Need some Joy and Resolve? Discover Peaceful Uprising: Idle No More, Tar Sands, Library Intel, Volunteers, Moccasins in Action.

Public service announcement for peace lovers everywhere. News from Peaceful Uprising out of Utah.  Invitations to solidarity, Tar Sands action, volunteer and share joy.  One of these days I’ll get the shortlink thing down. Not today.   For now,  joy and resolve all around. Imagining and building a better world is possible.
All following content from Peaceful Uprising news:

Monday, September 9 4 to 7 p.m. U of U Union Patio

Want to learn more about indigenous struggles that continue across North America and beyond? And show solidarity with all indigenous peoples fighting for their lives? Students at the U of U and others who have been active with the Idle No More movement are hosting this event, which will teach people about the struggles of the Lakota people of Pine Ridge who are fighting the Keystone XL pipeline and the liquid genocide of their people. If you’re an ally, this is a great chance to deepen your understanding of climate justice!



Chapman Library: Monday, September 16

577 S 900 W
Day-Riverside Library: Monday, September 30 1000 N 1575 W

Our campaign to block tar sands development is about climate justice. We’re fighting for the survival of people down the Colorado River, from ourselves to the delta communities. This presentation will deepen your understanding of how defeating tar sands, oil shale, and other forms of extreme extraction are integral to the cause of furthering climate justice.

This holds particular relevance to residents of the Wasatch Front. Tar sands refining has begun in North Salt Lake, and it could scale up dramatically in the coming years if the mining proceeds in Utah.

We’ll create a space for sharing fears, concerns, and ideas. You’ll learn what PeaceUp has been doing to protect our shared resources. You’ll also get connected with people who are working on projects you might want to get involved with!

Please RSVP on the Facebook event, or just show up!

Children explore abandoned mine site
Want to help us organize a presentation for your PTA, congregation, community group, or neighborhood? Email to set one up!

Volunteer opportunities abound! We need your help now more than ever, to defeat tar sands and forge a livable future. We’re calling on everyone in our beloved community to ask themselves if they have any time to give to further the cause of climate justice this month. Every hour helps, and there are boatloads of ways to get involved.


We’re now recruiting for a robust list of volunteer positions! They’ll provide you with excellent organizing experience, a deeper understanding of climate justice, and the satisfaction of serving a vital role in a campaign that’s protecting our future. These are just a few of the positions we’re recruiting for!

  • Community Events Coordinator Plan a fun monthly community event for the broader PeaceUp community each month, and spread the word!  
  • Bold School Publicist Promote the PeaceUp Bold School by arranging radio spots, writing press releases, and making short presentations to various groups.   
  • Research Specialist Enhance our existing knowledge of tar sands and oil shale, and related governmental processes, by conducting research on these issues.
Click here to learn about more open positions!


Tuesday, September 17 AND Tuesday, September 24

Meet at the Salt Lake Center for Science Education in Rose Park, at 1400 Goodwin Ave.

Come canvassing in the Rose Park community to let them know about an upcoming presentation on tar sands and climate justice at the local library! Invite them to get involved with the campaign or just attend, learn, and share.

These TWO canvassing opportunities will give us a chance to meet lots of community members living near refineries, who could be affected most directly by the impacts of tar sands on air quality. Afterward, we’ll meet up for a potluck!

RSVP on the Facebook event, or just show up!



Folks from Peaceful Uprising and allies recently traveled to the Moccasins on the Ground nonviolent direct action training camp in eastern Montana. Here, they shared skills and built alliances with an indigenous community working to halt coal extraction on their land. Numerous Moccasins on the Ground training camps have been happening since last winter, and by serving as an important resource for these camps, PeaceUp is building strong alliances with indigenous groups throughout the region. Together, we’re standing strong against all forms of extreme extraction and living our belief in climate justice.

The group also traveled to the Pine Ridge Reservation in the territory known as South Dakota to help Lakota allies blockade liquor stores and deliveries in the “town” of White Clay, which exists just outside of the reservation, has 14 residents, and exists solely to profit from the continued liquid genocide of the Lakota people. These continued actions have been having a significant impact on beer deliveries to White Clay.

Watch video of the action here!

