived at Wounded Knee after nearly two weeks of travel in all weather.

The pdf file is via American Indian Quarterly which published “Trust and Survival” in 2008, 32.3 issue.


Wounded Knee ‘views’

Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee Grave
Wounded Knee Grave
Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee

Cemetery Hill

Cemetery Hill


Cemetery Hill

Cemetery Hill


Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee



BIA Historical Site Marker

BIA Historical Site Marker


BIA Historical Site Marker

BIA Historical Site Marker


The Flag Arrives

The Flag Arrives


To the East

To the East





Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee


Most photo ‘views’ were taken the morning of December 28, 2006.  Photos containing snow were taken on December 29, 2006. Some were taken from atop Cemetery Hill and others were taken ‘of’ Cemetery Hill–several from a distance in order to provide a sense of the  overall landscape.  The Historical Marker of Bigfoot’s surrender is not visible from Cemetery Hill.  It denotes a place further northeast along the ‘highway’. 



Cemetery Hill, Wounded Knee, 29 December 2006

After the sage is gone

After the tobacco has fallen

After the prayers have gone silent

After the singing has ceased

After the drums are still

After the rusting cars, mini-vans, trucks have rolled away

After the horses’ trailers have departed

After the alternator has been changed on the ancient blue and white pick-up


Bowl sings

Instrument of a people without a country

But not without identity;

People making a new way-

Sings for a People with a land


Losing identity,

People fighting to heal their sacred hoop-

It sings rich and strong

To the North, South, East  and West

To the sky

To the earth

To the wind

To spirit within and without

Bowl sings as never before

Deep and full

Seeking all walking the winds

Bowl sings


Spotted Elk’s Band dances




“Spotted Elk’s Tiospaye”

each doubting whisper

any thought of deviation

They counter

tug, pull, yank back on course

Don’t forget us!

No more silence!

“Pick up the dying,” artist wrote

but it’s damn clear there’s no need for picking up

hell, they’ve picked themselves up

closed their ranks

achieved their precious consensus

each time any departure beckons for consideration

this damp icy morning just one example

wondering in warm bookshop serenity

bitter black coffee forcing realistic clarity

“…there are other things to do…other poems to write

see, right there, possibilities galore in tidy literary rags”

Temptation sneaks foward

Their counter-attack is nothing sublte

They know precisely where and how to slip through enemy lines

striking with unabashed, devasting cunning in Rosebud with ‘from Stealing Indians’ by John E. Smelcer…..31—boarding school, ghost of dead mother, quick witted, undeterred Indian children on cracked ice saving Indian children in ice water

They knowing that it’s a fast leap

straight to three Cheyenne River Indian Agency girls, 1913,  two dead in the snow—

nine year old orphan boy without winter clothes ticket 215–

Comes Home Crawling POW May 1891~

James Red Hawk’s failing lungs failing his resourceful spirit~

Their brilliantly executed strategy

destroys all competition

Nothing else to do until Spotted Elk’s Tiospaye receive their just due

so it’s back on the trek to Wounded Knee, December 29, 1890,

back to the Cheyenne River Indian Agency….


Eva Wojcik@2009       see May archive for We Shall Remain Shallow post

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