Core Principles of Peaceful Uprising

  • We refuse to be obedient to injustice.
  • Our human stories are extremely powerful, and genuine sacrifice has the ability to awaken and inspire others.
  • We are connected to something much greater than ourselves, which has an incredible power to change the world.
  • We are steadfast in our commitment to the truth.
  • Our allies and strategies align with and create the healthy and just world we want to see.
  • A powerful movement originates with personal transformation and a commitment to being an agent of change.
  • Creating a better world is not only necessary, but makes us authentically happy people.
  • We are committed to building a supportive community that empowers our members to realize their potential.
  • The best response to intimidation is joy and resolve.
  • We recognize a nonviolent movement as the most effective means of creating a just and healthy world.
  • We respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person*.
  • Protecting Peaceful Uprising as an institution will never take precedent over our commitment to the fight for a healthy and just world.

Explore Peaceful Uprising –>>>

Moccasins on the Ground via Peaceful Uprising

News from Peaceful Uprising:
Note: the following content is entirely from Peaceful Uprising’s newsletter and site. All written content ought to be in blocked quotes-but “add new post” is not co-operating and insists on doing its own thing. Well, we work with what we’ve got. Solidarity.

What Solidarity Looks Like!

Peaceful Uprising, among dozens of other grassroots groups, has been invited to the first Moccasins on the Ground to be held in Butte, Montana: another frontline non-violent direct action training camp. From there, we will be travelling back to South Dakota, to support our allies from the Oglala Lakota Nation for a Women’s Day of Peace action in White KKKLay – a march to “save (their) nation from the mental diseases of Alcoholism.”

Do not confuse this with a plea for charity. Landless peasants from all over the world benefited from the genocide of indigenous people across these occupied territories called the United States and Canada. When American Indian tribes sometimes signed treaties with the US government which sometimes allowed new white settlers to stay on tribal lands-that was charitable. So working today to mend damage and stop the genocide of indigenous people is not charity; it’s justice and solidarity.

Click here to read more:

More Moccasins on the Ground: What Solidarity Looks Like!

Peaceful Uprising Shuts Down Utah Tar Sands Tank Man Style

* Some NEWS from Utah that probably is not making the mainstream news media rounds on your tv.

Vernal Express article,  “Protestors block road construction” :

* The Power of One–yet again–against the machines.

Explore Peaceful Uprising   NON-violent direct action.

Imagine, Create, Manifest Freedom.

Tim DeChristopher on ‘the economy’–a new spin on following the money:

What do you value?

Make a list of what matters to you and why.

Folk Songs for Climate Justice

Have a listen to Otter Creek’s “Bidder 70”  at

There are 14 songs available for download in most formats. Listening is FREE. Modest fee for downloading.

Want to sing with the bees? Visit a waterfall? Deal with the Devil? Play with Petroleum People?

The lyrics are inspiring,  lovely and honest. The audio is perfect.  Downloading is simple.

Get some joy now. What are you waiting for?  Go listen and find some heart.

“What if this moment was the only thing that mattered?” from Steve Bassett’s “Surrender”.

Tim DeChristopher–Big Brother is watching. So are we.

While I’m not quite up to snuff yet in regard to my blogcasa, recent developments regarding Bidder 70 demand a posting because the one thing Big Brother wishes for is Silence and Acceptance of the “way things are and have been” in order to maintain the same for the future no matter how unsustainable that truly is.

Bidder70 website

If you are in the dark regarding how the American judicial system is a tool of those willing to destroy the Earth for personal wealth and power then it’s time to learn what Tim DeChristopher aka Bidder 70 did and why he went to prison. Keywords: illegal, auction, land, gas, oil, leases, Utah, felony, protest.

According to Peaceful Uprising site information, DeChristopher is now in a halfway house in Utah where he remains a federal inmate.  But it’s just a matter of time before Tim DeChristopher rushes the field again.  Have no doubt that Big Brother will be keeping a very close watch on Mr. DeChristopher.  I suggest we all keep a close eye on Bidder 70–and make sure Big Brother knows we are watching Big Brother right back.

Peaceful Uprising resources

Not inclined to surf the links? Okay-here’s the easy read: Tim DeChristopher committed the godawful crime of participating in an illegal auction of public lands in order to prevent said lands from being illegally purchased by oil and gas companies. The US Government has acknowledged that the land auction was illegal but no one else other than DeChristopher has been charged or convicted of any wrong doing. Only the man creatively protesting the illegal auction was charged, convicted and sent to prison. Apparently Big Brother just wanted DeChristopher to shut up. Bidder 70 did not shut up. So they sent him to the pokey.

Are we having fun yet?


What’s on the minds of the Wall Street Occupiers? Well, the 99% do tell ALL! No secrets. No holding back.

What’s the occupation of Wall Street about? Well, the Occupiers have stated their objectives: 

Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Five)

Posted 2011-09-22 07:51:42 UTC by

This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

On September 21st, 2011, Troy Davis, an innocent man, was murdered by the state of Georgia. Troy Davis was one of the 99 percent.

Ending capital punishment is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, four of our members were arrested on baseless charges.

Ending police intimidation is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, the richest 400 Americans owned more than half of the country’s population.

Ending wealth inequality is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we determined that Yahoo lied about being in spam filters.

Ending corporate censorship is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly eighty percent of Americans thought the country was on the wrong track.

Ending the modern gilded age is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly 15% of Americans approved of the job Congress was doing.

Ending political corruption is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of Americans did not have work.

Ending joblessness is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of America lived in poverty.

Ending poverty is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly fifty million Americans were without health insurance.

Ending health-profiteering is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America had military bases in around one hundred and thirty out of one hundred and sixty-five countries.

Ending American imperialism is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America was at war with the world.

Ending war is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we stood in solidarity with Madrid, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Madison, Toronto, London, Athens, Sydney, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Milan, Amsterdam, Algiers, Tel Aviv, Portland and Chicago. Soon we will stand with Phoenix, Montreal, Cleveland and Atlanta. We’re still here. We are growing. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world.

You have fought all the wars. You have worked for all the bosses. You have wandered over all the countries. Have you harvested the fruits of your labors, the price of your victories? Does the past comfort you? Does the present smile on you? Does the future promise you anything? Have you found a piece of land where you can live like a human being and die like a human being? On these questions, on this argument, and on this theme, the struggle for existence, the people will speak. Join us.

We speak as one. All of our decisions, from our choice to march on Wall Street to our decision to continue occupying Liberty Square, were decided through a consensus based process by the group, for the group.

 For a livestream feed and links to further information visit Peaceful Uprising:

Is something happening on Wall Street?

What’s the all the to do on Wall Street? I dunno. Mabye Ashley Anderson knows over at Peaceful Uprising:

Maybe Amy Goodman knows on Democracy Now!:

Common Dreams has some clues:

The NYC Police definitely know what’s happening on Wall Street:

Is this Evolution?

Where is that Darwin dude?



Hats off to Jeff Goodell in Rolling Stone! Number One item that Obama must do for the Environment: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline!

Click the photograph to visit Peaceful Uprising

 Rolling Stone may finally accomplish what everyone else has failed to do so far: Put the Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline on the radar of millions of unaware Americans. Let the googling for information, for YouTube videos, for environmental sites commence! Am I hoping for way too much? Mayhap. But I’m hoping at the moment.

Kudos to Jeff Goodell for laying all the cards on the table  in “Ten Things Obama Must Do. How the president can help slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet without waiting for Congress.”
Hell, we’ll all die from the next black plague epidemic before this Congress does anything for anyone besides the military industrial complex, BIG OIL and a multitude of small-minded self interests of its members. Obama has the power to kill this pipeline all by himself. If he doesn’t then we all will know exactly what he’s made of without any further doubts. Earth can expect no help from the United States Government at large. The simple fact that we all have only one planet to live on and hence we need clean air, water and soil to survive seems to be beyond the grasp of the people in government. Or–maybe they just don’t care? Could be. I’ll buy that too.   BUT that does not mean that WE, you and I, should not care. It means we need to care more. It means we will have to take more responsibility for the welfare of this wonderful planet. It means we will have to lead the way by thought, word and action.  People like Tim DeChristopher are blazing some trails.  More cheers for Goodell for making a pardon for Tim DeChristopher number nine on his Obama hit list. Bidder 70 ought to be on American radar full beam ahead ever since his imprisonment for a two-year sentence for disrupting that ILLEGAL land auction set up by Bushies for their oil and gas cronies’ benefit. Why can’t  ordinary Americans BUY the lands we want to save from developers? Don’t we have as much right to purchase for protection as developers have rights to purchase for destruction and environmental devastation that affects everyone? Let’s level the playing field here already between Big OIL and the millions of US. DeChristopher raised the funds to pay for the lands he won in bidding. He was willing to pay for the land in order to save it. Now the government figures he’ll pay with time in prison for doing the truly right thing. Whose priorities are skewed here? Guess what I’m thinking.  What does this reveal? The Government FEARS Tim DeChristopher.  They have advocated preventive medicine to keep others from engaging in Civil Disobedience by tossing DeChristopher into the pokey.  (Novel, isn’t it that they can implement preventive measures for political purposes but have trouble with preventive healthcare concepts–only in America, the rest of the developed world gets this notion quite well.) You know what this means, don’t you? Come on, you know, right? Their FEAR reveals how much power we really have. Even though we are not yet using it effectively–we clearly have enough innate power that the powers that be FEAR massive engagement in Civil Disobedience. WOW!  Judge Benson further empowered Tim DeChristopher the moment he had him hauled off to prison in order to silence him and dissuade others from following his example. Damn, there must be some folks biting their nails to the quick as they read Goodell’s article. Millions of readers who may not have heard of DeChristopher will learn of him via a high-profile magazine. THANK YOU, ROLLING STONE for yanking the cat out of the out of sight, out of mind bag and into the mainstream mindstream at large.  
Obama and pals may pay no head to Goodell’s list in the same way they seem to have ignored the two weeks of protest, 1,252 arrests, the 600,000 phone calls. They may snicker and sneer at it—and us.  The pipeline may be approved.  Construction may go forth. What happens then will be up to US. All of us. Will we let them destroy our life support system? Or will we take action to save it?   

What’s June 23rd? Solidarity Day with Tim DeChristopher.


"tempting infinity" @ eva wojcik


Love our Earth? Enjoy the great outdoors? Want a sustainable future for everyone? Then join Peaceful Uprising, myself and others to share solidarity with Tim DeChrisptohper AKA Bidder 70, on June 23, 2011.  Peaceful Uprising currently has 39 events scheduled where folks are planning on going to their federal courthouse to display an orange solidarity banner and taking photos of it.  I realize not everyone has the opportunity to engage in this visual show of solidarity for DeChristopher who faces imprisonment for taking action to save public lands during an illegal land auction. What did he do? He bid on the lands and then made arrangements to purchase them to save them from illegal gas and oil development.  While Tim faces imprisonment for his actions the people who arranged the illegal land auction face NO accountability for the illegal auction.  DeChristpoher’s motive for his actions was not allowed to be part of his defence.  Now isn’t that odd—the legal system doesn’t care why Tim DeChristopher picked up an auction paddle and became Bidder 70.  But the system is apparently quite angry that he did anything to foil an illegal auction that oil and gas companies would have benefitted from.  Do we smell fracking here? Hmm? Surely not!  The legal system is so ticked off it has delayed sentencing DeChrisptopher yet again! Apparently it got wind of the planned solidarity rally in Utah and decided to keep things “quiet” in order to not attract media coverage. Well, I seriously doubt there will be much media coverage on June 23. Hey, the mainstream press IGNORED the protests in Wisconsin for as long as possible. It knew of and ignored the War Protests in front of the White House where 144 people were arrested.  Corporate media wants no part of people speaking truth to power as DeChristopher has done. So, it’s up to me–and you as the audience–you’re here reading, right?–to do the media’s job and spread the word about Tim DeChristopher as Bidder 70. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Get informed. Get empowered. Empower others. Share solidarity on June 23 by spreading the news! Visit Peaceful Uprising  to learn about the actions, trial, sentencing and events. There’s even a rally location map online.  It’s just for the USA. Why don’t we make it GLOBAL?  Get informed then decide for yourself to tweet/blog/text/facebook –or not– in Solidarity with DeChristopher on June 23.  It’s about YOUR future too.

Peaceful Uprising, Defending a Livable Future through empowering NON-violent action.

Peaceful Uprising is also on facebook–(to which I currently cannot post a link for some reason).

Amy Goodman’s interview with Tim DeChristopher and other coverage is available at

What would George Orwell think about this????

Please leave links to any sharing of solidarity! Let’s connect!

Agitate, Educate, and Organize ~OO~


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